

Master English in 12 Topics: Over 200 intermediate words and phrases explained
Master English in 12 Topics: Over 200 intermediate words and phrases explained
Jenny Smith
How to master English Lots of intermediate English speakers tend to get trapped using the same vocabulary over and over again. They often only speak about subjects they know the words for and avoid anything outside of their ???comfort zone???. The problem with this is that even though they sound ok, they never really get any better. If you really want to improve, you need to be able to speak about a wide range of topics. For this, you will need to learn the special vocabulary connected to these topics. What are the benefits of using this book? You will learn 235 useful words and phrases. You will be able to speak about 12 new topics with confidence. This will greatly improve your English conversational ability. All new words and phrases are introduced in fun and interesting articles and stories. So you will learn naturally. Everything is explained in easy to understand English, so you can get used to ???thinking in English???. There are 100???s of example sentences to help you understand how these words and phrases are used in everyday language. For each topic I have listed useful television shows and YouTube channels to help you practice your new vocabulary.
150 Really Useful English Phrases:For Intermediate Students Wishing to Advance.
150 Really Useful English Phrases:For Intermediate Students Wishing to Advance.
Jenny Smith
Do you want to become more fluent in English?Do you want to understand everyday language and not just ‘textbook’ English?I taught English for many years and saw that many students get stuck at the high beginner/intermediate stage. They learn the basics and then can't move forward. This problem used to really frustrate me because I had lots of excellent students who were just stuck and eventually they would give up. I thought for a long time about what was wrong and then decided that it wasn't that the student didn't have ability but that what they were studying and how they were studying was not effective.I saw that even though they had good basic English they would read textbooks full of their native language (not English). I used to think 'why are they reading all this German etc about English and not just reading English instead. I decided to see if I could fix this problem. I started assigning students homework like 'watch this English drama with subtitles and then without' or 'read a? short article every night for a month'. I found the results were amazing. My students started becoming much more fluent and confident. This convinced me that the best way to become fluent was to read or watch real English that was interesting to the students. So I started writing short stories using easy to understand English mixed with idioms and phrasal verbs that native English speakers use all the time.In this book I have added explanations in English so you don't mix up English and German in your mind. I have also included easy to understand examples which I recommend you note down in your notebook so you can remember them easily. In my opinion, learning idioms, phrasal verbs and useful phrases is the best way to move your English forward as you will be using the vocabulary that English speakers use every day. If you would like to become more fluent and understand everyday English phrases then get stated today and press the button on the top right.
Master Business English:90 Words and Phrases to Take You to the Next Level
Master Business English:90 Words and Phrases to Take You to the Next Level
Jenny Smith
Want to take your business English to the next level? Most textbooks teach the same things; presentations, speaking on the phone etc. This is great at the beginning, but if you are going to succeed, you’ll need more. You need to be able to walk into any business situation and feel seriously confident. That is why I wrote this book; to help you go from good to great. To really master business English. Learn: 90 essential words and phrases that will give you an edge in the business world. Improve by using examples: We have included many examples, so you can get a real feel for how to use these business words and phrases. Master: the language in the following essential business English topics. General business English. Start-ups. Online business. Finance. This book is the perfect stepping stone from ‘textbook’ business English to the ‘real’ language that will help you excel in the business world. If you are ready to truly advance, press the buy button and get started today.
150 Everyday Uses Of English Prepositions: Elementary to Intermediate
150 Everyday Uses Of English Prepositions: Elementary to Intermediate
Jenny Smith
The secret to speaking English perfectly This is book one of the very popular series ‘150 Everyday Uses of English Prepositions’.In this final book we take you from intermediate to advanced usage. Do you sometimes worry if your English sounds broken? If you do then you should definitely? concentrate on improving your use of prepositions. Why? Because prepositions are literally the glue that stick English together. If you are not using them properly then your English will sound broken. This book will:Help you get a higher score in TOEFL and other tests.Help you sound more fluent.Improve your listening skills.Teach you real everyday English.Give you confidence that you are using English correctly. So if you are an elementary or intermediate English learner and want to take your language skills to the next level please get a copy today and never speak ‘broken English’ again.
