


Creating concrete5 Themes电子书

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作       者:Remo Laubacher

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:80.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is a step-by-step tutorial with a lot of screenshots that help to explain the concept better. This book will cover the building of a 3D game for Windows Phone using XNA. We won’t explain the C# programming language itself, nor object-oriented programming. We will however explain the aspects of game development thoroughly, so don’t worry if you have never written a 3D game. We will cover all the basics, included the much dreaded math. This is the right book for anyone, regardless of age and gender, if: You are interested in game development You want to start building games for Windows Phone You have some programming knowledge In this book, we will first go over the technical topics, and end up building a 3D game for Windows Phone 7 together!

Creating concrete5 Themes

Table of Contents

Creating concrete5 Themes


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1. Getting Started

Getting your own concrete5 site

Start working with concrete5

Dashboard to manage concrete5

How to edit content

What are blocks

What is an area?

Adding and updating blocks

Publishing changes and managing versions

Managing files

Uploading files

Working with stacks

Change the layout and style of your pages, areas, and blocks

Page types

Design to customize the appearance of blocks and areas

Splitting content in different columns

Creating and managing pages

Adding a new page

Adding default blocks to page types


2. Architecture of concrete5

The file structure of concrete5

concrete5 updates

Caching for better performance

The distinction of Model-View-Controller (MVC)

The anatomy of a page

The anatomy of a block

concrete5 API and helpers


Events to hook into the core

What happens when a page is rendered

Why you might want to build a package

Basic package installer

Marketplace submission


3. Creating Your First Theme

Getting started with themes

Creating the first theme

Adding our page type template

Creating the shared header

Creating the shared footer

Adding a theme thumbnail

Installing your theme

Adding CSS files to a theme

Adding main.css

Adding typography.css

Content block styles

Performance perfection when including CSS files

Customizable styles

Adding more details

Global areas

Replacing the header area with a global area

Putting blocks in templates

Finding block properties

Templates for page types

Number of blocks per area

Background picture by page attribute

Creating the attribute to hold our picture

Assigning attribute to page type

Selecting background pictures

Working with attributes in the theme

Page-specific variables

Getting page name and description

Checking the edit mode

Getting the current page type


4. Styling Single Pages

What is a single page?

Creating our own single page

Installing single pages

Changing the single page layout

Adding view.php to your theme

Applying the theme to single pages

Overriding the single page's HTML output


5. Styling the Block Output

Overriding block templates

Additional block templates

Block templates with CSS and JavaScript

Content block in a box

Overriding blocks in packages

Changing the navigation

Working with the drop-down block template

Creating a portfolio list with filter

Adding portfolio attributes

Creating a page list filter template


6. Responsive Themes

Responsive or separate mobile websites

Responsive techniques

Media queries

How to scale pictures

Pictures on high-density screens

Viewport on small-screen devices

Navigation for small screens

Responsive layout implementation in concrete5

Responsive bootstrap CSS

Responsive drop-down navigation

Responsive sidebar navigation



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