


Arduino: Building LED and Espionage Projects电子书

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10人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Adith Jagdish Boloor,Samarth Shah,Utsav Shah

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:167.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Find out how to transform your Arduino device into an awesome secret agent gadget with this course, taking in everything from robotics to remote control cameras About This Book ?This course won’t just teach you. It will help you apply your knowledge so you can get creative – quickly! ?Find out how to make a computer interact with the real-world – you’ll be learning the basics of IoT without realizing it. ?Robots. A sound controlled Christmas tree. This course proves anything is possible with an Arduino! Who This Book Is For Seeking inspirationThis course will help you get creative with your Arduino quickly. What You Will Learn ?Find out how to explore the full potential of your tiny Arduino ?Find out how to bridge the gap between the real world and software, as you gather and visualize data from the environment ?Create simple servers to allow communication to occur ?Transform your Arduino into a GPS tracker ?Use the Arduino to monitor top secret data ?Build a complete spy robot! In Detail An Arduino might be a tiny computer but it can be used as the foundation for a huge range of projects. In this course, we’ll show you how just some of the projects that are possible with an Arduino. From robotics to secret agent gadgets, we’re pretty confident that this course will get you thinking creatively – and inspire you to create your very own new projects using the Arduino hacking skills you learn. This course, combines both text and video content – it’s made up of three modules to help organize your learning. In the first module we’ll show you how to build three different Arduino projects. All of these will not only get you up and running with something practical, they’ll also help you better understand how the Arduino works. Find out how to develop a home automation system and even build a robot! In the second module we’ll go one step further to help you get creative as you learn how to program LEDs with your Arduino. You’ll find out how to build a mood lamp and a remote-controlled TV backlight, before going on to make a sound controlled LED Christmas tree that makes use of sound visualization. Finally, the third module takes you from stylish design into espionage, as you learn how to create neat secret agent gadgets with your Arduino. Find out how to build an alarm system, a fingerprint sensor, even open a lock with a text message. And that’s not all – but to find out more you’ll have to dive in! This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products: ● Arduino By Example by Adith Jagadish Boloor ● Arduino BLINK Blueprints by Samarth Shah, Utsav Shah ● Arduino for Secret Agents by Marco Shwartz Style and approach Combining both video and text and built from some of Packt’s very best Arduino content, this course comprises of three modules covering a range of projects. It’s completely focused on helping the user get creative as quickly as possible so they can explore what’s possible with Arduino themselves.

Arduino: Building exciting LED based projects and espionage devices

Table of Contents

Arduino: Building exciting LED based projects and espionage devices

Arduino: Building exciting LED based projects and espionage devices



What this learning path covers

What you need for this learning path

Who this learning path is for

Reader feedback

Customer support

Downloading the example code




1. Module 1

1. Getting Started with Arduino


Materials needed


Setting up

Downloading and installing the software


Mac OS X

Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 and above)

Connecting the Arduino


Mac OS X


The Arduino IDE

Hello World

Writing a simple print statement

Using serial communication

Serial write

Serial read

The world of LED

Using serial communication

Serial write

Serial read

The world of LED

LED blink


2. Digital Ruler


A bit about the sensor

Hooking up an LCD to the Arduino

Best of both worlds


3. Converting Finger Gestures to Text


What is a capacitive touch sensor?

An introduction to Processing

Tic-tac-toe with touch

Arduino and Processing

The result

Pattern recognition


4. Burglar Alarm – Part 1

What is a passive infrared sensor?

A mini PIR-Arduino alarm

Testing the camera

Installing the camera on the network

Setting up the mugshot URL

Putting it together

An introduction to Python

Hooking up the Bluetooth module


5. Burglar Alarm – Part 2

Dealing with the image

Sending a notification to a smart device

Putting the pieces together


6. Home Automation – Part 1


Connecting the Wi-Fi module

The CC3000 Arduino shield

Testing the shield

Using relays to control appliances

Understanding the basics of the relay

Diving deeper into relay functionality

Programming a relay

Testing the relay with a light bulb

Communicating through a terminal


7. Home Automation – Part 2

Communicating via a smart phone

Android devices

iOS (Apple) devices

Implementing speech recognition

The software

Configuring the software

Creating a voice schema

Testing out the software

Making a more reliable schema

Upgrading the home automation system

Controlling multiple appliances

Via the terminal

Via the smart phone (Android)

