


Learning Python Application Development电子书

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作       者:Ninad Sathaye

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:413.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Take Python beyond *ing to build robust, reusable, and efficient applications About This Book Get to grips with Python techniques that address commonly encountered problems in general application development. Develop, package, and deploy efficient applications in a fun way. All-practical coverage of the major areas of application development, including best practices, exception handling, testing, refactoring, design patterns, performance, and GUI application development. Who This Book Is For Do you know the basics of Python and object oriented programmingDo you want to go an extra mile and learn techniques to make your Python application robust, extensible, and efficientThen this book is for you. What You Will Learn Build a robust application by handling exceptions. Modularize, package, and release the source distribution. Document the code and implement coding standards. Create automated tests to catch bugs in the early development stage. Identify and re-factor badly written code to improve application life. Detect recurring problems in the code and apply design patterns. Improve code efficiency by identifying performance bottlenecks and fixing them. Develop simple GUI applications using Python. In Detail Python is one of the most widely used dynamic programming languages, supported by a rich set of libraries and frameworks that enable rapid development. But fast paced development often comes with its own baggage that could bring down the quality, performance, and extensibility of an application. This book will show you ways to handle such problems and write better Python applications. From the basics of simple command-line applications, develop your skills all the way to designing efficient and advanced Python apps. Guided by a light-hearted fantasy learning theme, overcome the real-world problems of complex Python development with practical solutions. Beginning with a focus on robustness, packaging, and releasing application code, you’ll move on to focus on improving application lifetime by making code extensible, reusable, and readable. Get to grips with Python refactoring, design patterns and best practices. Techniques to identify the bottlenecks and improve performance are covered in a series of chapters devoted to performance, before closing with a look at developing Python GUIs. Style and approach The book uses a fantasy game theme as a medium to explain various topics. Specific aspects of application development are explained in different chapters. In each chapter the reader is presented with an interesting problem which is then tackled using hands-on examples with easy-to-follow instructions.

Learning Python Application Development

Table of Contents

Learning Python Application Development



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1. Developing Simple Applications

Important housekeeping notes

Installation prerequisites

Installing Python

Option 1 – official distribution

Option 2 – bundled distribution

Python install location

Unix-like operating systems

Windows OS

Verifying Python installation

Installing pip

Installing IPython

Choosing an IDE

The theme of the book

Meet the characters

Simple script – Attack of the Orcs v0.0.1

The game – Attack of the Orcs v0.0.1

Problem statement

Pseudo code – version 0.0.1

Reviewing the code

Running Attack of the Orcs v0.0.1

Using functions – Attack of the Orcs v0.0.5

Revisiting the previous version

Pseudo code with attack feature – Version 0.0.5

Reviewing the code

Running Attack of the Orcs v0.0.5

Using OOP – Attack of the Orcs v1.0.0

Prioritize the feature requests

Problem statement

Redesigning the code

Painting the big picture

Pseudo UML representation

Understanding the pseudo UML diagram

Reviewing the code

Running Attack of the Orcs v1.0.0

Abstract base classes in Python



Very important note for e-book readers

2. Dealing with Exceptions

Revisiting Attack of the Orcs v1.0.0

Debugging the problem

Fixing the bugs…


What is an exception?

Most common exceptions

Exception handling

Raising and re-raising an exception

The else block of try…except

finally...clean it up!

