


Surviving a Shark Attack (On Land)电子书

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作       者:Schlessinger, Dr. Laura

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:15.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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With her trademark no-nonsense approach and building on the principles developed during her long career as a licensed therapist, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Laura shows readers how to survive enemies traitors, backstabbers, and saboteurs at work and at home. In her previous New York Times bestsellers, author and renowned radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger has helped countless men and women become better husbands, wives, parents, and people. She's helped them cope with grief; encouraged them to be moral, compassionate, and considerate individuals; shown them how to handle adversity; and set them on the path to understanding and living happy, well-adjusted lives.Now, in this long-awaited book, Dr. Laura turns to an emotionally explosive subject that has touched all our lives: betrayal and the desire for revenge. And for the first time, she shares her own personal experiences with betrayal, humiliation, and pain, which have led her to a powerful desire for revenge. Intimate and honest, Dr. Laura connects with her readers as never before and puts this subject into context: I concluded that betrayals are frightening, destructive, painful, humiliating, demoralizing, and so very, very hard to repair. Betrayals undermine people, relationships (marriages and families), institutions (churches, schools, businesses, government, politics) everything. The entire fabric of humanity depends upon people depending upon each other for their word, honesty, and loyalty. Millions of Dr. Laura's listeners struggle with the idea of taking revenge and how to accept when it cannot be achieved. For many who have been betrayed, justice may never be served, she reminds us. Empathetic yet never saccharine, direct yet never harsh, Dr. Laura encourages readers to explore their feelings and learn to get beyond them, supplying tools they can use to achieve fulfilling, contented lives free of rancor and the need to settle scores.Powerful and thought-provoking, Surviving a Shark Attack (on Land) gives readers the emotional defenses they need to overcome the worst life will throw at them, whether it's a cheating spouse, a lying sibling, or a ruthless colleague.


Title Page




Chapter One - The Nature of Betrayal

Chapter Two - Betrayal or Not a Betrayal . . . That Is the Question

Chapter Three - Vengeance Is Mine

Chapter Four - Revenge Is Sweet?

Chapter Five - A Philosophical Approach to Revenge

Chapter Six - Life After Betrayal

Chapter Seven - Betrayal as a Blessing in Disguise?



About the Author

Books by Dr. Laura Schlessinger


About the Publisher

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