


PrestaShop Module Development电子书

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作       者:Fabien Serny

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:98.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you are a developer who is new to PrestaShop and wants to get a good foundation in development on the PrestaShop framework, this book is for you. It's assumed that you will have some experience with PHP5, jQuery, and HTML/CSS (no need to be an expert on it).

PrestaShop Module Development

Table of Contents

PrestaShop Module Development



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1. Creating a New Module

First steps

Adding the module configuration

Making a simple configuration form


2. Hooks

Registering our module on hooks

Changing the position of your module on a hook

Using hooks to display templates

Using the database class to save comments

Displaying comments

Triggering hooks

Adding a hook

The dynamic hooks


3. Using Context and its Methods

Looking at the Context object

Using the translate method

Adding CSS and JS in your module

Checking compatibilities and dependencies

The compatibility check

The dependency check


4. Building Module Updates

Creating a database table on module installation

Deleting a table on uninstallation

Upgrading your module

Updating the module code

Adding a callback to options


5. Front Controllers, Object Models, and Overrides

Using front controllers to create a new page

Creating the front controller

Maintaining compatibility with the Friendly URL option

Creating a small action dispatcher

Displaying the product name and comments

Including CSS and JS media in the controller

Adding a pagination system

Creating routes for a module's controller

Installing overrides with modules

Creating the override class

Editing the template file to display grades on products list

Creating a new method in a native class

Using object models to create cleaner code

Creating the ObjectModel class

Using the ObjectModel class in our module

Placing all the database requests in our ObjectModel class

Using HelperForm to make a scalable form

Cleaning your code using the hook's controller


6. Admin Controllers and Hooks

Adding an admin controller

Adding and installing a new tab to your admin panel

Uninstalling the tab when the module is uninstalled

Listing comments in your admin controller

Improving the list view

Adding actions on the list view

Creating your own view template

Configuring your form view

Using back office hooks

Attaching your module to a product hook

Displaying comments in a product hook

Displaying comments associated with a customer

Making links between admin sections


7. The Carrier Module

First step to create a carrier module

Using web services

API description

Module configuration

Creating new carriers

Using web services on shipping cost calculation

Handling carrier update

Displaying relay points

Associating the chosen relay point with the cart

Displaying the customer's choice in the back office


8. The Payment Module

Creating a payment module

Creating the payment controller

Checking the currency

Validating a cart into an order

Displaying information on the order confirmation page

Creating your own order state

Associating an e-mail with an order state

Working with a third-party API

Updating the module's configuration form

Displaying the new payment method

Building the validation API controller


9. Multistore

Configuring the multistore feature on your PrestaShop

Enabling the multistore feature

Creating a new shop

Updating the MySQL table of the module

Updating the module code

Updating the ObjectModel class

Using Context in the get method

Updating the AdminController class

Using the Configuration class with multistore


10. Security and Performance

Securing your module

Protecting your module against directory listing

Forbidding direct access to class and controller files

Protecting your code against SQL injection

Protecting your templates against XSS

Verifying the data with MD5 hash

Searching for malicious code in modules

Checking for unusual e-mail sending

Checking for strange URL calls

Checking the use of eval

Checking the use of system, exec, and backquotes

Checking the use of base64_decode

Wrapping up on this section

Performance and optimization

Using Combine, Compress, and Cache

Using the cache system

Using the Smarty cache


A. Native Hooks

The list of all the dynamic hooks

Definitions of the variables


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