


10-Minute Life Lessons for Kids电子书

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作       者:Miller, Jamie C.

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:21.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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52 playful and easy to understand activites to hhelp parents teach children moral lessons that they won't forget A child says, "I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand." 10-Minute Life Lessons for Kids is a book about seeing and doing--a book that gives parents the ability to teach the powerful principles of honesty, trust, generosity, love, and other values. Children will discover the objectives themselves as they actively participate in fun games and activities. The games can be done in any order, with very little planning and with very few supplies--just common objects most people have around the house like toothpicks, string, pennies, or an apple. Some can be done while riding in the car, and others can be expanded to fill a whole evening with family fun. The activities in 10-Minute Life Lessons for Kids will not only create cozy and enjoyable moments of family togetherness, they will have a lasting impact on your growing child.


Title Page




Part One - Priorities and the Things We Value

1 - Bare Necessities

2 - A Matter of Time

3 - Sweet Deceptions

4 - Weighing In

5 - The Golden Egg

Part Two - Potential and Self-Worth

6 - An Apple a Day

7 - The Worth of a Soul

8 - Stars and Space Stations

9 - Hidden Treasures

10 - Pass the Popcorn

Part Three - Attitude

11 - Sink or Swim

12 - Rocks in Your Socks

13 - The Heat Is On

14 - In and Out of Focus

Part Four - Honesty and Integrity

15 - All Tied Up

16 - The Tower of Flour

17 - Now You See It, Now You Don’t

18 - Shape Up!

Part Five - Love and Kindness

19 - Light My Fire

20 - A Spoonful of Sugar

21 - The love Eggs-periment

22 - Spin the Bottle

Part Six - Developing Habits

23 - Hanging by a Thread

24 - May the Force Be with You

25 - All Change Hands

26 - The “No” Game

Part Seven - Goal Setting

27 - Goalies

28 - Domino Dash

29 - It’s in the Mail

30 - Knockout

Part Eight - Unity and Cooperation

31 - Getting to Know You

32 - Pulling Together

33 - Strength in Numbers

34 - The Right Moves

35 - Spinning a Yarn

Part Nine - Gratitude

36 - Around the World

37 - A Touch of Gratitude

38 - The Happiness Test

39 - Uncovering Blessings

Part Ten - Courage and Adversity

40 - Rock Solid

41 - What Would You Do If?

42 - On a Roll

43 - A Crushing Blow

Part Eleven - Respect and Manners

44 - The Golden Rule

45 - Bag of Feathers

46 - Please Pass the Toothpick

47 - Yakety-Yak

Part Twelve - Trust and Faith

48 - Dirt Dessert

49 - Truth or Consequences

50 - Rising to the Top

51 - Lean on Me

52 - Blind Faith

Words to Live By

Selected Bibliography

Index by Age Group

Index by Life Lesson


About the Author


About the Publisher

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