


Getting Started with React电子书

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3人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Doel Sengupta

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:96.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A light but powerful way to build dynamic real-time applications using ReactJS About This Book Learn how to develop powerful JavaScript applications using ReactJS Integrate a React-based app with an external API (Facebook login) while using React components, with the Facebook developer app Implement the Reactive paradigm to build stateless and asynchronous apps with React Who This Book Is For This book is for any front-end web or mobile-app developer who wants to learn ReactJS. Knowledge of basic JavaScript will give you a good head start with the book. What You Will Learn Understand the ReactJS basics through an overview Install and create your first React component Refactor the ReactJS component using JSX Integrate your React application with the Facebook login and Graph API, then fetch data from your liked pages in Facebook and display them in a browser Handle UI elements events with React, respond to users input, and create stateful components Use some core lifecycle events for integration and find out about ES6 syntaxes in the React world Understand the FLUX architecture and create an application using FLUX with React Make a component more reusable with mixins and validation helpers and structure your components properly Explore techniques to test your ReactJS code Deploy your code using webpack and Gulp In Detail ReactJS, popularly known as the V (view) of the MVC architecture, was developed by the Facebook and Instagram developers. It follows a unidirectional data flow, virtual DOM, and DOM difference that are generously leveraged in order to increase the performance of the UI. Getting Started with React will help you implement the Reactive paradigm to build stateless and asynchronous apps with React. We will begin with an overview of ReactJS and its evolution over the years, followed by building a simple React component. We will then build the same react component with JSX syntax to demystify its usage. You will see how to configure the Facebook Graph API, get your likes list, and render it using React. Following this, we will break the UI into components and you’ll learn how to establish communication between them and respond to users input/events in order to have the UI reflect their state. You’ll also get to grips with the ES6 syntaxes. Moving ahead, we will delve into the FLUX and its architecture, which is used to build client-side web applications and complements React’s composable view components by utilizing a unidirectional data flow. Towards the end, you’ll find out how to make your components reusable, and test and deploy them into a production environment. Finally, we’ll briefly touch on other topics such as React on the server side, Redux and some advanced concepts. Style and approach The book follows a step-by-step, practical, tutorial approach with examples that explain the key concepts of ReactJS. Each topic is sequentially explained and contextually placed to give sufficient details of ReactJS.

Getting Started with React

Table of Contents

Getting Started with React


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1. Getting Started with ReactJS

Introducing ReactJS

Who uses ReactJS?

Downloading ReactJS

Installing ReactJS with NPM

Installing ReactJS with Bower


Text editors

Chrome extension

Trying ReactJS

Configuring ReactJS in a web page

Creating your first React component

Configuring JSX

Serving files through the web server

Creating a React component with the JSX syntax


2. Exploring JSX and the ReactJS Anatomy

What is JSX?

Why JSX?

Tools for transforming JSX

The ReactJS anatomy

Creating a component

Rendering a component

Maximum number of roots

Children components

Supported attributes

Supported elements

HTML elements

SVG elements

Learning JSX and Gotchas



Transferring properties

Mutating properties


Component style


CSS classes


3. Working with Properties

Component properties

Data flow with properties

Configuring Facebook Open-Graph API

What it is and how to configure it

Creating an app-id on the Facebook developers site

Open-Graph JavaScript SDK

Rendering data in a ReactJS component


4. Stateful Components and Events

Properties versus states in ReactJS

Exploring the state property

Initializing a state

Setting a state

Replacing a state

A React state example using an interactive form


Form events

Mouse events


Event pooling

Supported events


5. Component Life cycle and Newer ECMAScript in React

React component lifecycle

Mounting category

Updating category

Unmounting category

Other ES (ECMAScript) versions in React




6. Reacting with Flux

An overview of Flux

Flux versus the MVC architecture

Flux advantages

Flux components




Controller-Views and Views

Revisiting the code


7. Making Your Component Reusable

Understanding Mixins

Exploring Mixins by example

Higher-order components in Mixins


An example using the isRequired validator

An example using custom validator

The structure of component


8. Testing React Components

Testing in JavaScript using Chai and Mocha

Testing using ReactTestUtils

Installing React and JSX

The jestTypical example of a Testsuite with Mocha, expect, ReactTestUtils and Babel

Testing with shallow rendering


9. Preparing Your Code for Deployment

An introduction to Webpack

Building a simple React application

Setting up Webpack

Advantages of Webpack

Introduction to Gulp

Installing Gulp and creating Gulp file


10. What's Next

AJAX in React

React Router

Server-side rendering


Isomorphic applications

Hot reloading

Redux React

Relay and GraphQL

React Native




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