


Sons of Camelot电子书

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作       者:Leamer, Laurence

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:110.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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One of Bobby Kennedy's first acts after JFK's assassination was to write a letter to his eldest son, reminding him of the obligations of his name. Bobby sent the letter to eleven-year-old Joe, but the message was meant for all his sons and nephews.Sons of Camelot is the compelling story of that message and how it shaped each Kennedy son and grandson in the aftermath of President John F. Kennedy's death. Based on five years of rigorous research and unprecedented cooperation from both the Kennedys and the Shrivers, Sons of Camelot examines the lives characterized by overwhelming drama -- from the most spectacular mishaps, excesses, and tragediesto the remarkable accomplishments that have led to better lives for Americans and others around the world.The third volume in Laurence Leamer's bestselling history of America's first family, Sons of Camelot chronicles the spellbinding journey of a message sent from a father to his son ... from a president to his people.


Title Page



The Sons of Camelot

1. A Soldier’s Salute

2. Sheep Without a Shepherd

3. Games of Power

4. The Senators Kennedy

5. Peaks and Valleys

6. A Brother’s Challenge

7. War in a Distant Clime

8. Standing in the Rubicon

9. A Race Against Himself

10. Journey’s End

11. Ports of Call

12. Ted’s Way

13. The Road Not Taken

14. Boys’ Lives

15. Sailing Beyond the Sunset

16. Running Free

17. A Clearing in the Future

18. Outcasts

19. The Shriver Table

20. John’s Song

21. Keeping the Faith

22. Bobby’s Games

23. A Life to Be Stepped Around

24. The Games of Men

25. Left Out in the Cold

26. Joe Jones in New Haven

27. John at Brown

28. An Actor’s Life

29. Saving Grace

30. Peter Pan on Rollerblades

31. Jungle Waste

32. A Man Apart

33. Good Friday

34. Love, Loyalty, and Money

35. Team Play

36. Best Buddies

37. Adrenaline Addicts

38. Michael’s Way

39. A Child of the Universe

40. Games Kennedys Play

41. Humbert Humbert

42. A Tattered Banner

43. “Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet George”

44. A Father and Son

4. John’s Best Shot

46. Poster Boys for Bad Behavior

47. Clinton and the Kennedys

48. A Life of Choices

49. Night Flight

50. Beguiled and Broken Hearts

51. Life Lessons

52. Times of Testing

53. Ripples of Hope

Source Abbreviations




Books by Laurence Leamer


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