


Getting Started with Beautiful Soup电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Vineeth G. Nair

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:118.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is a practical, handson guide that takes you through the techniques of web scraping using Beautiful Soup. Getting Started with Beautiful Soup is great for anybody who is interested in website scraping and extracting information. However, a basic knowledge of Python, HTML tags, and CSS is required for better understanding.

Getting Started with Beautiful Soup

Table of Contents

Getting Started with Beautiful Soup


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1. Installing Beautiful Soup

Installing Beautiful Soup

Installing Beautiful Soup in Linux

Installing Beautiful Soup using package manager

Installing Beautiful Soup using pip or easy_install

Installing Beautiful Soup using pip

Installing Beautiful Soup using easy_install

Installing Beautiful Soup in Windows

Verifying Python path in Windows

Installing Beautiful Soup using setup.py

Using Beautiful Soup without installation

Verifying the installation

Quick reference


2. Creating a BeautifulSoup Object

Creating a BeautifulSoup object

Creating a BeautifulSoup object from a string

Creating a BeautifulSoup object from a file-like object

Creating a BeautifulSoup object for XML parsing

Understanding the features argument


Accessing the Tag object from BeautifulSoup

Name of the Tag object

Attributes of a Tag object

The NavigableString object

Quick reference


3. Search Using Beautiful Soup

Searching in Beautiful Soup

Searching with find()

Finding the first producer

Explaining find()

Searching for tags

Searching for text

Searching based on regular expressions

Searching based on attribute values of a tag

Finding the first primary consumer

Searching based on custom attributes

Searching based on the CSS class

Searching using functions defined

Applying searching methods in combination

Searching with find_all()

Finding all tertiary consumers

Understanding parameters used with find_all()

Searching for Tags in relation

Searching for the parent tags

Searching for siblings

Searching for next

Searching for previous

Using search methods to scrape information from a web page

Quick reference


4. Navigation Using Beautiful Soup

Navigation using Beautiful Soup

Navigating down

Using the name of the child tag

Using predefined attributes

The .contents attribute

The .children attribute

The .descendants attribute

Special attributes for navigating down

The .string attribute

The .strings attribute

Navigating up

The .parent attribute

The .parents attribute

Navigating sideways to the siblings

The .next_sibling attribute

The .previous_sibling attribute

Navigating to the previous and next objects parsed

Quick reference


5. Modifying Content Using Beautiful Soup

Modifying Tag using Beautiful Soup

Modifying the name property of Tag

Modifying the attribute values of Tag

Updating the existing attribute value of Tag

Adding new attribute values to Tag

Deleting the tag attributes

Adding a new tag

Adding a new producer using new_tag() and append()

Creating a new tag using new_tag()

Adding a new tag using append()

Adding a new div tag to the li tag using insert()

Modifying string contents

Using .string to modify the string content

Adding strings using .append(), insert(), and new_string()

Deleting tags from the HTML document

Deleting the producer using decompose()

Deleting the producer using extract()

Deleting the contents of a tag using Beautiful Soup

Special functions to modify content

Quick reference


6. Encoding Support in Beautiful Soup

Encoding in Beautiful Soup

Understanding the original encoding of the HTML document

Specifying the encoding of the HTML document

Output encoding

Quick reference


7. Output in Beautiful Soup

Formatted printing

Unformatted printing

Output formatters in Beautiful Soup

The minimal formatter

The html formatter

The None formatter

The function formatter

Using get_text()

Quick reference


8. Creating a Web Scraper

Getting book details from PacktPub.com

Finding pages with a list of books

Finding book details

Getting selling prices from Amazon

Getting the selling price from Barnes and Noble



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