


Amazon S3 Essentials电子书

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作       者:Sunil Gulabani

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:18.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Get started with Amazon S3 for virtually unlimited cloud and Internet storageAbout This BookFamiliarize yourself with the concepts of Amazon S3Understand basic operations of bucket, folders, and objects using Amazon S3 SDK JavaLeverage the power of Amazon S3 to effectively store and retrieve data Who This Book Is For This book is intended for System Engineers/ Developers, Software Architects, Project managers, and users who want to explore Amazon S3 SDK Java. If you want to learn about Amazon S3 quickly, then this book is for you. Basic knowledge of Java programming is expected.What You Will LearnStart with the basic concepts of Amazon S3 to get you goingUse Copy Object and Multipart Copy Object for objects of different sizesUnderstand how to use the amazon management console for Amazon S3Learn how to use the AWS SDK of Java and consume the Amazon S3Get to grips with managing the bucket life cycleConfigure CORS to share resources to a different domainDiscover how to develop and deploy the static website on Amazon S3 using different services of Amazon In Detail Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), provides developers and IT teams with secure, durable, and highly-scalable object storage. Amazon S3 is easy to use, with a simple web services interface to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web. S3 is automatically web scalable and responds to the requirements of your application and traffic, and therefore offers a key element to help companies deal dynamically with any spike in traffic for their application (such as a free e-book offer). This book starts with the basics of the Amazon S3 and its features, and you will quickly get an understanding how to use the Amazon Management Console for Amazon S3 which is the simplest way to manage Amazon S3. Next, we will cover basic operations on bucket, folder, objects. Once the basic operations are understood, you will know how to use Amazon S3 using Java SDK. Following that, you will learn about Copy Objects and Multipart copy objects for large objects size. You will also learn to manage the life cycle of bucket and how to share resources to the different domain by configuring CORS. The book will then guide you through the development and deployment of a static website on Amazon S3 using different services of Amazon. By the end of the book, you will be able to create a scalable application using Amazon S3.Style and approach This fast-paced book is a pragmatic guide to writing Amazon S3 applications. Each chapter is blended beautifully with lucid concepts and pertinent examples.

Amazon S3 Essentials

Table of Contents

Amazon S3 Essentials


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1. Know-How about S3

The need for S3 and its advantages

Basic concepts of Amazon S3




Features of Amazon S3

Case studies

Use cases


2. S3 using the AWS Management Console

Logging in to the AWS Management Console

Bucket operations

Folder operations

Object operations

Use Reduced Redundancy Storage

Use Server Side Encryption



3. S3 using AWS SDK – Java (Part 1)


The AWS SDK for Java

The access key and secret key

Creating a group and attaching the AmazonS3FullAccess policy


Using BasicAWSCredentials

Using ProfileCredentialsProvider


Creating a bucket

Creating a bucket with versioning

Creating a bucket with logging



Uploading a file to a bucket

Uploading a file to a folder

Listing of bucket, folder, and objects

Delete operations


4. S3 using AWS SDK – Java (Part 2)

Copying objects

Bucket lifecycle

Cross-origin Resource Sharing


5. Deploying a Website on S3

Website configuration using the Amazon S3 Java SDK

Mapping a custom domain with website configuration in Amazon S3



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