Back to the game – Attack of the Orcs v1.1.0

Preparatory work

Adding the exception handling code

Running Attack of the Orcs v1.1.0

Defining custom exceptions

Preparatory work

Custom exception – The problem

Writing a new exception class

Expanding the exception class

Inheriting from the exception class



3. Modularize, Package, Deploy!

Selecting a versioning convention

Serial increments

Using a date format

Semantic versioning scheme

Modularizing the code

Attack of the Orcs v2.0.0

Creating a package

Importing from the package

Releasing the package on PyPI

Prepare the distribution

Step 1 – Setting up the package directory

Step 2 – Writing the setup.py file

Step 3 – Updating the README and LICENSE.txt files

Step 4 – Updating the MANIFEST.in file

Step 5 – Build a deployment-ready distribution

Uploading the distribution

Step 1 – Creating an account on PyPI test website

Step 2 – Creating a .pypirc file

Step 3 – Register your project

Step 4 – Uploading the package

A single command to do it all

Installing your own distribution

Using a private PyPI repository

Step 1 – Installing pypiserver

Step 2 – Building a new source distribution

Step 3 – Starting a local server

Step 4 – Installing the private distribution

Making an incremental release

Packaging and uploading the new version

Upgrading the installed version

Version controlling the code

Git resources

Installing Git

Configuring your identity

Basic Git terminology

Creating and using a Git repository

Creating a bare remote repository

Clone the repository

Copying the code to the cloned repository

Staging the code and committing

Pushing the changes to the central repository

Using GUI clients for Git



4. Documentation and Best Practices

Documenting the code


Introduction to reStructuredText

Section headings


Text styles

Code snippets

Mathematical equations

Bullets and numbering

Dosctrings using RST

Docstring formatting styles

Automatically creating docstring stubs

Generating documentation with Sphinx

Step 1 – Installing Sphinx using pip

Step 2 – cd to the source directory

Step 3 – Running sphinx-quickstart

Step 4 – Updating conf.py

Step 5 – Running sphinx-apidoc

Step 6 – Building the documentation

Using sphinx-build

Using Makefile

Python coding standards

Code analysis – How well are we doing?

Code analysis using IDE


Pylint in action

PEP8 and AutoPEP8



5. Unit Testing and Refactoring

This is how the chapter is organized

Important housekeeping notes

Why test?

A new feature was requested

You implemented this feature

But something wasn't right...

It required thorough testing

Unit testing

Python unittest framework

Basic terminology

Creating tests with unittest.TestCase

Controlling test execution

Using unittest.TestSuite

Writing unit tests for the application

Setting up a test package

Creating a new class for unit testing

First unit test – Injured unit selection

Running the first unit test

Second unit test – Acquiring the hut

Running only the second test

Creating individual test modules

Batch executing unit tests

Unit tests using mock library

Quick introduction to mock

Let's mock!

Using Mock objects in a unit test

Working with patches

Using patch in a unit test

Third unit test – The play method

Is your code covered?

Resolving import errors, if any

Other unit testing tools




Refactoring preamble

Take a detour – Refactor for testability


What is refactoring?

Why refactor?

When to refactor?

How to refactor?




