


RESTful Java Web Services - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Jobinesh Purushothaman

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:324.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Design scalable and robust RESTful web services with JAX-RS and Jersey extension APIs About This Book Get to grips with the portable Java APIs used for JSON processing Design solutions to produce, consume, and visualize RESTful web services using WADL, RAML, and Swagger A step-by-step guide packed with many real-life use-cases to help you build efficient and secure RESTful web APIs in Java Who This Book Is For If you are a web developer with a basic understanding of the REST concepts but are new to the idea of designing and developing RESTful web services, this is the book for you. As all the code samples for the book are written in Java, proficiency in Java is a must. What You Will Learn Introduce yourself to the RESTful software architectural style and the REST API design principles Make use of the JSR 353 APIs and Jackson API for JSON processing Build portable RESTful web APIs, making use of the JAX-RS 2.0 API Simplify API development using the Jersey extension APIs Secure your RESTful web services with various authentication and authorization mechanisms Get to grips with the various metadata solutions to describe, produce, and consume RESTful web services Understand the design and coding guidelines to build well-performing RESTful APIs See how the role of RESTful web services changes with emerging technologies and trends In Detail REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is a simple yet powerful software architecture style to create scalable web services and allow them to be simple, lightweight, and fast. The REST API uses HTTP and JSON, so that it can be used with many programming languages such as Ruby, Java, Python, and Scala. Its use in Java seems to be the most popular though, because of the API's reusability. This book is a guide to developing RESTful web services in Java using the popular RESTful framework APIs available today. You will begin with gaining an in-depth knowledge of the RESTful software architectural style and its relevance in modern applications. Further, you will understand the APIs to parse, generate, transform, and query JSON effectively. Then, you will see how to build a simple RESTful service using the popular JAX-RS 2.0 API along with some real-world examples. This book will introduce you to the Jersey framework API, which is used to simplify your web services. You will also see how to secure your services with various authentication mechanisms. You will get to grips with various solutions to describe, produce, consume, and visualize RESTful web services. Finally, you will see how to design your web services to equip them for the future technological advances, be it Cloud or mobile computing. By the end of this book, you will be able to efficiently build robust, scalable, and secure RESTful web services, making use of the JAX-RS and Jersey framework extensions. Style and approach This book is written as a step-by-step guide to designing and developing robust RESTful web services. Each topic is explained in a simple and easy-to-understand manner with lots of real-life use-cases and their solutions.

RESTful Java Web Services Second Edition

Table of Contents

RESTful Java Web Services Second Edition


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1. Introducing the REST Architectural Style