Via the smart phone (iOS)

Via the speech recognition software (BitVoicer)

Complete home automation


8. Robot Dog – Part 1


Introducing Arduino MEGA 2560

The microcontroller

Testing MEGA

Understanding servos

Servo 101

Testing a servo

Programming a servo

Using multiple servos

Understanding power requirements

Limitations of Arduino MEGA 2560

Choosing the right power source

Using the right power source(s)

Building the chassis

Using prior art


9. Robot Dog – Part 2

Building the chassis

Sticks and servos

Completing the circuit

Labeling the servos

Building a tiny circuit

Putting it all together


10. Robot Dog – Part 3

Programming the robot

Weight distribution

Test one

The walking gait

Test two

Developing personality

Circuit upgrade

Body upgrade


The switch

Coding the personality

Implementing speech control

Connecting the HC-06 module

Programming the Arduino

Setting up BitVoicer


2. Module 2

1. Project 1 – LED Night Lamp

Introduction to breadboard

Structure of a breadboard

Using a breadboard

Controlling multiple LEDs

Simple traffic light controller

LED fading

Pulse width modulation (PWM)

Using PWM on Arduino

Creating a mood lamp

Using an RGB LED

Why do RGB LEDs change color?

Designing a mood lamp

Developing an LED night lamp

Introduction to switch

Pixar lamp


2. Project 2 – Remote Controlled TV Backlight

Introduction to IR LEDs

What is IR LED?

Applications of IR LED / IR communication

IR sensors

Working mechanism

Programming a basic IR sensor

How to receive data from a TV remote

LED strips

Controlling an LED strip with Arduino


3. Project 3 – LED Cube

Getting started with soldering

What you will need

Safety tips

Designing an LED cube

Required components

Principle behind the design


Mistakes to avoid

Fixing to the board

Programming a 4*4*4 LED cube


4. Sound Visualization and LED Christmas Tree

Introduction to sound visualization

How to visualize the sound

What is FFT (fast fourier transform)

Sound visualization using Arduino

Developing an LED Christmas tree


5. Persistence of Vision

Creating your own Persistence of Vision

Programming an LED array

Different types of motors

DC motors

Servo motors

Stepper motors

Different applications of motors

Controlling a DC motor using Arduino

Synchronizing an LED array with a motor

Bringing your efforts to life

Using your hands for rotation

Using two different Arduinos or external motors

Use existing real-life devices


6. Troubleshooting and Advanced Resources


Can't upload program

LED is dim

Resources – advanced users


Twitter Mood Light

Secret knock detecting door-lock

LED biking jacket

Twitter-enabled coffee pot

Useful resources


The Arduino blog

The Make magazine





All About Circuits


The Arduino forum


3. Module 3

1. A Simple Alarm System with Arduino

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware configuration

Configuring the alarm system

Testing the alarm system


2. Creating a Spy Microphone

Hardware and software requirements

Using the SD card

Testing the microphone

Building the spy microphone

Recording on the SD card


3. Building an EMF Bug Detector

Hardware and Software requirements

Hardware configuration

Testing the LCD screen

Building the EMF bug detector


4. Access Control with a Fingerprint Sensor

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware configuration

Enrolling your fingerprint

Controlling access to the relay

Accessing secret data


5. Opening a Lock with an SMS

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware configuration

Testing the FONA shield

Controlling the relay

Opening and closing the lock


6. Building a Cloud Spy Camera

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware configuration

Setting up your Dropbox account

Setting up your Temboo account

Saving pictures to Dropbox

Live streaming from the spy camera


7. Monitoring Secret Data from Anywhere

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware configuration

Sending data to dweet.io

Monitoring the device remotely

Creating automated e-mail alerts


8. Creating a GPS Tracker with Arduino

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware configuration

Testing the location functions

Sending a GPS location by SMS

Building a GPS location tracker


9. Building an Arduino Spy Robot

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware configuration

Setting up the motor control

Setting up live streaming

Setting up the interface

Testing the surveillance robot


A. Bibliography


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