


Creating Data Stories with Tableau Public电子书

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作       者:Ashley Ohmann

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:75.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Illustrate your data in a more interactive and interesting way using Tableau Public About This Book Learn the basics of creating visualizations with Tableau using this concise reference book Understand how to join and aggregate your data sources using Tableau It is a step by step guide that uses examples to help you understand the key concepts and feature of Tableau Public Who This Book Is For This book is targeted at investigative journalists and bloggers with an interest in making rich and interactive data visualizations. Intermediate Tableau Public users and organizations can also use this book as a reference guide and teaching aid. Members of the media team, such as data specialists, web developers, editors, producers, and managers can also benefit from an understanding of the structure and challenges of writing an interactive and interesting data visualization using Tableau Public. What You Will Learn Connect to various data sources and understand what data is appropriate for Tableau Public Understand chart types and when to use specific chart types with different types of data Join and aggregate data for use in Tableau Public data stories Discover features of Tableau Public, from basic to advanced Involve calculations in Tableau Public Build geographic maps to bring context to data Create dashboards from one or more separate data visualizations Create filters and actions to allow greater interactivity to Tableau Public visualizations and dashboards Publish and embed Tableau visualizations and dashboards in articles In Detail Tableau Public is a very useful tool in anyone's data reporting toolbox that allows authors to add an interactive data element to any article. It allows investigative journalists and bloggers to tell a “data story”, allowing others to explore your data visualization. The relative ease of Tableau Public visualization creation allows data stories to be developed rapidly. It allows readers to explore data associations in multiple-sourced public data, and uses state-of-the-art dashboard and chart graphics to immerse the users in an interactive experience. This book offers investigative journalists, bloggers, and other data story tellers a rich discussion of visualization creation topics, features, and functions. This book allows data story tellers to quickly gain confidence in understanding and expanding their visualization-creation knowledge, and allows them to quickly create interesting, interactive data visualizations to bring a richness and vibrancy to complex articles. The book takes you from basic concepts in visualization creation, like connecting to data sources, cleansing data, chart types, common functions, map creation, and publishing to the Web, to more advanced functions. It is a great overview and reference guide for beginner to intermediate Tableau Public data story tellers, and covers creation of Tableau Public visualizations of varying complexities. Style and approach This book is a crisp, systematic, and tutorial-styled guide to building interactive Tableau visualizations.

Creating Data Stories with Tableau Public

Table of Contents

Creating Data Stories with Tableau Public


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1. Getting Started with Tableau Public

A Tableau Public overview

Telling your story with Tableau Public

Installing Tableau Public

Exploring Tableau Public

Connecting to data

Opening files and creating your profile


Exploring the visualizations of other authors


2. Tableau Public Interface Features

Touring the Tableau Public user interface

The side bar

The Data pane

Visual cues

The Analytics pane

Menus and toolbars

Canvas and Column/Row shelves

Using the Columns and Rows shelves

Using the Marks card

The Filters and Pages shelves

The workspace control tabs of Tableau Public

The Show Me tool


3. Connecting to Data

Public data

Tables and databases

The data sources that Tableau Public connects to

The databases, tables, dimensions, facts, field formats and conventions

Connecting to the data in Tableau Public

The data source user interface

Using the data interpreter

Pivoting data

Filtering data sources

Joining tables

Connecting to web-based data sources


4. Visualization – Tips and Types

An overview of the development lifecycle

Ten visualization tips

The perception of visual clues

Using the Show Me tool to create charts

Answering questions using Show Me chart types

About dimensions and measures

Continuous and discrete dimensions and measures

Selecting aggregation types for measures

Swapping and sorting

Types of visualization

Line graphs

Continuous versus discrete date-time elements


Bar charts

Geographic maps

Scatter plots

Pie charts

Using groups and sets


5. Calculations

Creating calculated fields

Editing calculated fields

Types of calculations

The number functions

The date functions

Type conversions

The string functions

The aggregate functions

The logic functions

Blending data sources


6. Level of Detail and Table Calculations

About data sources

Creating quick table calculations

Changing over time

Compute using

Moving average

Editing table calculations

Manually editing table calculations


Window versus running functions

A note on addressing

The level of detail calculations

A FIXED LOD calculation

The INCLUDE and nested LOD calculations


7. Dashboard Design and Styling

The dashboard design process

Best practices for dashboard design

Creating a dashboard

The dashboard tab interface

Layout objects

Setting the size of dashboard elements

Sizing the dashboard

Building a dashboard


8. Filters and Actions

Adding and using Filters

Adding Filters to worksheets

Adding Quick Filters to a dashboard

Moving the Quick Filter

Filtering across Data sources with parameters

Using parameters as Filters

Modifying titles

Filtering across multiple Data sources with parameters


URL actions


9. Publishing Your Work

Saving your work and logging in to Tableau Public

Opening work from the Cloud

Managing your profile

Viewing your work online

Managing workbook details



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