


A Widow's Story电子书

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作       者:Oates, Joyce Carol

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:59.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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In a work unlike anything she's written before, National Book Award winner Joyce Carol Oates unveils a poignant, intimate memoir about the unexpected death of her husband of forty-six years and its wrenching, surprising aftermath."My husband died, my life collapsed." On a February morning in 2008, Joyce Carol Oates drove her ailing husband, Raymond Smith, to the emergency room of the Princeton Medical Center where he was diagnosed with pneumonia. Both Joyce and Ray expected him to be released in a day or two. But in less than a week, even as Joyce was preparing for his discharge, Ray died from a virulent hospital-acquired infection, and Joyce was suddenly faced totally unprepared with the stunning reality of widowhood.A Widow's Story illuminates one woman's struggle to comprehend a life without the partnership that had sustained and defined her for nearly half a century. As never before, Joyce Carol Oates shares the derangement of denial, the anguish of loss, the disorientation of the survivor amid a nightmare of "death-duties," and the solace of friendship. She writes unflinchingly of the experience of grief the almost unbearable suspense of the hospital vigil, the treacherous "pools" of memory that surround us, the vocabulary of illness, the absurdities of commercialized forms of mourning. Here is a frank acknowledgment of the widow's desperation only gradually yielding to the recognition that "this is my life now."Enlivened by the piercing vision, acute perception, and mordant humor that are the hallmarks of the work of Joyce Carol Oates, this moving tale of life and death, love and grief, offers a candid, never-before-glimpsed view of the acclaimed author and fiercely private woman.




Part I: The Vigil

Chapter 1 - The Message

Chapter 2 - Car Wreck

Chapter 3 - The First Wrong Things

Chapter 4 - “Pneumonia”

Chapter 5 - Telemetry

Chapter 6 - E-mail Record

Chapter 7 - E. coli

Chapter 8 - Hospital Vigil(s)

Chapter 9 - Jasmine

Chapter 10 - Vigil

Chapter 11 - E-mail Record

Chapter 12 - Memory Pools

Chapter 13 - “I’m Not Crying for Any Reason”

Chapter 14 - The Call

Part II: Free Fall

Chapter 15 - “The Golden Vanity”

Chapter 16 - Yellow Pages

Chapter 17 - The Arrow

Chapter 18 - E-mail Record

Chapter 19 - Last Words

Chapter 20 - “You’ve Said Good-bye”

Chapter 21 - Double Plot

Chapter 22 - Cat Pee

Chapter 23 - Probate

Chapter 24 - “Sympathy Gift Basket”

Chapter 25 - The Betrayal

Chapter 26 - The Artisans

Chapter 27 - E-mail Record

Part III: The Basilisk

Chapter 28 - “Beady Dead Eyes Like Gems”

Chapter 29 - The Lost Husband

Chapter 30 - “How Are You?”

Chapter 31 - “Bells for John Whiteside’s Daughter”

Chapter 32 - The Nest

Chapter 33 - Ghost Rooms

Chapter 34 - E-mail Record

Chapter 35 - Fury!

Chapter 36 - Oasis

Chapter 37 - Bruised Knees

Chapter 38 - A Dream of Such Happiness!

Chapter 39 - “We Want to See You Soon”

Chapter 40 - Moving Away

Chapter 41 - “Won’t Be Seeing You for a While”

Chapter 42 - “Can’t Find You Where Are You”

Chapter 43 - “I Am Sorry to Inform You”

Part IV: Purgatory, Hell

Chapter 44 - “Neither Joyce Nor I Can Come to the Phone Right Now”

Chapter 45 - The Military Order of the Purple Heart

Chapter 46 - In Motion!

Chapter 47 - In Motion!—“Still Alive”

Chapter 48 - In Motion! —“Mouth of the Rat”

Chapter 49 - In Motion!— “The Wonder Woman of American Literature”

Chapter 50 - In Motion!— “You Can’t Sit There”

Chapter 51 - “Never Forget”

Chapter 52 - The Widow’s Secret

Chapter 53 - Congratulations! I

Chapter 54 - Congratulations! II

Chapter 55 - E-mail Record

Chapter 56 - The Cache

Chapter 57 - Morbidity Studies

Chapter 58 - The Intruder

Part V: “You Looked So Happy”

Chapter 59 - Too Soon!

Chapter 60 - “Leaving Las Vegas”

Chapter 61 - “The Unlived . . .”

Chapter 62 - Cruel Crude Stupid “Well-Intentioned”

Chapter 63 - “If . . .”

Chapter 64 - “Never, Ever That Again”

Chapter 65 - The “Real World”

Chapter 66 - Little Love Story

Chapter 67 - Tulips

Chapter 68 - Please Forgive!

Chapter 69 - “Happy, and Excited”

Chapter 70 - Blood in the Water!

Chapter 71 - Walking Wounded

Chapter 72 - Dead Woman Walking

Chapter 73 - Taboo

Chapter 74 - “Ashamed to Be ‘White’ ”

Chapter 75 - It Made No Difference

Chapter 76 - Sinkholes

Chapter 77 - The Garden

Chapter 78 - The Pilgrimage

Chapter 79 - “You Looked So Happy”

Chapter 80 - Black Mass I

Chapter 81 - Black Mass II

Chapter 82 - “Good Girl!”

Chapter 83 - The Resolution

Chapter 84 - “Did Ray Like Swing?”

Chapter 85 - “Title”

Chapter 86 - “Your Husband Is Still Alive”


Three Small Sightings in August

The Widow’s Handbook


Books by Joyce Carol Oates


About the Publisher

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