Pushing down

Pulling up

Refactoring tools for Python

Unit testing revisited

Refactoring for testability

Fourth unit test – setup_game_scenario


Refactoring and redesign exercise


6. Design Patterns

Introduction to design patterns

Classification of patterns

Behavioral patterns

Creational patterns

Structural patterns

Concurrency patterns

Python language and design patterns

First-class functions

Classes as first-class objects


Miscellaneous features

Class method

Abstract method

The __getattr__ method

Duck typing

Structure of the rest of the chapter

Fast forward – Attack of the Orcs v6.0.0

Strategy pattern

Strategy scenario – The jump feature

Strategy – The problem

Strategy – Attempted solution

Strategy – Rethinking the design

Strategy solution 1 – Traditional approach

Strategy solution 2 – Pythonic approach

Simple factory

Simple factory scenario – The recruit feature

Simple factory – The problem

Simple factory – Rethinking the design

Simple factory solution 1 – Traditional approach

Simple factory solution 2 – Pythonic approach

Abstract factory pattern

Abstract factory scenario – An accessory store

Abstract factory – The problem

Abstract factory – Rethinking the design

Simplifying the design further

Abstract factory solution – Pythonic approach

Advanced topic – enforcing an interface

Adapter pattern

Adapter scenario – Elf's distant cousin

Adapter – The problem

Adapter – Attempted solution

Adapter solution – Pythonic approach

Adapter – Multiple adapter methods


7. Performance – Identifying Bottlenecks

Overview of three performance chapters

More focus on the runtime performance

The first performance chapter

The second performance chapter

The third performance chapter

Sneak peek at the upcoming application speedup

Scenario – The Gold Hunt

High-level algorithm

Reviewing the initial code

Running the code

The problem

Identifying the bottlenecks

Measuring the execution time

Measuring the runtime of small code snippets

Code profiling

The cProfile module

The pstats module

The line_profiler package

Memory profiling

The memory_profiler package

Algorithm efficiency and complexity

Algorithm efficiency

Algorithm complexity

Big O notation

Big O complexity classes

O(1) – constant time

O(log n) – logarithmic

O(n) – Linear time

O(n log n) – Log linear

O(n2) – Quadratic

O(n3) – cubic

Upper bound of the complexity

Complexity for common data structures and algorithms

Wrapping up the big O discussion


8. Improving Performance – Part One

Prerequisite for the chapter

This is how the chapter is organized

Revisiting the Gold Hunt scenario

Selecting a problem size

Profiling the initial code

Optimizing Gold Hunt – Part one

Tweaking the algorithm – The square root

Gold Hunt optimization – Pass one

Skipping the dots

Gold Hunt optimization – Pass two

Using local scope

Gold Hunt optimization – Pass three

Performance improvement goodies

List comprehension

Recording execution time

Dictionary comprehension

Swapping conditional block and for loops

'try' it out in a loop

Choosing the right data structures

The collections module

The deque class

The defaultdict class

Generators and generator expressions

Generator expressions

Comparing the memory efficiency

Generator expressions or list comprehensions?

The itertools module

The itertools.chain iterator



9. Improving Performance – Part Two, NumPy and Parallelization

Prerequisites for this chapter

This is how the chapter is organized

Introduction to NumPy

Installing NumPy

Creating array objects

Simple array operations

Array slicing and indexing




Miscellaneous functions






Computing distance square with einsum

Where to get more information on NumPy?

Optimizing Gold Hunt – Part two

Gold Hunt optimization – pass four

Gold Hunt optimization – pass five

Parallelization with the multiprocessing module

Introduction to parallelization

Shared memory parallelization

Distributed memory parallelization

Global interpreter lock

The multiprocessing module

The Pool class

Parallelizing the Gold Hunt program

Revisiting the gold field

Gold Hunt optimization – Pass six, parallelization

Other methods for parallelization

Further reading

JIT compilers

GPU accelerated computing


10. Simple GUI Applications

Overview of GUI frameworks






GUI programming design considerations

Understanding user requirements

Developing a user story

Simplicity and accessibility


Predictability and familiarity

Miscellaneous design considerations

Event-driven programming


Event handling

Event loop

GUI programming with Tkinter

Tkinter documentation links

The mainloop() in Tkinter

Simple GUI application – Take 1

Simple GUI application – Take 2

GUI Widgets in Tkinter

Geometry management

Grid geometry manager

Pack geometry manager

Place geometry manager

Events in Tkinter

Event types

Event descriptors

Event object attributes

Event handling in Tkinter

Command callback (Button widget)

The bind() method

The bind_class() method

The bind_all() method

Project-1 – Attack of the Orcs V10.0.0

Background scenario

Problem statement

Writing the code

Overview of the class HutGame

The __init__ method

The occupy_huts method

The create_widgets method

The setup_layout method

The radio_btn_pressed and enter_hut methods

The announce_winner method

Running the application

MVC architecture




Advantages of MVC

Project 2 – Attack of the Orcs v10.1.0

Revisiting the HutGame class

Creating MVC classes

Communication between MVC objects

Controller to Model or View communication

Model to Controller communication

Using method assignment

Using a publish-subscribe pattern

PyPubSub package

View to Controller communication

Communication between View and Model

Reviewing the code

The Controller class

The Model class

The View class

Running the application

Testing GUI applications

Testing considerations

Unit testing and MVC

Manual testing

Automated GUI testing


Further reading



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