


Reforming Philosophy电子书

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作       者:Snyder, Laura J.

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:70.9万

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The Victorian period in Britain was an "age of reform." It is therefore not surprising that two of the era's most eminent intellects described themselves as reformers. Both William Whewell and John Stuart Mill believed that by reforming philosophy-including the philosophy of science-they could effect social and political change. But their divergent visions of this societal transformation led to a sustained and spirited controversy that covered morality, politics, science, and economics. Situating their debate within the larger context of Victorian society and its concerns, Reforming Philosophy shows how two very different men captured the intellectual spirit of the day and engaged the attention of other scientists and philosophers, including the young Charles Darwin. Mill-philosopher, political economist, and Parliamentarian-remains a canonical author of Anglo-American philosophy, while Whewell-Anglican cleric, scientist, and educator-is now often overlooked, though in his day he was renowned as an authority on science. Placing their teachings in their proper intellectual, cultural, and argumentative spheres, Laura Snyder revises the standard views of these two important Victorian figures, showing that both men's concerns remain relevant today. A philosophically and historically sensitive account of the engagement of the major protagonists of Victorian British philosophy, Reforming Philosophy is the first book-length examination of the dispute between Mill and Whewell in its entirety. A rich and nuanced understanding of the intellectual spirit of Victorian Britain, it will be welcomed by philosophers and historians of science, scholars of Victorian studies, and students of the history of philosophy and political economy.



Introduction: “Reforming the Philosophy of the Age”

Mill's Project of Reform

Whewell's Project

Plan of the Book

CHAPTER ONE Whewell and the Reform of Inductive Philosophy

Whewell's Antithetical Epistemology

Whewell and the “Germano-Coleridgian” School

Discoverers' Induction

Renovating Bacon

The “Ultimate Problem” of Philosophy

CHAPTER TWO Mill's Radicalization of Induction

Mill against Whewell on Kepler

Mill's Ultra-Empiricism and the Rejection of Necessity in Mathematics

Causation and Human Freedom

Finding Physical Causes:Mill's Methods

Mill's Metaphysics

Whewell's Critique of the “Young Mill”

Scientific Methodand History of Science

CHAPTER THREE Reforming Science

Whewell on Natural Classification

Mill on Kinds

Mill,Whewell,and Prediction

Consilience,Coherence,and the Unification of Kinds

The Value of Consilience

Consilience and Darwin's Origin of Species

The Popularization of Induction

CHAPTER FOUR Reforming Culture: Morality and Politics

Mill'sPolitical Evolution

Whewell's Politics

Utilitarianism:Paley,Bentham,and Mill

Whewell's Attacks on Utilitarianism

Whewell's Inductive Morality and Mill's Critique

Necessary Truth in Morality

Morality and Law:Explication of Moral Ideas

A Reformist Morality

CHAPTER FIVE Reforming Political Economy

Methodology and Morals in Political Economy:Ricardo and Malthus

Inductivist Critics of Ricardian Political Economy:Whewell and Jones

Mill on Political Economy

Responses to Mill

Conclusion The Debate's Legacy





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