


The Atkins Shopping Guide电子书

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作       者:Atkins Health & Medical Information Serv

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:79.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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What should I eat, and where can I find itWhich products are the most Atkins-friendlyAre there hidden dangers in seemingly "acceptable" foodsNow Food Shopping the Atkins Way is Easier Than Ever! Whether you're one of the millions already losing weight and feeling great thanks to the remarkable Atkins Nutritional Approachor you are just discovering the healthy benefits of a low-carb lifestyle, shopping for food need no longer be a daunting process. The Atkins Shopping Guide contains everything you must know to stock your pantry with the right foods, while avoiding products devoid of nutrients and full of sugar and white flour. With foods clearly arranged by category, this indispensable handbook takes you aisle-by-aisle through the supermarket, putting helpful information at your fingertips. It also provides useful pointers for shopping at "superstores" and natural foods retailers, all in a handy format portable enough to carry in your pocket or purse. So throw away that misguided food pyramid chart and stop counting fat grams and calories. With The Atkins Shopping Guide, confusion about the right way to eat will be a thing of the past, as you follow the proven Atkins path to healthy living!


Title Page



A Brief Look at the Atkins Nutritional Approach

Part 1: The Supermarket

The Produce Aisle

The Deli Counter

The Fish Counter

The Meat Department

The Poultry Section

The Dairy Case

The Interior

The Cookies and Crackers Aisle

The Breakfast Foods Aisle

The Breads Aisle

The Baking Aisle

The Condiments Aisle

The Canned And Jarred Foods Aisle

The Pastas, Grains, Beans, And Legumes Aisle

The Snacks Aisles

The Beverage Aisle

The Frozen Foods Aisle

Part 2: The Natural Foods Store

Natural Foods

Atkins Food Products

Searchable Terms


By Robert C. Atkins, M.D.


About The Publisher

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