


It Books电子书

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作       者:Tyler, Aisha

出  版  社:It Books


字       数:33.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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self-inflicted wound (n): a spectacularly humiliating, and often hilarious, incident entirely of one's own making. see also: you did it to yourself.Have you ever made a decision you instantly regrettedHumiliated yourself in a room of your peers, or shamed yourself in front of your massive crushEver blown a job interview, frozen during a presentation, acted like a total idiot on a dateEver said the wrong thing at the wrong time, unable to keep your tongue from flapping out the stupidest words you've ever said in your life, everIf you are a human being, the answer, of course, is yes. Take heart. You're not alone. This is known as the Self-Inflicted Wound, and every one of us bears a scar. Or several. Here, Aisha Tyler, comedian, actress, cohost of CBS's The Talk, star of Archer, and creator of the top-ranked podcast Girl on Guy, serves up a spectacular collection of her own self-inflicted wounds. From almost setting herself on fire, to vomiting on a boy she liked, to getting drunk and sleeping through the SATs, to going into crushing debt to pay for college and then throwing away her degree to become a comedian, Aisha's life has been a series of spectacularly epic fails. And she's got the scars to prove it. Literally.Through it all, Aisha's triumphs haven't come in spite of the failures, but because of them. Because with every failure comes a lesson learned, a strength revealed, a fear overcome, or an adventure braved. Self-Inflicted Wounds isn't just about surviving failure. It's about embracing failure pursuing it, even on the winding path to success. And after you've failed a time or three, hopefully you'll have learned something. Or at the very least have a really killer story. Because to err is human, but to fail epically is hilarious.




Introduction: What, Exactly, Is a Self-Inflicted Wound?

Prologue: Why Am I Doing This? Why?

(1) The Time I Cut Myself in Half

(2) The Time I Almost Set Myself on Fire

(3) The Time I Was a Human Maypole

(4) The Time I Got Boobs Way Before Everyone Else

(5) The Time I Foolishly Tried to Trade Vegetables for Meat

(6) The Time I Almost Seared My Flesh to My Dad’s Motorcycle

(7) The Time I Peed on Myself and My Surroundings

(8) The Time I Asked a Boy on a Wildly Inappropriate Date

(9) The Bunny Fiasco

(10) The Time I Desperately Wanted to Get My Period

(11) The Time I Actually Got My Period

(12) The Time I Snuck Out of My Home in the Night Like a CBS After-School Special

(13) The Time I Got Drunk the Night Before Taking the SAT

(14) The Time I Puked All Over the Car of a Boy I Liked in Broad Daylight

(15) The Hot Wasabi and the Infinite Sadness

(16) The Time I Was in an A Cappella Group

(17) The Time I Danced Tragically in Front of My Entire College

(18) The Time I Created My First Sketch Character

(19) The Time I Killed a Hobo

(20) The First Time I Did Standup

(21) The Tenth Time I Did Standup

(22) The Hundredth Time I Did Standup

(23) The Time My Worst Standup Nightmare Came True

(24) The Time I Wore That Awful See-Through Dress

(25) And Had That Awful Two-Toned Hair

(26) All the Times I Did Those Terrible Corporate Standup Gigs

(27) The Day the Comedy Died

(28) The Times I Spit on Someone from the Stage While Doing Standup

(29) The Time I Broke My Arm at Sundance, and the Ensuing Meltdown

(30) The Time I Broke My Foot, Alone, in a Hotel Room

(31) The Time I Fell Asleep on the Patio Furniture at a Birthday Party

(32) The Time I Vowed to Stop Drunk Tweeting

(33) The Apologia; or, Shut Up Aisha—a Far From Comprehensive List of My Verbal Gaffes

The Coda: Stop Doing It to Yourself


About the Author

Also by Aisha Tyler

Praise for Self-Inflicted Wounds


About the Publisher

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