


Earth is our Business电子书

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作       者:Polly Higgins

出  版  社:M-Y Books


字       数:31.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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Earth is our Business takes forward the argument of Polly Higgins’ first book, Eradicating Ecocide. This book proposes new Earth law, but it is also about something more than law: it advocates a new form of leadership which places the health and well-being of people and planet first. Polly Higgins shows how law can provide the tools and be a bridge to a new way of doing business. She argues, in fact, that Earth is the business of us all, not the exclusive preserve of the executives of the world’s top corporations. Expanding on the proposal in her first book to make Ecocide an international crime, this book sets out the institutional framework for sustainable development and international environmental governance. It proposes new rules of the game to transform our economies, energy supplies and political landscape in a radical, but practical, way. The implications of Polly Higgins’ proposal are far-reaching and profound. Like her award-winning first book, Earth is our Business is written for anyone who is engaging in the new and emerging discourse about the future of our planet and sustainable development. Instead of merely examining the problem, Earth is our Business sets out a solution: new rules of the game. They are, says Polly Higgins, a new set of laws based on the sacredness of all life. Included as appendices are a draft Ecocide Act, a proposal for revising World Bank investment rules, and the indictment used in the mock Ecocide Trial held in the UK Supreme Court in September 2011.







Part 1: Where The World Is Currently Heading

1 The Law of Ecocide

2 The emperor has no clothes on

3 Nature as a commodity

Part 2: Shifting The Paradigm

4 Building a new business model

5 The flow of money

6 When malum in se becomes malum prohibita

Part 3: Towards A New World

7 Transitioning into a new era 93

8 Owing a duty of care

9 The significance of life

10 The end of asset stripping Earth 137


i Sample Ecocide indictment

ii Ecocide Act

iii Ecocide sentencing guidelines

iv New World Bank Assessment Rules

v Frequently asked questions


About the Author

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