Live your dreams! :Stop dreaming: how to make a dream come true
Live your dreams! :Stop dreaming: how to make a dream come true
Cristina Rebiere, Olivier Rebiere
How to make your dreams come true? Here is a question that ??tortures?? many of us since we all want our dreams to come true … Isn’t it? Here is a little book that may help you navigate through the birth to the embodiment of a dream. They will show you some tools to make your dreams come true or at least show you that it is possible . The birth of this book came unexpectedly and surprisingly. I had just published my first book in the Paths to Yourself collection. It dealt with a subject that concerns many of us: how to build a healthy and lasting relationship of love or friendship? I was talking with a friend of this publication. He told me that one of his dreams was to write too, but in Thai. I replied that he can surely fulfill this dream considering that he has been speaking and writing in this language for a long time: his wife is from Laos and their language of communication is Thai. But it seemed to him a difficult dream to reach … To joke, I told him I should write a book on ??How to make one’s dreams come true??? because I have some 25 years of experience in the field … and I do not hesitate to do everything possible to realize mine. In addition, I accomplished almost all the dreams I really wanted. There is still one, still running, but which I will reveal later in this book;) . This friend told me that he would be the first to read this book if I write it one day … Putting a dream in to practice And now this new challenge, which I think will help others embody their dreams or at least part of them, has led my brain to think, almost without even wanting to, about a possible structure of this book. Barely two days passed after I had had this conversation with my friend and I was already writing it. So check out this little FREE guide to help you make your dreams come true!
《梦的心理+一个少女的日记》:西格蒙德·弗洛伊德。 《梦的心理+一个少女的日记》:1900年,弗洛伊德开始运用临床个案,致力于分析病人的各种各样的奇怪的梦。他对梦的解释,深入到人的内心深处的潜在动机。他以“性欲论”解释梦。我们现在出版的这本《梦的心理》,则是他精神分析理论体系形成过程中一个很重要的标志性出版物。德国哲学家弗洛姆曾说弗洛伊德对梦的分析,是“现代科学对梦的分析的**原创性、著名与重要的贡献”。《一个少女的日记》记述了少女丽塔从11岁到14岁半期间成长过程中的青春思绪与豆蔻情怀。书中描述了作者与父母、与家庭中其他成员,如何相处,如何更亲密。同时书中也写了作者与别人产生的友情,是如何形成与破裂的;还有,作者也写了早恋的萌芽心态,以及对初恋对象的朦胧情感;写了神秘的性意识是如何启蒙、占据青春期少女的内心世界的;写了怎样惴惴不安地解开心结,探索爱的真谛;写了蠢蠢欲动的各种年少思想;写了家庭内部不公引发作者的愤怒;写了与老师和同学间关系的处理……文字间透露着简单、明快、犀利、爱憎分明的个性,充盈着对亲情、友情、爱情的体悟和思考,揭示出家庭因素在孩童成长和日后观念形成中产生的巨大作用,对我们理解自我曾经走过的成长之路,也大有帮助。
Leviathan, Or the Matter, Forme, and Power of a Common-Wealth Ecclesiastical and
Leviathan, Or the Matter, Forme, and Power of a Common-Wealth Ecclesiastical and
Thomas Hobbes
First published in 1651, a classic of political science. According to Wikipedia: "Thomas Hobbes (1588 – 1679) was an English philosopher, remembered today for his work on political philosophy. His 1651 book Leviathan established the foundation for most of Western political philosophy from the perspective of social contract theory. Hobbes also contributed to a diverse array of fields, including history, geometry, physics of gases, theology, ethics, general philosophy, and political science. His account of human nature as self-interested cooperation has proved to be an enduring theory in the field of philosophical anthropology."
