


Force.com Enterprise,Architecture电子书

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作       者:Andrew Fawcett

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:368.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is for advanced Force.com developers and architects who need to understand the Salesforce platform from the perspective of enterprise-level requirements. You should have an existing understanding of Apex and Visualforce. Those familiar with other enterprise software ecosystems will also find this book ideal as they adopt Force.com.

Force.com Enterprise Architecture

Table of Contents

Force.com Enterprise Architecture



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1. Building, Publishing, and Supporting Your Application

Required organizations

Introducing the book's sample application

Package types and benefits

Features and benefits of managed packages

Creating your first managed package

Setting your package namespace

Creating the package and assigning it to the namespace

Adding components to the package

Extension packages

Package dependencies and uploading

Uploading the release and beta packages

Optional package dependencies

Dynamic Apex and Visualforce

Extension packages

Introduction to AppExchange and listings

Installing and testing your package

Automating package installation

Becoming a Salesforce partner and benefits

Security review and benefits


The Licenses tab and managing customer licenses

The Subscribers tab

The Subscriber Overview page

How licensing is enforced in the subscriber org

Providing support

Customer metrics

Trialforce and Test Drive


2. Leveraging Platform Features

Packaging and upgradable components

Custom field – picklist values

Automating upgrades with the Salesforce Metadata API

Understanding the custom field features

Default field values

Encrypted fields

Lookup options, filters, and layouts

Rollup summaries and limits

Understanding the available security features

Functional security

Your code and security review considerations

Data security

Your code and security review considerations

Platform APIs

Considerations when naming objects and fields

Localization and translation



Building customizable user interfaces



E-mail customization with e-mail templates

Workflow and Flow

Social features and mobile


3. Application Storage

Mapping out end user storage requirements

Understanding the different storage types

Data storage

Columns versus rows

Visualizing your object model

Custom settings storage

File storage

Record identification, uniqueness, and auto numbering

Unique and external ID fields

Auto Number fields

Subscribers customizing the Auto Number Display Format

Record relationships

Reusing the existing Standard Objects

Importing and exporting data

Options for replicating and archiving data

External data sources


4. Apex Execution and Separation of Concerns

Execution contexts

Exploring execution contexts

Execution context and state

Execution context and security

Execution context transaction management

Apex governors and namespaces

The namespaces and governor scope

Deterministic and non-deterministic governors

Key governors for Apex package developers

Where is Apex used?

