


Taking the Quantum Leap电子书

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作       者:Wolf, Fred A.

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:44.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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This book entertainingly traces the history of physics from the observations of the early Greeks through the discoveries of Galileo and Newton to the dazzling theories of such scientists as Planck, Einstein, Bohr, and Bohm. This humanized view of science opens up the mind-stretching visions of how quantum mechanics, God, human thought, and will are related, and provides profound implications for our understanding of the nature of reality and our relationship to the cosmos.


Title Page



Preface: Six Years After


Part I - Welcome to the Machine

Chapter 1 - The Passive Observer

Dawn of Consciousness

All Is One, All Is Change

The Idea of Discontinuity

Zeno and Moving Things

Zeno’s First Paradox

Zeno’s Second Paradox

Zeno’s Third Paradox

Aristotle’s Attempt to Resolve Zeno’s Paradoxes

Retrospect: The End of Passivity

Chapter 2 - The Active Observer

Newton’s Giants: The Age of Reason

Galileo: The First Active Observer

The Continuity of Mechanics

A Conversation with Isaac Newton

The Nightmare of Determinism

An Explanation of Light and Heat… with Something Missing

The Ether Is Missing

The Ultraviolet Catastrophe

The End of the Mechanical Age

Part II - When the Universe Jumped

Chapter 3 - The Disturbing Observer

The Movement of Reluctant Minds

Averting a Catastrophe with Lumps of Energy

Throwing Stones in a Quantum Pond

The Energy, the Whole Energy, or Nothing at All

The Reluctant Planck

Einstein Draws a Picture: The Photon Is Born

Chapter 4 - Quantum Jumps

A Lord Eats a Raisin Pudding Atom

Bohr’s Quantum Atom

Chapter 5 - When a Particle Is a Wave

A Prince Imagines a Wave

American Grains of Waves

Schroedinger’s Unimaginable Waves: The End of Pictures

Chapter 6 - No One Has Seen the Wind

God Shoots Dice: The Probability Interpretation

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle: The End of Mechanical Models

Chapter 7 - Resistance to Uncertainty

Part III - Is There an “Out There” Out There?

Chapter 8 - Complements of the Cosmic House

The Act of Creation: Observation

The Paradoxical Cube

Wave-Particle Duality and the Principle of Complementarity

The Magician’s Choice

The Case of the Vanishing Observer

Newcomb’s Paradox

The Principle of Complementarity: A Recap

Chapter 9 - The Case of the Missing Universe

The Devil’s Advocate

The EPR Paradox

Chapter 10 - Faster Than a Speeding Photon

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Qwiffs, Flows, and Pops

Chapter 11 - Breaking the Unbroken Whole

When Two Become One

I Am This Whole Universe

Imagination’s Architecture: The Qwiff

All or Nothing at All: How to Add Qwiffs

Two Places at the Same Time: Entangling Qwiffs

Schroedinger’s Cat in a Cage

Chapter 12 - Nothing Up My Sleeve

The Search for the Unseen Order

Bell’s Theorem: Separate Houses with a Common Basement

We Has Found the Hidden Variables: They Is Us!

Part IV - Losing Our Minds

Chapter 13 - Consciousness and Parallel Universes

What Kind of Machine Am I?

The Golem: A Machine with Consciousness?

The Mind of Professor Wigner

The Paradox of Wigners Friend

An Infinite Number of Parallel Universes

Chapter 14 - Human Will and Human Consciousness

Queerer than We Can Imagine

The Quantum Mechanics of Human Consciousness

A Quantum Mechanical Mind-Body Interaction: Bass’s Model

The Impossible Mission: The Exercise of Human Will

The Atom and “I”: Are Atoms Conscious?

All for One and One for All: Where Is My Mind?

God’s Will and Human Will

Chapter 15 - New Ideas in Quantum Physics

Idea One: Taking a Photograph of Another Everett Parallel World

Using a Quantum Computer to Predict the Stock Market

Idea Two: The Future Influencing the Present

An Example: Wheeler’s Choice

Back to the Future: Awareness Before Awareness

What Does This All Mean?






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