


Building Python Real-Time Applications with Storm电子书

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作       者:Kartik Bhatnagar

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:61.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Learn to process massive real-time data streams using Storm and Python—no Java required!About This Book Learn to use Apache Storm and the Python Petrel library to build distributed applications that process large streams of data Explore sample applications in real-time and analyze them in the popular NoSQL databases MongoDB and Redis Discover how to apply software development best practices to improve performance, productivity, and quality in your Storm projects Who This Book Is For This book is intended for Python developers who want to benefit from Storm’s real-time data processing capabilities. If you are new to Python, you’ll benefit from the attention to key supporting tools and techniques such as automated testing, virtual environments, and logging. If you’re an experienced Python developer, you’ll appreciate the thorough and detailed examples What You Will Learn Install Storm and learn about the prerequisites Get to know the components of a Storm topology and how to control the flow of data between them Ingest Twitter data directly into Storm Use Storm with MongoDB and Redis Build topologies and run them in Storm Use an interactive graphical debugger to debug your topology as it’s running in Storm Test your topology components outside of Storm Configure your topology using YAML In Detail Big data is a trending concept that everyone wants to learn about. With its ability to process all kinds of data in real time, Storm is an important addition to your big data “bag of tricks.” At the same time, Python is one of the fastest-growing programming languages today. It has become a top choice for both data science and everyday application development. Together, Storm and Python enable you to build and deploy real-time big data applications quickly and easily. You will begin with some basic command tutorials to set up storm and learn about its configurations in detail. You will then go through the requirement scenarios to create a Storm cluster. Next, you’ll be provided with an overview of Petrel, followed by an example of Twitter topology and persistence using Redis and MongoDB. Finally, you will build a production-quality Storm topology using development best practices. Style and approach This book takes an easy-to-follow and a practical approach to help you understand all the concepts related to Storm and Python.

Building Python Real-Time Applications with Storm

Table of Contents

Building Python Real-Time Applications with Storm


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1. Getting Acquainted with Storm

Overview of Storm

Before the Storm era

Key features of Storm

Storm cluster modes

Developer mode

Single-machine Storm cluster

Multimachine Storm cluster

The Storm client

Prerequisites for a Storm installation

Zookeeper installation

Storm installation

Enabling native (Netty only) dependency

Netty configuration

Starting daemons

Playing with optional configurations


2. The Storm Anatomy

Storm processes



The Storm UI

Storm-topology-specific terminologies

The worker process, executor, and task

Worker processes



Interprocess communication

A physical view of a Storm cluster

Stream grouping

Fault tolerance in Storm

Guaranteed tuple processing in Storm

XOR magic in acking

Tuning parallelism in Storm – scaling a distributed computation


3. Introducing Petrel

What is Petrel?

Building a topology

Packaging a topology

Logging events and errors

Managing third-party dependencies

Installing Petrel

Creating your first topology

Sentence spout

Splitter bolt

Word Counting Bolt

Defining a topology

Running the topology


Productivity tips with Petrel

Improving startup performance

Enabling and using logging

Automatic logging of fatal errors


4. Example Topology – Twitter

Twitter analysis

Twitter's Streaming API

Creating a Twitter app to use the Streaming API

The topology configuration file

The Twitter stream spout

Splitter bolt

Rolling word count bolt

The intermediate rankings bolt

The total rankings bolt

Defining the topology

Running the topology


5. Persistence Using Redis and MongoDB

Finding the top n ranked topics using Redis

The topology configuration file – the Redis case

Rolling word count bolt – the Redis case

Total rankings bolt – the Redis case

Defining the topology – the Redis case

Running the topology – the Redis case

Finding the hourly count of tweets by city name using MongoDB

Defining the topology – the MongoDB case

Running the topology – the MongoDB case


6. Petrel in Practice

Testing a bolt

Example – testing SplitSentenceBolt

Example – testing SplitSentenceBolt with WordCountBolt


Installing Winpdb

Add Winpdb breakpoint

Launching and attaching the debugger

Profiling your topology's performance

Split sentence bolt log

Word count bolt log


A. Managing Storm Using Supervisord

Storm administration over a cluster

Introducing supervisord

Supervisord components

Supervisord installation

Configuration of supervisord.conf

Configuration of supervisord.conf on 172-31-19-62



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