New York Times bestselling author ofManhunt James L. Swanson creates anadaptation for young people of his adultbook Bloody Crimes, a suspense-filledthriller that sheds light on two fallen leadersof the North and South. One man, PresidentLincoln, assassinated, on his way to thegrave. Another man, the president of theConfederacy, Jefferson Davis, on the run,soon to be sent to prison. Their actionsforever changed the history of a nation. Onthe morning of April 2, 1865, Davis receiveda telegram from General Robert E. Lee.There is no more time—the Yankees arecoming, it warned. That night Davis fledRichmond, setting off an intense manhuntfor the Confederate president.Two weeks later, President Lincoln wasassassinated, and the nation was convincedthat Davis was involved in the conspiracy thatled to the crime. Lincoln’s murder, autopsy,and White House funeral transfixed thenation. His final journey began when soldiersplaced his corpse aboard a special trainthat would carry him home to Springfield,Illinois. Along the way, more than a millionAmericans looked upon their martyr’s face,and several million watched the funeral trainroll by. It was the most magnificent funeralpageant in American history.James L. Swanson captures the rivetingstories of these two influential men as theymade their last journeys through the bloodylandscape of a wounded nation.