


Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Juned Ahmed Ansari

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:400.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build your defense against web attacks with Kali Linux 2.0 About This Book Gain a deep understanding of the flaws in web applications and exploit them in a practical manner Get hands-on web application hacking experience with a range of tools in Kali Linux 2.0 Develop the practical skills required to master multiple tools in the Kali Linux 2.0 toolkit Who This Book Is For If you are already working as a network penetration tester and want to expand your knowledge of web application hacking, then this book tailored for you. Those who are interested in learning more about the Kali Sana tools that are used to test web applications will find this book a thoroughly useful and interesting guide. What You Will Learn Set up your lab with Kali Linux 2.0 Identify the difference between hacking a web application and network hacking Understand the different techniques used to identify the flavor of web applications Expose vulnerabilities present in web servers and their applications using server-side attacks Use SQL and cross-site *ing (XSS) attacks Check for XSS flaws using the burp suite proxy Find out about the mitigation techniques used to negate the effects of the Injection and Blind SQL attacks In Detail Kali Linux 2.0 is the new generation of the industry-leading BackTrack Linux penetration testing and security auditing Linux distribution. It contains several hundred tools aimed at various information security tasks such as penetration testing, forensics, and reverse engineering. At the beginning of the book, you will be introduced to the concepts of hacking and penetration testing and will get to know about the tools used in Kali Linux 2.0 that relate to web application hacking. Then, you will gain a deep understanding of SQL and command injection flaws and ways to exploit the flaws. Moving on, you will get to know more about *ing and input validation flaws, AJAX, and the security issues related to AJAX. At the end of the book, you will use an automated technique called fuzzing to be able to identify flaws in a web application. Finally, you will understand the web application vulnerabilities and the ways in which they can be exploited using the tools in Kali Linux 2.0. Style and approach This step-by-step guide covers each topic with detailed practical examples. Every concept is explained with the help of illustrations using the tools available in Kali Linux 2.0.

Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux Second Edition

Table of Contents

Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux Second Edition


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1. Introduction to Penetration Testing and Web Applications

Proactive security testing

Who is a hacker?

Different testing methodologies

Ethical hacking

Penetration testing

Vulnerability assessment

Security audits

Rules of engagement

Black box testing or Gray box testing

Client contact details

Client IT team notifications

Sensitive data handling

Status meeting

The limitations of penetration testing

The need for testing web applications

Social engineering attacks

Training employees to defeat social engineering attacks

A web application overview for penetration testers

HTTP protocol

Request and response header

The request header

The response header

Important HTTP methods for penetration testing

The GET/POST method

The HEAD method

The TRACE method

The PUT and DELETE methods

The OPTIONS method

Session tracking using cookies


Cookie flow between server and client

Persistent and non-persistent cookies

Cookie parameters

HTML data in HTTP response

Multi-tier web application


2. Setting up Your Lab with Kali Linux

Kali Linux

Improvements in Kali Linux 2.0

Installing Kali Linux

USB mode

VMware and ARM images of Kali Linux

Kali Linux on Amazon cloud

Installing Kali Linux on a hard drive

Kali Linux-virtualizing versus installing on physical hardware

Important tools in Kali Linux

Web application proxies

Burp proxy

Customizing client interception

Modifying requests on the fly

Burp proxy with SSL-based websites

WebScarab and Zed Attack Proxy


Web vulnerability scanner



Web Crawler – Dirbuster


Database exploitation

CMS identification tools

Web application fuzzers

Using Tor for penetration testing

Steps to set up Tor and connect anonymously

Visualization of a web request through Tor

Final words for Tor


3. Reconnaissance and Profiling the Web Server


Passive reconnaissance versus active reconnaissance

Reconnaissance – information gathering

Domain registration details

Whois – extracting domain information

Identifying hosts using DNS

Zone transfer using dig

Brute force DNS records using Nmap

The Recon-ng tool – a framework for information gathering

Domain enumeration using recon-ng

Sub-level and top-level domain enumeration

Reporting modules

Scanning – probing the target

Port scanning using Nmap

Different options for port scan

Evading firewalls and IPS using Nmap

Spotting a firewall using back checksum option in Nmap

Identifying the operating system using Nmap

Profiling the server

Application version fingerprinting

The Nmap version scan

The Amap version scan

Fingerprinting the web application framework

The HTTP header

The Whatweb scanner

Identifying virtual hosts

Locating virtual hosts using search engines

The virtual host lookup module in Recon-ng

Identifying load balancers

Cookie-based load balancer

Other ways of identifying load balancers

Scanning web servers for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations

