


The Shoemaker's Wife电子书

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作       者:Trigiani, Adriana

出  版  社:Harper


字       数:79.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The fateful first meeting of Enza and Ciro takes place amid the haunting majesty of the Italian Alps at the turn of the last century. Still teenagers, they are separated when Ciro is banished from his village and sent to hide in New York's Little Italy, apprenticed to a shoemaker, leaving a bereft Enza behind. But when her own family faces disaster, she, too, is forced to emigrate to America. Though destiny will reunite the star-crossed lovers, it will, just as abruptly, separate them once again sending Ciro off to serve in World War I, while Enza is drawn into the glamorous world of the opera . . . and into the life of the international singing sensation Enrico Caruso. Still, Enza and Ciro have been touched by fate and, ultimately, the power of their love will change their lives forever. A riveting historical epic of love and family, war and loss, risk and destiny, inspired by the author's own family history, The Shoemaker's Wife is the novel Adriana Trigiani was born to write.



PART ONE: The Italian Alps

Chapter 1: A GOLD RING - Un Anello d’oro

Chapter 2: A RED BOOK - Un Libro Rosso

Chapter 3: A SILVER MIRROR - Uno Specchio d’Argento

Chapter 4: A POT DE CRÈME - Vasotto di Budino

Chapter 5: A STRAY DOG - Un Cane Randagio

Chapter 6: A BLUE ANGEL - Un Angelo Azzurro

Chapter 7: A STRAW HAT - Un Capello di Paglia

Chapter 8: A FRIAR’S ROBE - Una Tonaca del Frate

PART TWO: Manhattan

Chapter 9: A LINEN HANDKERCHIEF - Un Fazzolletto di Lino

Chapter 10: A GREEN TREE - Un Albero Verde

Chapter 11: A BLESSED MEDAL - Una Medaglia Benedetta

Chapter 12: A FOUNTAIN PEN - Una Penna da Scrivere

Chapter 13: A WOODEN CLOTHESPIN - Una Molletta di Legno

Chapter 14: A ROPE OF TINSEL - Una Cordia di Orpello

Chapter 15: A YELLOW DIAMOND - Un Brillante Giallo

Chapter 16: A CHOCOLATE TRUFFLE - Un Tartufo di Cioccolata

Chapter 17: A SEWING NEEDLE - Un Ago da Cucire

Chapter 18: A CHAMPAGNE FLUTE - Un Bicchiere da Spumante

Chapter 19: A CALLING CARD - Un Biglietto da Visita

Chapter 20: A HATBOX - Una Cappelliera

Chapter 21: A GOLD BRAID - Una Treccia d’Oro

PART THREE: Minnesota

Chapter 22: A BUNCH OF VIOLETS - Un Mazzolino di Viole

Chapter 23: A LIBRARY CARD - Una Tessera della Biblioteca

Chapter 24: A TRAIN TICKET - Un Biglietto per il Treno

Chapter 25: A LUCKY CHARM - Un Ciondolo Portofortuna

Chapter 26: A CARRIAGE RIDE - Un Giro in Carrozza

Chapter 27: A BLUE CAMEO - Un Cammeo Blu

Chapter 28: A SKYLIGHT - Un Lucernario

Chapter 29: A PAIR OF ICE SKATES - Un Paio di Pattini da Ghiaccio


Excerpt from The Supreme Macaroni Company

Chapter 1

About the Author

Praise for Adriana Trigiani’s The Shoemaker’s Wife

Books by Adriana Trigiani



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