


Creating Dynamic UIs with Android Fragments - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Jim Wilson

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:191.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Create engaging apps with fragments to provide a rich user interface that dynamically adapts to the individual characteristics of your customers’ tablets and smartphones About This Book From an eminent author comes a book that will help you create engaging apps that dynamically adapt to individual device characteristics The only book that includes the latest fragment-oriented features and their role in Material design This book provides code-intensive discussions and detailed examples that help you understand better and learn faster. Who This Book Is For This book is for developers with a basic understanding of Android programming who would like to improve the appearance and usability of their applications by creating a more interactive user experience and dynamically adaptive UIs; providing better support for tablets and smartphones in a single app; and reducing the complexity of managing app UIs. What You Will Learn Learn the role and capabilities of fragments Use Android Studio's fragment-oriented features Create an app UI that works effectively on smartphones and tablets Manage the creation and life cycle of fragments Dynamically manage fragments using the FragmentTransaction class Learn the application design for communicating between fragments Leverage fragments when implementing applications that take advantage of the latest features of Material Design In Detail Today’s users expect mobile apps to be dynamic and highly interactive, with rich navigation features. These same apps must look fantastic whether running on a medium-resolution smartphone or high-resolution tablet. Fragments provide the toolset we need to meet these user expectations by enabling us to build our applications out of adaptable components that take advantage of the rich capabilities of each individual device and automatically adapt to their differences. This book looks at the impact fragments have on Android UI design and their role in both simplifying many common UI challenges and in providing best practices for incorporating rich UI behaviors. We look closely at the roll of fragment transactions and how to work with the Android back stack. Leveraging this understanding, we explore several specialized fragment-related classes such as ListFragment and DialogFragment. We then go on to discuss how to implement rich navigation features such as swipe-based screen browsing, and the role of fragments when developing applications that take advantage of the latest aspects of Material Design. You will learn everything you need to provide dynamic, multi-screen UIs within a single activity, and the rich UI features demanded by today’s mobile users. Style and approach A fast-paced learning guide that gives a hands-on, code-intensive approach with a focus on real-world applications.

Creating Dynamic UIs with Android Fragments Second Edition

Table of Contents

Creating Dynamic UIs with Android Fragments Second Edition


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1. Fragments and UI Modularization

The need for a new approach to UI creation

The broad platform support of fragments

How fragments simplify common Android tasks

The relationship between fragments and activities

Making the shift to fragments

The old thinking – activity-oriented

Defining the activity appearance

Displaying the activity UI

The new thinking: fragment-oriented

Creating the fragment layout resources

Defining the layout as a reusable list

Minimizing assumptions

Encapsulating the display layout

Creating the Fragment class

Wrapping the list in a fragment

Providing the description fragment

Converting an activity to use fragments


2. Fragments and UI Flexibility

Creating UI flexibility

Dynamic fragment layout selection

Adding an alternate layout resource

Managing fragment layout by screen size

Eliminating redundant layout descriptions

Layout aliasing

Designing fragments for flexibility

Avoiding tight coupling

Abstracting fragment relationships

Defining the callback interface

Making the fragment self-contained

Fragment notification

Encapsulating fragment operations

Creating a loosely connected relationship between fragments

Fragments protect against the unexpected

Creating the book description activity

Adding functionality to the book description activity

Making the MainActivity class adaptive


3. Fragment Life Cycle and Specialization

Understanding the fragment life cycle

Understanding fragment setup and display

Avoiding method name confusion

Understanding fragment hide and teardown

Maximizing the available resources

Managing a fragment state

Special-purpose fragment classes


Associating data with the list

Separating data from the display

Creating the ListFragment derived class with Android Studio

Handling the ListFragment item selection

Updating the layout resources




Displaying DialogFragment

Event handling in DialogFragment

The Dialog identity

Accessing behavior related to Dialog

Wrapping an existing dialog in a fragment


4. Working with Fragment Transactions

Intentional screen management

Dynamically managing fragments

Deferred execution of transaction changes

Adding and removing fragments

Supporting the back button

Creating an adaptive application layout

Updating the layout to support dynamic fragments

Adapting to device differences

Dynamically loading a fragment at startup

Transitioning between fragments

Eliminating redundant handling

Creating the fragment on the fly

Managing asynchronous creation

Putting it all together


5. Creating Rich Navigation

A brave new world

Making navigation fun with swipe

Implementing swipe navigation

Adding swipe navigation with Android Studio

Managing the swipe UI behavior

Putting the swipe UI into place

Providing direct navigation to screens

Don't get trapped in the past

Direct navigation for a small number of screens

Direct navigation for four or more screens

Creating a navigation drawer activity with Android Studio

The activity and application screen fragment

The navigation drawer fragment

Navigation drawer fragment standard responsibilities

The additional responsibilities of the NavigationDrawerFragment class

The navigation drawer fragment responsibilities big picture


6. Fragments and Material Design

Creating a rich user experience

Material design

Principles of material design

The role of motion

Converting our application to use material design

Dealing with different Android versions

Setting up the theme

Updating the fragments appearance

Incorporating motion in fragment transitions

Transitioning fragments on and off the screen

Transitioning the book card off and on the screen

Transitioning the book details on and off the screen

Creating continuity with shared element transitions

Maintaining continuity across multiple cards



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