Identifying HTTP methods using Nmap

Testing web servers using auxiliary modules in Metasploit

Automating scanning using the WMAP web scanner plugin

Vulnerability scanning and graphical reports – the Skipfish web application scanner

Spidering web applications

The Burp spider

Application login


4. Major Flaws in Web Applications

Information leakage

Directory browsing

Directory browsing using DirBuster

Comments in HTML code


Authentication issues

Authentication protocols and flaws

Basic authentication

Digest authentication

Integrated authentication

Form-based authentication

Brute forcing credentials

Hydra – a brute force password cracker

Path traversal

Attacking path traversal using Burp proxy


Injection-based flaws

Command injection

SQL injection

Cross-site scripting

Attack potential of cross-site scripting attacks

Cross-site request forgery

Session-based flaws

Different ways to steal tokens

Brute forcing tokens

Sniffing tokens and man-in-the-middle attacks

Stealing session tokens using XSS attack

Session token sharing between application and browser

Tools to analyze tokens

Session fixation attack

Mitigation for session fixation

File inclusion vulnerability

Remote file include

Local file include

Mitigation for file inclusion attacks

HTTP parameter pollution


HTTP response splitting



5. Attacking the Server Using Injection-based Flaws

Command injection

Identifying parameters to inject data

Error-based and blind command injection

Metacharacters for command separator

Scanning for command injection

Creating a cookie file for authentication

Executing Wapiti

Exploiting command injection using Metasploit

PHP shell and Metasploit

Exploiting shellshock

Overview of shellshock

Scanning – dirb

Exploitation – Metasploit

SQL injection

SQL statements

The UNION operator

The SQL query example

Attack potential of the SQL injection flaw

Blind SQL injection

SQL injection testing methodology

Scanning for SQL injection

Information gathering

Sqlmap – automating exploitation

BBQSQL – the blind SQL injection framework

Sqlsus – MySQL injection

Sqlninja – MS SQL injection


6. Exploiting Clients Using XSS and CSRF Flaws

The origin of cross-site scripting

Introduction to JavaScript

An overview of cross-site scripting

Types of cross-site scripting

Persistent XSS

Reflected XSS

DOM-based XSS

Defence against DOM-based XSS

XSS using the POST Method

XSS and JavaScript – a deadly combination

Cookie stealing

Key logger

Website defacing

Scanning for XSS flaws

Zed Attack Proxy

Scoping and selecting modes

Modes of operation

Scan policy and attack





Graphical interface

Cross-site request forgery

Attack dependencies

Attack methodology

Testing for CSRF flaws

CSRF mitigation techniques


7. Attacking SSL-based Websites

Secure socket layer

SSL in web applications

SSL encryption process

Asymmetric encryption versus symmetric encryption

Asymmetric encryption algorithms

Symmetric encryption algorithm

Hashing for message integrity

Identifying weak SSL implementations

OpenSSL command-line tool



Testing SSL configuration using Nmap

SSL man-in-the-middle attack

SSL MITM tools in Kali Linux



SSL stripping limitations


8. Exploiting the Client Using Attack Frameworks

Social engineering attacks

Social engineering toolkit

Spear-phishing attack

Website attack

Java applet attack

Credential harvester attack

Web jacking attack

Metasploit browser exploit

Tabnabbing attack

Browser exploitation framework

Introducing BeEF

BeEF hook injection

Browser reconnaissance

Exploit modules

Host information gathering

Persistence module

Network recon

Inter-protocol exploitation and communication

Exploiting the mutillidae XSS flaw using BeEF

Injecting the BeEF hook using MITM


9. AJAX and Web Services – Security Issues

Introduction to AJAX

Building blocks of AJAX

The AJAX workflow

AJAX security issues

Increase in attack surface

Exposed programming logic of the application

Insufficient access control

Challenges of pentesting AJAX applications

Crawling AJAX applications

AJAX crawling tool



Analyzing client-side code – Firebug

The Script panel

The Console panel

The Network panel

Web services

Introducing SOAP and RESTful web services

Securing web services

Insecure direct object reference vulnerability


10. Fuzzing Web Applications

Fuzzing basics

Types of fuzzing techniques

Mutation fuzzing

Generation fuzzing

Applications of fuzzing

Network protocol fuzzing

File fuzzing

User interface fuzzing

Web application fuzzing

Web browser fuzzing

Fuzzer frameworks

Fuzzing steps

Testing web applications using fuzzing

Fuzzing input in web applications

Request URI


Form fields

Detecting result of fuzzing

Web application fuzzers in Kali Linux

Fuzzing using Burp intruder

PowerFuzzer tool



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