


VMware Horizon 6 Desktop,Virtualization Solutions电子书

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作       者:Ryan Cartwright

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:251.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you are a desktop architect, solution provider, end-user consultant, virtualization engineer, or anyone who wants to learn how to plan and design the implementation of a virtual desktop solution based on Horizon 6, then this book is for you. An understanding of VMware vSphere fundamentals coupled with experience in the installation or administration of a VMware environment would be a plus during reading.

VMware Horizon 6 Desktop Virtualization Solutions

Table of Contents

VMware Horizon 6 Desktop Virtualization Solutions



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1. Components of VMware Horizon View 6

The core components of VMware Horizon View 6

vCenter Server

View Connection Server

Types of VMware View Connection Servers

View Manager

Precreated Active Directory machine accounts

vCenter and View Composer's advanced settings

The Phone Home option

Feature Pack

View Agent

Horizon Client

Improved end user experience

Real-Time Audio-Video

View Composer (an optional component)

Understanding View Composer

Using SQL Express installation for View Composer

Snapshots and linked clones


Full provisioning versus linked clones

Types of disks for vDesktops

OS disk

Secondary OS disk

User data disk

Temp data disk

Many options of disk types and redirection

Thin provisioning versus thick provisioning

Actions for linked clones – Reset, Refresh, Recompose, and Rebalance





View Composer Array Integration (VCAI)

VMware Horizon editions


2. Solution Methodology



Assessment worksheet for VMware View desktops

Metric collection

Processing the data


Plan (define use cases)



Isolation at the data store level

Why is isolation beneficial?

vStorage API for Array Integration (VAAI)

View Storage Accelerator



VMware vSphere and View desktop pool infrastructure

Pod architecture

Application distribution infrastructure

What is a user persona?

User persona management

Connection infrastructure

End devices

People (the end user experience)

Pilot and validate

The VMware View Planner tool (formerly VMware RAWC)

Comparing storage platforms


User migration

Hand-off and manage


3. Persistent or Nonpersistent vDesktops

Persistent desktops

Example scenario

Nonpersistent desktops

Example scenario

Notes and considerations for nonpersistent vDesktops

Multisite solutions

Why is a nonpersistent vDesktop best for a multisite?

Replication (why distance and size matters)