The Social Contract
The Social Contract
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
According to Wikipedia: "Of The Social Contract, Or Principles of Political Right (Du contrat social ou Principes du droit politique; 1762) by Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a book in which Rousseau theorized about the best way to establish a political community in the face of the problems of commercial society, which he had already identified in his Discourse on Inequality (1754). The Social Contract helped inspire political reforms or revolutions in Europe, especially in France. The Social Contract argued against the idea that monarchs were divinely empowered to legislate; as Rousseau asserts, only the people, who are sovereign, have that all-powerful right... Jean-Jacques Rousseau (28 June 1712 – 2 July 1778) was a Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer of the 18th century. His political philosophy influenced the French Revolution as well as the overall development of modern political, sociological, and educational thought. Rousseau's novel Emile, or On Education is a treatise on the education of the whole person for citizenship. His sentimental novel Julie, or the New Heloise was of importance to the development of pre-romanticism and romanticism in fiction. Rousseau's autobiographical writings — his Confessions, which initiated the modern autobiography, and his Reveries of a Solitary Walker — exemplified the late 18th-century movement known as the Age of Sensibility, and featured an increased focus on subjectivity and introspection that later characterized modern writing. His Discourse on Inequality and The Social Contract are cornerstones in modern political and social thought."
The Art of Balance Cheat Sheet
The Art of Balance Cheat Sheet
David J. Bookbinder
The Battle for Balance is a life and death struggle. Stay balanced, and we enjoy life to the fullest. Lose balance, and life gets hard. In The Art of Balance: Staying Sane in an Insane World, life coach and psychotherapist David J. Bookbinder shows you how to stay on top of the forces that unbalance us, recover quickly if you get knocked down, and be prepared whenever life's unbalancers throw you a curve ball.? The Art of Balance doesn't just "give a man a fish," so he can eat that day. It teaches you how to fish. Time-tested self-help tools and techniques are integrated into a system that helps you create your own tools, develop your own techniques, refine your own strategies--and thereby become the master of your destiny.This Cheat Sheet is a quick overview of the six-step system for restoring and maintaining life balance described in The Art of Balance: Staying Sane in an Insane World.
Paths to Wholeness: Selections
Paths to Wholeness: Selections
David J. Bookbinder
Most of us try to be fully present to this amazing existence we were born into, and often we can be. But sometimes, we look for help.In these selections from Paths to Wholeness: Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas, psychotherapist, photographer, and near-death survivor David J. Bookbinder brings his capacity for inspiring personal transformation to his readers. In this stunning collection of Flower Mandala images and their accompanying meditative essays and inspirational quotes, Bookbinder shows us how to find balance, build resilience, overcome fear, grant forgiveness, and love more fully. Described by one reader as "the best self-help book I've ever read" and by another as "like having a therapist in a book," Paths to Wholeness serves as a guide for successfully traversing the hills and valleys of our existence.Keep it by your bedside, thumb through it as you drift off to sleep, knowing you are not alone on your journey.TIP: For a more vivid experience of the images, try setting the background to Black.
Why It's Great to Be a Girl
Why It's Great to Be a Girl
Shannon, Jacqueline
Why It's Great to Be a Girl is a must-have for every girl from six to sixteen! Chock-full of fascinating facts, enlightening girl-knowledge, and important historical milestones even a list of great books written by women here is a guaranteed self-esteem booster for young females everywhere . . . and it's lots of fun too! After all, what girl wouldn't feel great about herself knowing that: girls hear better than boys girls drive better than boys girls' bodies are stronger than boys' in every way, except for muscles girls are less susceptible to major diseases and, according to many anthropologists and archaeologists, girls actually "civilized" humankind! So get ready for an eye-opening journey through the awesomeness of girldom with the ultimate guide to why being a girl is the ultimate in cool!
The Mills & Boon Modern Girl’s Guide to:Happy Hour:How to have Fun in Dry Januar
The Mills & Boon Modern Girl’s Guide to:Happy Hour:How to have Fun in Dry Januar
Ada Adverse
Ada Adverse was brought up in a deeply puritanical household where looking at a cake or using words containing more than one vowel were considered decadences punishable by a night in the coal cellar. But at fifteen she ran away from home and is now the world’s leading authority on Having Fun, which is definitely an actual job, she has ‘Fungineer’ printed on her business cards to prove it, though in retrospect she should have been more clear that this does not mean she specialises in mushrooms. Ada’s hobbies include topiary, mazes, homing pigeons, flea circuses, forming imaginary bands in her head, embalming things, tattoos, pylons, and the films of Billy Wilder. Ada’s dislikes include predatory mcaws, getting out the wrong side of the bed, collections of masks, and porcelain dolls with realistic teeth.
