


The 100 Thing Challenge电子书

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作       者:Bruno, Dave

出  版  社:William Morrow Paperbacks


字       数:34.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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An ordinary man's inspiring journey toward a simpler, more meaningful life. In 2008, average American family man Dave Bruno decided to unhook himself from the intravenous drip of consumerism that fueled his life by winnowing all his personal possessions down to just 100 things. Little did he realize that he would be igniting a grassroots movement soon after Dave embarked on his journey, media around the world took notice and others started to follow his lead.A cause for pause, The 100 Thing Challenge is a response to the culture of materialism in America, one that has filled our lives with the constant and unsatisfactory desire for "more." Dave Bruno offers compelling anecdotes and practical advice to help readers live more meaningfully, simply by casting off the unnecessary "stuff" that clutters their lives. The 100 Thing Challenge is a golden opportunity to experience the positive changes that occur as you defiantly hop off the treadmill of consumerism.




Preface: Of Cats and Contentment

Part One - The Challenge Takes Shape

Chapter 1 - The 100 Thing Challenge

Chapter 2 - A Reluctant Entrepreneur

Chapter 3 - “American-Style Consumerism” Got My Attention

Chapter 4 - Every Challenge Needs Rules

Chapter 5 - Personal Change Begins at Home

Chapter 6 - Purging Things and “Things Past”

Chapter 7 - The Hardest Thing to Cut

Part Two - The Challenge Takes Off

Chapter 8 - My 100 Thing Challenge Begins

The 100 Thing Challenge List

Chapter 9 - Imprecise Goods

A Challenge Christmas

Chapter 10 - Naturally, Our Stuff Goes Only So Far

A Winter Update

Chapter 11 - Reactions to the Spectacle

A New Frugality

Chapter 12 - The Short Answer to the Big Question

The 88 Thing Challenge

Chapter 13 - My Almost Perfect Wednesday

My 10 Thing Hobby

Chapter 14 - A Modest Proposal for the One Thing We Should All Keep

Epilogue: Keep Going

Appendix 1: How to Do a 100 Thing Challenge

Appendix 2: Post-Challenge Things


About the Author

Advance Praise for The 100 Thing Challenge


About the Publisher

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