


Bad Kid电子书

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作       者:Crabb, David

出  版  社:Harper Perennial


字       数:39.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Discovering George Michael's Faith confirmed for David Crabb what every bully already knew: he was gay. What saved him from high school was finding a group of outlandish friends who reveled in being outsiders. David found himself enmeshed with misfits: wearing black, cutting class, staying out all night, drinking, tripping, chain-smoking, idolizing the Pet Shop Boys and learning lessons about life and love along the way.Richly detailed with nineties pop-culture, and including black-and-white photos throughout, Bad Kid is as laugh-out-loud funny as it is poignant. David Crabb's journey through adolescence captures the essence of every person's struggle to understand his or her true self.


Author’s Note: Bigmouth Strikes Again


Prologue: Superheroes

Chapter 1: That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore

Chapter 2: Father Figure

Chapter 3: Where the Boys Are

Chapter 4: I Want to Wake Up

Chapter 5: Alone in a Darkened Room

Chapter 6: Black Celebration

Chapter 7: Warm Leatherette

Chapter 8: This Must Be the Place I Waited Years to Leave

Chapter 9: I’ve Got to Get Through to a Good Friend

Chapter 10: Scary Monsters

Chapter 11: Shaking While We’re Breaking

Chapter 12: Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me

Chapter 13: Under the Milky Way Tonight

Chapter 14: Ask Me

Chapter 15: Smash Every Tooth in Your Head

Chapter 16: She’s in Parties

Chapter 17: Boys Don’t Cry

Chapter 18: Barbar(ian)ism Begins at Home

Chapter 19: Left to My Own Devices

Chapter 20: Taking a Ride with My Best Friend

Chapter 21: Age of Consent

Chapter 22: A New Life

Chapter 23: I Like it Here—Can I Stay?

Chapter 24: You’re Gonna Need Someone on Your Side

Chapter 25: This Is Not a Love Song

Chapter 26: This This Beautiful Creature Must Die

Chapter 27: It All Gets Blown Away

Chapter 28: Being Boring

Chapter 29: Here’s Where the Story Ends


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