Three years ago, Persia ran awayfrom her drug-addict parents and found a homewith the Outlaws, an underground theatertroupe. This motley band of mortals and fey,puppeteers and actors, becomes the lovingfamily Persia never had, and soon Persia notonly discovers a passion for theater but also fallsin love with Nicholas, one of the other Outlaws.Life could not be more perfect.Until an enemy with a grudge makesan unfair accusation against the group andforces them to flee the mortal world and hidein the neighboring realm of Faerie. But inFaerie, all is not flowers and rainbows—withbloodthirsty trolls, a hostile monarchy, anda dangerous code of magic, the fey world isnot quite the safe haven the Outlaws hadhoped for. And they must decide what’s moreimportant: protecting their right to performor protecting themselves.From critically acclaimed author PennyBlubaugh comes this mesmerizing tale offamily, faeries, and finding a place to call home.