


The Silence of Bonaventure Arrow电子书

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作       者:Leganski, Rita

出  版  社:Harper Paperbacks


字       数:45.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Conceived in love and possibility, Bonaventure Arrow didn't make a peep when he was born, and the doctor nearly took him for dead. No one knows that Bonaventure silence is filled with resonance a miraculous gift of rarified hearing that encompasses the Universe of Every Single Sound. Growing up in the big house on Christopher Street in Bayou Cymbaline, Bonaventure can hear flowers grow, a thousand shades of blue, and the miniature tempests that rage inside raindrops. He can also hear the gentle voice of his father, William Arrow, shot dead before Bonaventure was born by a mysterious stranger known only as the Wanderer. Bonaventure remarkable gift of listening promises salvation to the souls who love him: his beautiful young mother, Dancy, haunted by the death of her husband; his Grand-mère Letice, plagued by grief and a long-buried guilt she locks away in a chapel; and his father, William, whose roaming spirit must fix the wreckage of the past. With the help of Trinidad Prefontaine, a Creole housekeeper endowed with her own special gifts, Bonaventure will find the key to long-buried mysteries and soothe a chorus of family secrets clamoring to be healed.




Part I: Bellwether


The Time She Simply Thought of as Before

This Turn of Events

The Wanderer, As Yet Unknown

The Newlyweds

The Voices Were Very Encouraging

Left, Right Closer, Closer

A Privilege Allowed Restless Souls

As If to Keep from Breaking

From Whence She’d Come

The Other Grandma


The charge nurse at the asylum

The Meaning of a Name

Mardi Gras Sentimental


A Voiceless Baby and His Lonely Mother

Time Went on with No New Findings

Taking Up the Prophecy

An Eloquence of Face and Hands


The Wanderer could still walk

Rarer Secrets

The Ways of a Silent Boy

The Wanderer continued to live

The Abundant Good Graces of His Silence

Up Next to a Eucalyptus Tree


The Wanderer came down

The Wagon

Powerful Wangas and the Loup-Garou

In a Piece of Time Too Small for a Clock

Staring into Liquid

As for Dancy

Man to Man

They offered The Wanderer

The Bluebottle Fly

On the Late Afternoon of a Fine Summer Day

Sassafras and Spanish Moss

The Wanderer was allowed to dig

Like Ripples on the Surface of a Pond


The Voices of Crayons

Marking Time

Peace on Earth and Mercy Mild

The Wanderer thought he’d

Part II: Innermost

The Pinkerton

The Sight of Her Brokenness

The Sickness Brought About by Ignorance

Eugenia Babbitt read aloud

Hearing Extra

Drawing Near

The Age of Reason

Good Afternoon, Miss Babbitt

The Scary Story Champion of Southern Louisiana

The Handshake

A Promise Made of Chains

The Wanderer recalled the white

Voodoo and Hoodoo and the Sweet By-and-By

Mémoire d’Archive

The Dreams of a Bright and Ambitious Girl

The Sins of the Mother

A Reasonable Supposition

Remains of a Shared Past

You Need to Give Me a Little More to Go On

July 14, 1957: The Sounds of Sorrow and of Angel Blood

Those Things She Found Spiritual

The Wanderer stopped eating

One of Us Here Knows the Rules: July 19, 1957

Can I Get a Witness?: July 20, 1957

Ladies’ Choice

Part III: Evensong

Things began to change in Bayou


P. S.: Insights, Interviews & More . . .

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