


Construct 2 Game Development by Example电子书

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8人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:John Bura

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:70.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book uses practical examples to teach readers, and imparts the key skills and techniques of working in Construct 2 through building complete game projects. This book is for complete beginners who have always wanted to learn how to make games and have never tried. It is the perfect introduction to game development, design, and production.

Construct 2 Game Development by Example

Table of Contents

Construct 2 Game Development by Example


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1. Getting Started with Construct 2

Downloading and installing Construct 2

What do the numbers mean?

Coding in Construct 2

Working with visual programming languages

Layout and event sheets



2. Inputs and Controls

Getting started with inputs and controls

Keyboard inputs

Inserting a new keyboard object

Adding functionality to the keyboard object

Setting the keyboard key

Controlling the sprite with the keyboard

Setting up the direction of the sprite's movement

Setting keys for other directions

Testing the keyboard controls

Making the sprite move constantly

Changing the sprite's speed

Keeping the sprite onscreen

Mouse inputs

Adding mouse functionality

Setting up the Every tick command

Rotating the sprite to the mouse location

Facing the sprite towards the mouse point

Touch control inputs


3. Variables and Arrays

Introducing variables

Number variables

Integer variables

Real variables

String variables

Boolean variables

Other variables

Declaring variables

Writing variables in code

Variables in JavaScript

Examining JavaScript code

Variables in Construct 2

Adding a variable

Creating a global variable

Creating a score variable

Adding a variable to a sprite

Creating a health variable

Introducing arrays

Adding an array in Construct 2

Checking an array's properties

Setting data and adding variables

Checking an array for data


4. Game Mechanics

Introducing game mechanics

Game mechanics in Construct 2

Setting up a game mechanics project

Adding a game mechanics behavior to a sprite

Giving a sprite 8Direction movement

Editing the properties of a behavior

Creating a speed power-up

Inserting the power-up object

Adding a collision event

Destroying the power-up on collision

Increasing the player sprite's speed

Setting the duration of the speed boost

Restoring the player's speed to normal


5. Making a Simple Shooter

Starting the project

Controlling a sprite with the keyboard

Organizing the event sheet

Adding mouse controls

Making the player shoot

Adding the enemy

Destroying the enemy

Adding a spawner


6. Making a Tower Defense Game

Starting the project

Creating a spawn point

Laying out the level

Setting up the turrets

Adding enemies and projectiles

Rotating the turret

Firing the turret

Setting up the path for the enemy

Setting up an enemy wave


7. Making a Puzzle Physics Game

Starting the project

Setting the background layer

Adding the cannon

Adding sprites

Adding functionalities

Rotating the cannon

Creating a cannonball

Spawning the cannonball

Creating the spawning image point

Adding physics

Applying force at an angle

Setting cannonballs to fire one at a time

Setting the viewpoint to follow the cannonball

Making an immovable ground

Reloading the cannon

Adding the blocks

Destroying the cannonball on a complete stop

Delaying cannonball destruction

Designing our level

Changing block density

Adding the goal balls

Destroying the goalBall sprite

Adding particles

Adjusting the particle settings

Adding particles when goalBall is destroyed

Tracking the score

Adding text objects to the HUD

Spawning the textbox

Correcting the spawning angle

Expanding the HUD

Anchoring the HUD to the camera

Setting up an HUD cannonball tracker

Finalizing the game

Losing the game

Restarting the game on Game Over

Winning the game


8. Exporting Your Game

Exporting games in Construct 2

Setting up a Dropbox account

Exporting to an HTML5 website

Choosing the template for your HTML5 export

Assessing the contents of the game folder

Uploading and sharing a game with Dropbox

Other places to export your game

Exporting to Chrome Web Store

Exporting to Scirra Arcade

Exporting to Kongregate

Exporting to PhoneGap

Exporting to Intel XDK

Exporting to CocoonJS

Exporting for Windows Phone 8

Exporting to Tizen

Exporting for the Amazon Appstore

Exporting for Windows 8

Exporting to Open Web App

Exporting to Node-Webkit


A. Where to Go from Here


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