


Sometimes I Feel Like a Nut: Essays and Observations From An Odd Mom Out电子书

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作       者:Kargman, Jill

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:14.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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Demonstrating Woody Allen's magical math equation, comedy = tragedy + time, a sensational collection of witty essays about life, love, hate, kids, work, school, and more from the author of The Ex-Mrs. Hedgefund and Arm Candy Jill Kargman is a mother, wife, and writer living the life in New York City . . . a life that includes camping out in a one-bedroom apartment with some unfortunate (and furry) roommates, battling the Momzillas of Manhattan, and coming to terms with her desire for gay men. In this entertaining collection of observations, Kargman offers her unique, wickedly funny perspective as she zips around Manhattan with three kids in tow.Kargman tackles issues big and small with sharp wit and laugh-out-loud humor: her love of the smell of gasoline, her new names for nail polishes, her adventures in New York City real estate, and her fear of mimes, clowns, and other haunting things. Whether it's surviving a family road trip or why she can't stand Cirque du So Lame, living with a mommy vagina the size of the Holland Tunnel or surviving the hell that was her first job out of college, Kargman's nutty self triumphs, thanks to a wonderfully wise outlook and sense of fun that makes the best of everything that gets thrown her way. And if that's not enough, Kargman illustrates her reflections with doodles that capture her refreshing voice.


Title Page




1 Glossary

2 Things That Haunt Me

3 Babysitters from Hizznell

4 Weird Science (Minus Kelly LeBrock)

5 Wednesday Addams in Barbietown

6 Tea with Dracula

7 I Am a Gay Man Trapped in a Woman’s Body

8 Everybody’s Gotta Start Somewhere

9 Obsessed/Detest

10 A Letter to My Crappy One-Bedroom

11 My Vagina Is the Holland Tunnel

12 My Top Ten Most Blush-Inducing Moments of Motherhood (Thus Far)

13 Proposal to Essie Nail Color: New Names!

14 Right Address, Wrong Apartment

15 Thirty-four and Holding

16 Tumor Humor

17 Putting the Ass in Aspen

18 Spinagogue



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