


An Uncomplicated Life电子书

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作       者:Daugherty, Paul

出  版  社:William Morrow


字       数:43.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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A father's exhilarating and inspiring love letter to his daughter with Down syndrome, whose vibrant and infectious approach can teach us all how to live a little better"Jillian was born October 17, 1989. It was the last bad day."Jillian Daugherty was born with Down syndrome. The day her parents, Paul and Kerry, brought her home from the hospital, they were flooded with worry and uncertainty, but also with overwhelming love, which they channeled to "the job of building the better Jillian." They knew their daughter had special needs, but they refused to have her grow up needy. They were resolved that Jillian's potential would not be limited by preconceptions of who she was or what she could be.In this charming and often heart-stirring book, Paul tells stories about Jillian making her way through the world of her backyard and neighborhood, going to school in a "normal" classroom, learning to play soccer and ride a bike. As she grows older, he traces her journey to find happiness and purpose in her adult life, including vignettes about her inspiring triumphs and the guardian angels teachers, neighbors, friends who believed in Jillian and helped her become the exceptional young woman she is today.In An Uncomplicated Life, the parent learns as much about life from the child as the child does from the parent. Being with Jillian, Paul discovered the importance of every moment and the power of the human spirit how we are each put here to benefit the other. Through her unmitigated love for others, her sparkling charisma, and her boundless capacity for joy, Jillian has inspired those around her to live better and more fully. As Paul writes, "Jillian is a soul map of our best intentions," a model of grace, happiness, and infectious enthusiasm. She embraces all that she is, all that she has "I love my life. I just love my life," she says. In her uncomplicated life, we see the possibility, the hope, and the beauty of our own.




Chapter 1: Praying Out Loud

Chapter 2: Paul and Kerry

Chapter 3: Kerry

Chapter 4: Therapy

Chapter 5: Dying to Breathe

Chapter 6: Kelly

Chapter 7: The First Angel

Chapter 8: Jillian

Chapter 9: Nancy

Chapter 10: The Battleground of Dreams

Chapter 11: Homework

Chapter 12: The Coffee Song

Chapter 13: The Two-Wheeler

Chapter 14: Sometimes

Chapter 15: Cymbidium Orchids Under the Porch Light

Chapter 16: Kelly

Chapter 17: An Appropriate Education

Chapter 18: Belonging

Chapter 19: Jillian and Ryan

Chapter 20: I Hope You Dance

Chapter 21: Missy and Tommy

Chapter 22: College

Chapter 23: In the Swing

Chapter 24: Sometimes, We Drove

Chapter 25: Dave Bezold

Chapter 26: The Team

Chapter 27: Jillian Turns 21

Chapter 28: Testing

Chapter 29: In Love and Moving Out

Chapter 30: One More Drive

Chapter 31: Vanuatu

Chapter 32: Moving Day

Chapter 33: Number 47

Chapter 34: A Dream

Epilogue: Jillian and Ryan Get Engaged


About the Author

Also by Paul Daugherty



About the Publisher

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