The REST architectural style

Introducing HTTP

HTTP versions

Understanding the HTTP request-response model

Uniform resource identifier

Understanding the HTTP request methods

Representing content types using HTTP header fields

HTTP status codes

The evolution of RESTful web services

The core architectural elements of a RESTful system



The representation of resources

Generic interaction semantics for REST resources

The HTTP GET method

The HTTP POST method

The HTTP PUT method

The HTTP DELETE method

Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State

Description and discovery of RESTful web services

Java tools and frameworks for building RESTful web services


2. Java APIs for JSON Processing

A brief overview of JSON

Understanding the JSON data syntax

Basic data types available with JSON

A sample JSON file representing employee objects

Processing JSON data

Using JSR 353 – Java API for processing JSON

Processing JSON with JSR 353 object model APIs

Generating the object model from the JSON representation

Generating the JSON representation from the object model

Processing JSON with JSR 353 streaming APIs

Using streaming APIs to parse JSON data

Using streaming APIs to generate JSON

Using the Jackson API for processing JSON

Processing JSON with Jackson tree model APIs

Using Jackson tree model APIs to query and update data

Processing JSON with Jackson data binding APIs

Simple Jackson data binding with generalized objects

Full Jackson data binding with specialized objects

Processing JSON with Jackson streaming APIs

Using Jackson streaming APIs to parse JSON data

Using Jackson streaming APIs to generate JSON

Using the Gson API for processing JSON

Processing JSON with object model APIs in Gson

Generating the object model from the JSON representation

Generating the parameterized Java collection from the JSON representation

Generating the JSON representation from the object model

Processing JSON with Gson streaming APIs

Reading JSON data with Gson streaming APIs

Writing JSON data with Gson streaming APIs


3. Introducing the JAX-RS API

An overview of JAX-RS

JAX-RS annotations

Specifying the dependency of the JAX-RS API

Using JAX-RS annotations to build RESTful web services

Annotations for defining a RESTful resource


Specifying the @Path annotation on a resource class

Specifying the @Path annotation on a resource class method

Specifying variables in the URI path template

Restricting values for path variables with regular expressions

Annotations for specifying request-response media types



Annotations for processing HTTP request methods







Annotations for accessing request parameters











Returning additional metadata with responses

Understanding data binding rules in JAX-RS

Mapping the path variable with Java types

Mapping the request and response entity body with Java types

Using JAXB to manage the mapping of the request and response entity body to Java objects

Building your first RESTful web service with JAX-RS

Setting up the environment

Building a simple RESTful web service application using NetBeans IDE

Adding CRUD operations on the REST resource class

Client APIs for accessing RESTful web services

Specifying a dependency of the JAX-RS client API

Calling REST APIs using the JAX-RS client

Simplified client APIs for accessing REST APIs


4. Advanced Features in the JAX-RS API

Understanding subresources and subresource locators in JAX-RS

Subresources in JAX-RS

Subresource locators in JAX-RS

Exception handling in JAX-RS

Reporting errors using ResponseBuilder

Reporting errors using WebApplicationException

Reporting errors using application exceptions

Mapping exceptions to a response message using ExceptionMapper

Introducing validations in JAX-RS applications

A brief introduction to Bean Validation

Building custom validation constraints

What happens when Bean Validation fails in a JAX-RS application?

Supporting custom request-response message formats

Building a custom entity provider

Marshalling Java objects to the CSV representation with MessageBodyWriter

Marshalling CSV representation to Java objects with MessageBodyReader

Asynchronous RESTful web services

Asynchronous RESTful web service client

Managing HTTP cache in a RESTful web service

Using the Expires header to control the validity of the HTTP cache

Using Cache-Control directives to manage the HTTP cache

Conditional request processing with the Last-Modified HTTP response header

Conditional request processing with the ETag HTTP response header

Conditional data update in RESTFul web services

Understanding filters and interceptors in JAX-RS

Modifying request and response parameters with JAX-RS filters

Implementing server-side request message filters

Postmatching server-side request message filters

Prematching server-side request message filters

Implementing server-side response message filters

Implementing client-side request message filters

Implementing client-side response message filters

Modifying request and response message bodies with JAX-RS interceptors

Implementing request message body interceptors

Implementing response message body interceptors

Managing the order of execution for filters and interceptors

Selectively applying filters and interceptors on REST resources by using @NameBinding

Dynamically applying filters and interceptors on REST resources using DynamicFeature

Understanding the JAX-RS resource lifecycle


5. Introducing the Jersey Framework Extensions

Specifying dependencies for Jersey

Programmatically configuring JAX-RS resources during deployment

A quick look at the static resource configurations

Modifying JAX-RS resources during deployment using ModelProcessor

What is Jersey ModelProcessor and how does it work?

