


Working Mothers 101电子书

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作       者:Goldman, Katherine W.

出  版  社:Harper Perennial


字       数:21.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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Motherhood comes naturally.Working motherhood doesn't. So admit it. You need some help. Though there's not a full-time nanny inside this book, there's information on how to find one. This is the book for you if you can't spare even five minutes to use your common sense. It's all laid out for you in how-to, when-to lists and plenty of stories from mothers like you that will help you get it all together.Well . . . as together as it's ever going to be. Here's where you'll learn everything you need to get your life in order: How to create a home where people actually hang up their jackets What to do with all those indispensable spelling tests and toddler works of art How to decide which type of child care is best for you at any given moment How to sort out the times you really have to be at your child's school How a time-crazed mother can make, keep and entertain friends How to sign up for and transport children to after-school activities, sports, music lessons and play dates when you can't be at any of them What to tell your boss when you don't want to travel so much The lost art of raising respectful children The best way to date your husband The first rule of convenience for birthday parties Eleven ways to take care of yourself without taking any extra time And, finally, delegating responsibilities you thought were yours and yours alone This practical strategy is for the millions of working mothers struggling to make it all work.Don't let your guilt slow you down. Katherine Wyse Goldman interviewed hundreds of mothers to come up with the tips, plans of action and decisions that have worked for career women around the country. Here's everything you need when you want to get control of your time, your life and your future. Here's how to make your home run as smoothly as a Fortune 500 corporation.


Title Page



INTRODUCTION: Why You Need Another Book About Motherhood

1: The Secret to a Less Stressed Life Get Organized

2: File It, Find It, Clean It How to Create Order to Feel Comfortable at Home

3: Providing Food for Starving Children—Yours

4: Confronting Your Fears: Choosing Child Care

5: Going to School to Get an Education for Your Children

6: Planning Activities Your Guide to Building the Résumé

7: Taking the Trouble Out of Travel

8: Time for Time Off

9: Celebrations Your Way

10: Finding the Time to Raise the Right Kind of Child

11: The Working Mother Goes to Work

12: Finding the Time to Give Back to Yourself


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