Profiles in the cloud

A hybrid solution – persistent mixed with nonpersistent

Choosing the right solution

Knowing your end users

A note about applications

The pros and cons of both persistent and nonpersistent desktops


4. End Devices

Thick clients

Repurposing thick clients

Thin clients

Changes to thick and thin client solutions

Teradici PCoIP-powered zero clients

Other clients

Unity Touch for iPad and Android-based tablets

Choosing the proper device

A one-cable zero client solution


5. The PCoIP Protocol

Why lossless quality is important

PCoIP network fundamentals

Using PCoIP with Server Desktop Mode

Installing the Remote Desktop Services

Installing View Agent on the RDS Host

Creating an RDS farm

PCoIP connections

Multimedia redirection

The MMR perfect storm

Windows 7 support for H.264-encoded Windows Media files

Teradici APEX offload card

The offload process

Defining the offload tiers

Design considerations

PCoIP Secure Gateway


6. Sizing the VDI

Network considerations

Sizing the network

Network connection characteristics

DHCP considerations

Virtual switch considerations

Standard versus distributed switches

Port binding

Static binding

Dynamic binding

Ephemeral binding

Port binding and VMware View Composer


Compute considerations

Working with VMware vSphere maximums

Solution example – 25,000 seats of VMware View

Solution design – physical server requirements

Solution design – the pod concept

The VMware View pod design

The View pod

The View block

The Management block

Scaling desktop pool types

The architecture types for pods

Linked vCenter Servers

vCenter Servers

VMware Update Manager Servers

Solution design – pools

View Connection Servers

Solution design – the formulas


7. Building Redundancy into the VDI Solution

Physical infrastructure

VMware High Availability

Using VMware HA

Using HA with persistent vDesktops

Solutions with nonpersistent vDesktops

Using local storage

VMware Distributed Resource Scheduling


VMware vCenter Server

VMware Data Protection

vSphere High Availability

Database High Availability

Cold/Standby vCenter

View Connection Server

Installing the Replica Connection Server

Load balancing

Parent vDesktop and templates


Parent vDesktops with snapshots

User personas


8. Sizing the Storage

VMware View Composer


Snapshot and replica usage

Linked clone disk

VMware vSphere files

VMware View specific files

Tiered storage

Replica disk

Internal disk

Delta/differential disk

Disposable disk

Windows paging files

Temporary Internet files

Persistent disk

Storage overcommit

Storage overcommit level options

Storage protocols

Maximums and limits

Linked clones per datastore

Full clone desktops per datastore

32 hosts per vSphere cluster with View Composer

1,000 clones per replica

Storage I/O profile

Read/write I/O ratio

Storage tiering and I/O distribution

Disk types

VMware Virtual SAN

Capacity-sizing exercises

Sizing full clones

Scenario 1

Parent VM


Scenario 2

Sizing linked clones

Parent VM


Scenario 1

Scenario 2

vSphere 5.0 video swap


9. Security

The inherent security of VDI

Firewalls, zones, and antivirus

Firewall rules

Virtual enclaves

The jailbreak scenario

USB redirection and filtering

USB filtering on the end device

USB filtering via View Connection Server

USB filtering via the Windows operating system

Smart card authentication

Configuring smart card authentication for VMware View Connection Servers

Preparing the environment for smart card authentication

Configuring smart card authentication for VMware View Security Servers

RADIUS and two-factor authentication

Configuring the U.S. Department of Defense Common Access Card authentication

Certificate revocation configuration

Configuring the use of CRL

Configuring the use of OCSP

Configuring the use of both CRL and OCSP

SSL protocols and ciphers

Prohibiting the use of copy and paste functions

View Connection Server tags



10. Migrating User Personas

Migration of the user persona

Separating a persona from the operating environment

Folder redirection


How a profile is built – the first login

How a profile is built – subsequent logins

Roaming profiles

Using roaming profiles with folder redirection for increased performance

Other third-party solutions – Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity

View Persona Management

Horizon Mirage

Cutting over from a physical to a virtual desktop

Using VMware View user data disks

Operational considerations with user data


11. Backing Up the VMware View Infrastructure

VMware View Connection Server – ADAM Database backup

Performing a manual backup of the View database

The View Administrator console

Using the command prompt

Security Server considerations

The View Composer database

Remote Desktop Service host servers

RDS Server host templates and virtual machines

Virtual desktop templates and parent VMs

Virtual desktops

Linked clone desktops

Stateful desktops

Stateless desktops

The ThinApp repository

Persona Management

VMware vCenter

Restoring the VMware View environment

Reconciliation after recovery

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery


12. Exciting New Features in Horizon View 6

Cloud Pod Architecture

Global entitlement

Scale limits and maximums

Architectural assumptions

Overview for the setup of Cloud Pod Architecture

Setting up Cloud Pod Architecture

Step 1 – The first pod and Connection Server

Step 2 – Joining the second pod to the first pod

Step 3 – Validating the initial pod and Connection Server settings

Step 4 – Creating the first site

Step 5 – Creating the second site

Step 6 – Validating both sites

Step 7 – Adding the first pod to the first site

Step 8 – Adding the second pod to the second site

Step 9 – Validating pods in the sites

Step 10 – Creating a global pool for the local desktop pools

Step 11 – Repeating step 10 for additional global desktop entitlements

Step 12 – Validating the global pools

Step 13 – Associating Local Connection Server desktop pools with global pools

Step 14 – Repeating step 13 for additional global desktop entitlements that were created in step 11

Step 15 – Repeating step 13 for each secondary site created in step 5

Step 16 – Repeating step 15 once for each secondary site created in step 5

Step 17 – Verifying global pool membership using the first Connection Server

Step 18 – Repeating step 17 for the additional global pool defined in step 11

Step 19 – Entitling users/groups to the global pools

Step 20 – Validating your Cloud Pod Architecture configurations

Application publishing

A unified workspace

Horizon View 6 integration with Virtual SAN

VSAN requirements

View and VSAN together

How VSAN helps Horizon View

Other new features


A. Additional Tools

VMware View Planner

Workspace Assessment

The VDI calculator

VMware Hands-on Labs

VMware TV

Websites and social media


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