Aristotle: Poetics, Ethics, Politics, and Categories
Aristotle: Poetics, Ethics, Politics, and Categories
This file includes four books: Poetics, Ethics, Politics, and Categories. According to Wikipedia: "Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC)[1] was a Greek philosopher and polymath, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. His writings cover many subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, linguistics, politics, government, ethics, biology, and zoology. Together with Plato and Socrates (Plato's teacher), Aristotle is one of the most important founding figures in Western philosophy. Aristotle's writings were the first to create a comprehensive system of Western philosophy, encompassing morality, aesthetics, logic, science, politics, and metaphysics."
The Major Operations of the Navies in the War of American Independence
The Major Operations of the Navies in the War of American Independence
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Classic work of American history. According to Wikipedia: "Alfred Thayer Mahan (September 27, 1840 - December 1, 1914) was a United States Navy officer, geostrategist, and educator. His ideas on the importance of sea power influenced navies around the world, and helped prompt naval buildups before World War I. Several ships were named USS Mahan, including the lead vessel of a class of destroyers. His research into naval History led to his most important work, The Influence of Seapower Upon History,1660-1783, published in 1890."
According to Wikipedia: "The Dhammapada is a versified Buddhist scripture traditionally ascribed to the Buddha himself. It is one of the best-known texts from the Theravada canon. The title, Dhammapada, is a compound term composed of dhamma and pada, each word having a number of denotations and connotations. Generally, dhamma can refer to the Buddha's "doctrine" or an "eternal truth" or "righteousness" or all "phenomena"; and, at its root, pada means "foot" and thus by extension, especially in this context, means either "path" or "verse" (cf. "prosodic foot") or both."
The Life, Crimes, and Capture of John Wilkes Booth
The Life, Crimes, and Capture of John Wilkes Booth
George Alfred Townsend
Account of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, first published in 1865. According to Wikipedia: "George Alfred Townsend (January 30, 1841 – April 15, 1914), was a noted war correspondent during the American Civil War, and a later novelist. Townsend wrote under the pen name "Gath", which was derived by adding an "H" to his initials, and inspired by the biblical passage II Samuel 1:20, "Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askalon"... He is considered to have been the youngest correspondent of the war. In 1865, Townsend was Washington correspondent for the New York World, covering the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and its aftermath. His daily reports filed between April 17 – May 17 were published later in 1865 as a book, The Life, Crime, and Capture of John Wilkes Booth."
Mastering PyCharm
Mastering PyCharm
Quazi Nafiul Islam
Use PyCharm with fluid efficiency to write idiomatic python codeAbout This BookUnderstand how PyCharm works and how you can leverage its strength to develop applications quicklyMaster PyCharm’s editor to get a fast workflowFull of examples and illustrations that focus on the practical aspects of using PyCharm Who This Book Is For If you know PyCharm but want to understand it better and leverage its more powerful but less obvious tool set, this is the book for you. Serving as a launch pad for those who want to master PyCharm and completely harness its best features, it would be helpful if you were familiar with some of Python’s most prominent tools such as virtualenv and Python’s popular docstring formats such as reStructuredText and EpyType.What You Will LearnUnderstand the internal workings of the IntelliJ PlatformLeverage PyCharm’s powerful search tools, and learn which ones are the best for you and your workflowCustomize PyCharm’s enhanced Python interpreter and its inbuilt terminalDevelop web applications quickly and easily with different frameworks such as Flask and DjangoUnderstand how code completion works in PyCharm for Python and JavaScript In Detail PyCharm is addictive, with powerful and configurable code completion, superb editing tools, top-notch support, diverse plugins, and a vibrant ecosystem to boot. Learning how PyCharm works and maximising the synergy of its powerful tools will help you to rapidly develop applications. From leveraging the power of the editor to understanding PyCharm's internals, this book will give you a comprehensive view of PyCharm and allow you to make your own choices about which workflow and tools are best for you. You will start by getting comfortable with PyCharm and making it look exactly like you want. You can customize the tools and taskbars to suit individual developers' coding styles. You also learn how to assign keyboard shortcuts. You will master debugging by inserting breakpoints, collecting runtime data, and debugging from the console. You will understand how PyCharm works underneath and how plugins such as Codemap, Vim, Bitbucket, Assets compressor, markdown, bash file, shortcut translator, and .gitignore leverage the power of the IntelliJ platform. You will become comfortable using the VCS interface in PyCharm and see the benefits of using it for some simple tasks as well as some more complex tasks such as partial commits using changelists. You will take an in-depth look at the various tools in PyCharm, improving your workflow drastically. Finally, you will deploy powerful PyCharm tools for Django, Flask, GAE, and Pyramid Development, becoming well acquainted with PyCharm’s toolset for web development with popular platforms. Packed with insider tricks, this book will help you boost productivity with PyCharm.Style and approach An easy-to-follow guide with plenty of examples and screenshots. Each topic starts off with the goal of enhancing or changing a part of PyCharm to make it suit your needs.