A brief look at the ModelProcessor interface

Building Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS) APIs

Formats for specifying JSON REST API hypermedia links

Programmatically building entity body links using JAX-RS APIs

Programmatically building header links using JAX-RS APIs

Declaratively building links using Jersey annotations

Specifying the dependency to use Jersey declarative linking

Enable Jersey declarative linking feature for the application

Declaratively adding links to resource representation

Grouping multiple links using @InjectLinks

Declaratively building HTTP link headers using @InjectLinks

Reading and writing binary large objects using Jersey APIs

Building RESTful web service for storing images

Building RESTful web service for reading images

Generating chunked output using Jersey APIs

Jersey client API for reading chunked input

Supporting Server Sent Event in RESTful web services

Understanding the Jersey server-side configuration properties

Monitoring RESTful web services using Jersey APIs


6. Securing RESTful Web Services

Securing and authenticating web services

HTTP basic authentication

Building JAX-RS clients with basic authentication

Securing JAX-RS services with basic authentication

Configuring JAX-RS application for basic authentication

Defining groups and users in the GlassFish server

HTTP digest authentication

Securing RESTful web services with OAuth

Understanding the OAuth 1.0 protocol

Building the OAuth 1.0 client using Jersey APIs

Understanding the OAuth 2.0 protocol

Understanding the grant types in OAuth 2.0

Building the OAuth 2.0 client using Jersey APIs

Authorizing the RESTful web service accesses via the security APIs

Using SecurityContext APIs to control access

Using the javax.annotation.security annotations to control access with the Jersey framework

Using Jersey's role-based entity data filtering

Input validation


7. The Description and Discovery of RESTful Web Services

Introduction to RESTful web services

Web Application Description Language

An overview of the WADL structure

Generating WADL from JAX-RS

Generating the Java client from WADL

Market adoption of WADL

RESTful API Modeling Language

An overview of the RAML structure

Generating RAML from JAX-RS

Generating RAML from JAX-RS via CLI

Generating JAX-RS from RAML

Generating JAX-RS from RAML via CLI

A glance at the market adoption of RAML


A quick overview of Swagger's structure

An overview of Swagger APIs

Generating Swagger from JAX-RS

Specifying dependency to Swagger

Configuring the Swagger definition

Adding Swagger annotations on a JAX-RS resource class

Generating Java client from Swagger

A glance at the market adoption of Swagger

Revisiting the features offered in WADL, RAML, and Swagger


8. RESTful API Design Guidelines

Identifying resources in a problem domain

Transforming operations to HTTP methods

Understanding the difference between PUT and POST

Naming RESTful web resources

Fine-grained and coarse-grained resource APIs

Using header parameter for content negotiation

Multilingual RESTful web API resources

Representing date and time in RESTful web resources

Implementing partial response

Implementing partial update

Returning modified resources to the caller

Paging resource collection

Implementing search and sort operations

Using HATEOAS in response representation

Hypertext Application Language

RFC 5988 – Web Linking

Versioning RESTful web APIs

Including the version in resource URI – the URI versioning

Including the version in a custom HTTP request header – HTTP header versioning

Including the version in a HTTP Accept header – the media type versioning

Hybrid approach for versioning APIs

Caching RESTful web API results

HTTP Cache-Control directive

HTTP conditional requests

Using HTTP status codes in RESTful web APIs

Overriding HTTP methods

Documenting RESTful web APIs

Asynchronous execution of RESTful web APIs

Microservice architecture style for RESTful web applications

Using Open Data Protocol with RESTful web APIs

A quick look at OData

URI convention for OData-based REST APIs

Reading resources

Querying data

Modifying data

Relationship operations


A. Useful Features and Techniques

Tools for building a JAX-RS application

Integration testing of JAX-RS resources with Arquillian

Adding Arquillian dependencies to the Maven-based project

Configuring the container for running tests

Adding Arquillian test classes to the project

Running Arquillian tests

Implementing PATCH support in JAX-RS resources

Defining the @PATCH annotation

Defining a resource method to handle HTTP PATCH requests

Using third-party entity provider frameworks with Jersey

Transforming the JPA model in to OData-enabled RESTful web services

Packaging and deploying JAX-RS applications

Packaging JAX-RS applications with an Application subclass

Packaging the JAX-RS applications with web.xml and an Application subclass

Configuring web.xml for a servlet 2.x container

Configuring web.xml for a Servlet 3.x container

Packaging the JAX-RS applications with web.xml and without an Application subclass

Configuring web.xml for the servlet 2.x container

Configuring web.xml for the servlet 3.x container



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