


Getting Started with Oracle Tuxedo电子书

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作       者:Biru Chattopadhayay

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:167.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is packed with real world examples that cover the design and discipline of the software and service of CRMOD. If you are an architect, designer, developer or administrator looking for a quick reference guide on how to build a Tuxedo application, then this is the best guide for you. This book also helps business users to understand this technology, various features, and functionalities and relate business benefits. No prior knowledge of Tuxedo is required.

Getting Started with Oracle Tuxedo

Table of Contents

Getting Started with Oracle Tuxedo


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1. Getting Started with Tuxedo

Introduction to the distributed client/server architecture using Tuxedo

Some of the benefits of client/server technology

The history of Tuxedo

Tuxedo architecture and anatomy

Installation of Tuxedo

Hardware and software requirements

Tuxedo installation components

Installation procedures

Graphical user interface (GUI) installation

Console installation

Silent installation


2. Configuration and Administration of Tuxedo

Tuxedo administration

Responsibility of a Tuxedo administrator

Configuring and setting up a Tuxedo application

Environment variables

Configuring and structuring a Tuxedo application

The RESOURCES section

The MACHINES section

The GROUPS section

The NETWORK section

The SERVER section

The SERVICE section

The ROUTING section

The NETGROUPS section

Things to remember

Tuxedo commands

The buildclient command

The buildserver command

The buildtms command

The tmloadcf command

The tmboot command

The tmshutdown command

List of Tuxedo commands

Monitoring and changing a Tuxedo application

The command-line interface

The Tuxedo MIB application programming interface

Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)

Installing TSAM

Various administrative tasks using TSAM

Using TSAM for monitoring – quick path

The logfiles

The important features of Tuxedo


Data-dependent routing (DDR)

Horizontally partitioned

Rule-based servers

Distributed applications

Data encryption

Data compression

Load balancing

Administering the Tuxedo queue (/Q)

Configuration of resources for /Q

Creation of queue space and queues

Monitoring /Q

The Tuxedo domain

The domain configuration file

The domain gateway server

The domain administrative server

Administrative tools for the domain

Creating a domain transaction log

A brief example of how to configure and run a Tuxedo domain

Tuning the application


3. Development of Tuxedo – Various APIs

Introduction to the Application Programing Interface

Developing a Tuxedo client

Sample client code structure

Compiling the native or workstation client

Tuxedo client ATMI functions

Developing a Tuxedo server

Sample server code structure

Advertising a service

Tuxedo server ATMI functions

How to compile a server

Tuxedo buffer types

The STRING buffer

The CARRAY buffer

The VIEW buffer

The FML buffer

The XML buffer

Client/server communication paradigms



Queues (Tuxedo /Q)

Event-based communication

Transaction in Tuxedo

The XA interface and two-phase commit

Creating or initiating a transaction

Tuxedo's transactional functions

Tuxedo Transaction Log (TLOG)


4. SALT – Service Architecture Leveraging Tuxedo

Getting acquainted with SALT

The SALT gateway (GWWS) and service metadata repository server

WSDL utilities for SALT

The SCA concept and Tuxedo service

SALT installation

GUI-based installation

Installing on Windows

Installing on Unix

Console-based installation

Silent installation

Configuration of a SALT application

SCA container APIs and utilities

The buildscaclient command

The buildscacomponent command

The buildscaserver command

The GWWS command

Configuring the Tuxedo web services


The Tuxedo service metadata repository

Configuration of the native web services

Configuration of external web services

Compiling the SALT configuration

Configuring SCA components

SCA ATMI client configuration

SCA JATMI client configuration

SCA workstation client configuration

SCA web service client configuration

SCA ATMI server configuration

SCA web service server configuration

SCA client security configuration

Configuring the service contract discovery

Configuring the SALT WS-TX support

Administration of SALT

GWWS administration

Tuning the GWWS server

Thread pool size

Network timeout control

Maximum content length control

Benefits of multiple GWWS instances

Monitoring the GWWS server

Browsing to the WSDL document from the GWWS server

Administrating the SCA components

Tracing the SCA ATMI server and client

Monitoring the SCA servers

SALT programming

Web services programming

Invoking Tuxedo services (inbound) through SALT

Invoking external web services (outbound) through SALT

SCA programming

SCA client programming

SCA component server programming

SCA transactions


5. Oracle Tuxedo Joining the Exalogic Family

What is Exalogic?

Tuxedo installation on an Exalogic machine

Tuxedo configuration and runtime


Tuxedo Socket Direct Protocol support

The MP mode


Configuring GWTDOMAIN to listen on SDP

Configuring GWTDOMAIN to connect using SDP

Configuring GWTDOMAIN to listen on IPoIB

Configuring GWTDOMAIN to connect using IPoIB

The workstation listener (WSL)

The workstation (/WS) client

The jolt service listener (JSL)

The WebLogic Tuxedo connector (WTC)



Running Oracle Tuxedo

Start/stop tux_msgq_monitor

Start tux_msgq_monitor

Stop tux_msgq_monitor



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