The Teaching Of Reality
The Teaching Of Reality
Warwick Jessup
The Teaching of Reality is, as far as we know, the first translation into English of Tattvopade?a, a work attributed to the great spiritual teacher ?ankara. The text reveals the full significance of the great sentence ‘You are That’ (tat twam asi), which is said to convey the essence of the entire teaching of the Upanishads and to be the key to Advaita, the philosophy of non-duality. The reader is led through a systematic process enabling the real Self to be realised in practice.
The 13th Disciple
The 13th Disciple
Chopra, Deepak
From Deepak Chopra comes a spiritual adventure story about Christ's forgotten disciple, an ancient mystery school, and the timeless power of faith.Before suddenly disappearing from her cloister, Sister Margaret Thomas McGeary leaves behind a solid gold reliquary, which her niece Mare dis-covers tucked away among Sister Margaret's belongings. This is from the thirteenth disciple, a handwritten note says, follow it where it leads, setting into motion a millennia-old mystery about the final and truest disciple of Christ. As Mare searches for her lost aunt, she begins to realize that the reliquary contains a secret that could very well change the history of Christianity and forever redefine what it means to be a person of faith.Joining Mare in her quest is a ragtag and reluctant group of sinners and skeptics Frank, a journalist eager to break the story; Lilith, an eccentric mother of two who knows more than she's letting on; Galen, a misanthrope with a hidden past; and Jimmy, a hospital orderly whose faith sustains him even in the darkest hours. Together, they try to make sense of the reliquary and its mysterious contents. But are they ready for what they learn about the reliquary or themselvesWeaving together masterful storytelling, page-turning intrigue, and biblical and religious scholarship, Deepak Chopra reveals illuminating truths about Jesus, his followers, and, ultimately, belief itself. Like his previous New York Times bestselling novels Buddha and Jesus, The 13th Disciple invites readers to know and experience religion in a new and breathtaking way.
History of the Wars and Conquests of Alexander the Great
History of the Wars and Conquests of Alexander the Great
According to Wikipedia: "Arrian of Nicomedia (c. AD c. 86 – c. 160) was a Greek historian, public servant, military commander and philosopher of the Roman period. The Anabasis of Alexander is perhaps his best-known work, and is generally considered one of the best sources on the campaigns of Alexander the Great. Its title and style are designed to evoke the Anabasis by Xenophon, for which reason Arrian became known by the surname Xenophon after the older author. Arrian's other works include Discourses of Epictetus and Indica."
The Call of Cthulhu
The Call of Cthulhu
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
"The Call of Cthulhu" is one of H. P. Lovecraft's best-known short stories. Written in the summer of 1926, it was first published in Weird Tales, February 1928. It is the only story written by Lovecraft in which the extraterrestrial entity Cthulhu himself makes a major appearance. It is written in a documentary style, with three independent narratives linked together by the device of a narrator discovering notes left by a deceased relative. The narrator pieces together the whole truth and disturbing significance of the information he possesses, illustrating the story's first line: "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity; and it was not meant that we should voyage far."
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