Separation of Concerns

Apex code evolution

Separating concerns in Apex

Execution context logic versus application logic concerns

Improving incremental code reuse

Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture

The Service layer

The Domain Model layer

The Data Mapper (Selector) layer

Introducing the FinancialForce.com Apex Commons library

Unit testing versus system testing

The packaging code


5. Application Service Layer

Introducing the Service layer pattern

Implementation of design guidelines

Naming conventions


Defining and passing data

Considerations when using SObjects in the Service layer interface

Transaction management

Compound services

A quick guideline checklist

Handling DML with the Unit Of Work pattern

Without a Unit Of Work

With Unit Of Work

The Unit Of Work scope

Unit Of Work special considerations

Services calling services

Contract Driven Development

Testing the Service layer

Mocking the Service layer

Calling the Service layer

Updating the FormulaForce package


6. Application Domain Layer

Introducing the Domain layer pattern

Encapsulating an object's behavior in code

Interpreting the Domain layer in Force.com

Domain classes in Apex compared to other platforms

Implementation design guidelines

Naming conventions


Defining and passing data

Transaction management

Domain class template

Implementing Domain Trigger logic

Routing trigger events to Domain class methods

Enforcing object security

Apex Trigger event handling

Defaulting field values on insert

Validation on insert

Validation on update

Implementing custom Domain logic

Object-oriented programming

Creating a compliance application framework

An Apex Interface example

Step 5 – defining a generic service

Step 6 – implementing the Domain class interface

Step 7 – the domain class factory pattern

Step 8 – implementing a generic service

Step 9 – using the generic service from a generic controller

Summarizing compliance framework implementation

Testing the Domain layer

Unit testing

Test methods using DML and SOQL

Test methods using the Domain class methods

Calling the Domain layer

Service layer interactions

Domain layer interactions

Updating the FormulaForce package


7. Application Selector Layer

Introducing the Selector layer pattern

Implementing design guidelines

Naming conventions


Record order consistency

Querying fields consistently

The Selector class template

Implementing the standard query logic

Standard features of the selectSObjectsById method



Field Sets


Implementing the custom query logic

A basic custom Selector method

A custom Selector method with sub-select

A custom Selector method with related fields

A custom Selector method with a custom data set

Combining Apex data types with SObject types

SOSL and Aggregate SOQL queries

Introducing the Selector factory

SelectorFactory methods

Usage and reasons for the newInstance method

Writing tests and the Selector layer

Mocking Selectors

Step 1 – using the Application.Selector.newInstance approach

Step 2 – applying virtual and @TestVisible

Step 3 – creating a mock Selector class

Step 4 – writing a test with Application.Selector.setMock

Which type of Selector methods cannot be mocked?

Updating the FormulaForce package


8. User Interface

What devices should you target?

Leveraging the Salesforce standard UI

Overriding the standard Salesforce UI

Hybrid standard and Visualforce UIs

Custom Buttons and Related lists

Rendering the standard UI within a Visualforce page

Translation and localization

Client communication layers

Client communication options

API governors and availability

Database transaction scope and client calls


What can I do within a Visualforce page?

Executing the code on page load with the action attribute

Caching content with the cache and the expires attributes

Creating a Download button with the contentType attribute

Overriding the language of the page with the language attribute

HTML5 and the docType attribute

Offline Visualforce pages with the manifest attribute

Generating PDF content with the renderAs attribute

Visualforce SOQL, iterator limits, and the readOnly attribute

Field-level security

Page response time and components

Demonstrating a large component tree

Considerations for managing large component trees

Client-managed state versus server-managed state

Action methods versus JavaScript Remoting

Mixing the use of action methods and JavaScript Remoting

Applying JavaScript Remoting to the Service layer

Considerations for client-side logic and Service layer logic

When should I use JavaScript Remote Objects?

Client-side alternatives to Visualforce UI components

Salesforce Aura

Custom Publisher Actions

Creating websites

Mobile strategy

Custom Reporting and the Analytics API

Updating the FormulaForce package


9. Providing Integration and Extensibility

Reviewing your integration and extensibility needs

Defining the Developer X persona


Versioning the API definition

Versioning application access through the Salesforce APIs

Versioning the API functionality

Translation and localization

Terminology and platform alignment

What are your application's integration needs?

Developer X calling your APIs on-platform

Developer X calling your APIs off-platform

SOAP versus REST

What are your applications extensibility needs?

Force.com platform APIs for integration

Application integration APIs

Providing Apex application APIs

Calling an application API from Apex

Modifying and depreciating the application API

Versioning Apex API definitions

Versioning Apex API behavior

Providing RESTful application APIs

Key aspects of being RESTful

What are your application resources?

Mapping HTTP methods

Providing REST application APIs

Calling your REST application APIs

Versioning REST APIs

Is it worth versioning Apex REST APIs?

Alignment with Force.com extensibility features

Extending the application logic with Apex Interfaces


10. Asynchronous Processing and Big Data Volumes

Creating test data for volume testing

Using the Apex script to create the Race Data object

Indexes, being selective, and query optimization

Standard and custom indexes

Ensuring queries leverage indexes

Factors affecting the use of indexes

Profiling queries

Skinny tables

Handling large result sets

Processing 50k maximum results in Apex

Processing unlimited result sets in Apex

Generating more Race Data

Leveraging Visualforce and the Apex read-only mode

Processing unlimited result sets using the Salesforce APIs

Asynchronous execution contexts

General async design considerations

Running Apex in the asynchronous mode


Batch Apex

Performance of Batch Apex jobs

Using external references in Apex DML

Volume testing


11. Source Control and Continuous Integration

Development workflow and infrastructure

Packaging org versus sandbox versus developer org

Creating and preparing your developer orgs

The developer workflow

Developing with Source Control

Populating your Source Control repository

The Ant build script to clean and build your application

Developing in developer orgs versus packaging orgs

Leveraging the Metadata API and Tooling APIs from Ant

Updating your Source Control repository

Browser-based development and Source Control

Desktop-based development and Source Control

Hooking up Continuous Integration

The Continuous Integration process

Updating the Ant build script for CI

Installing, configuring, and testing the Jenkins CI server

Exploring Jenkins and CI further

Releasing from Source Control

Automated regression testing



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