


Mastering Android Wear Application Development电子书

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作       者:Siddique Hameed

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:94.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Master the future of mobile devices in wearable technology About This Book Mastering Android Wear Development is a complete guide to wearable technology for experienced Android developers Notifications, voice input, coping with round screens – all the key challenges of wearable technology are covered This book describes not just how to write code for wearables, but also how to think about wearable technology and design apps that work well with the physical limitations of wearable devices Who This Book Is For This book is for application developers (the web, mobile, and desktop) who are interested in building new wearable apps, and mobile developers who already have apps on iTunes or Google Play Store and are looking to provide Android Wear support for their existing Android or iOS apps. What You Will Learn Understand the Wearable computing technology Set up a development environment to build Android Wear apps using Android Studio Master the Android Wear SDK and APIs Understand the UI patterns and UX principles to build Android Wear apps Work with the different form factors of wearable devices (round and square) Take advantage of the sensors available on Android Wear devices Develop Android Wear sample apps Communicate between Android mobile and Android Wear apps Get to know the steps involved in publishing Android Wear apps to the Play store In Detail Wearable technology is the future of mobile devices. It looks set to be a breakthrough technology, just like the iPad was before it. With the Apple Watch being widely regarded as a success, all eyes are now on Google to provide a similar device for its users. Keep your skills ahead of the competition and be one of the first to fully understand this powerful new trend. This book will give you a very solid understanding of the philosophy, thought process, development details, and methodologies involved in building well-designed, robust Android Wear applications. We cover the advantages and disadvantages of the wearable computing paradigm and provide a good foundational knowledge for you to build practical, real-world wearable apps. You will learn about the various tools, platforms, libraries, SDKs, and technology needed to build Android Wear apps. By the end of the book, you will be an expert in building Android wearable apps. Style and approach This one-stop professional tutorial will teach you everything you need to know to begin designing and developing applications for this exciting new technology. Every step from development through testing to deployment is explained in depth.

Mastering Android Wear Application Development

Mastering Android Wear Application Development


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1. Introduction to Wearable Computing


Moore's law

Ubiquitous computing

Mobile meets wearables

Hello Android Wear


2. Setting up the Development Environment

Android Studio


Git and GitHub


Android SDK packages

Android Virtual Devices

Let's build a skeleton application


3. Developing Android Wear Applications

Skeleton app

The Android manifest file

Gradle build files

App activities

Let's build an Android Wear app


4. Developing Watch UI

Wearable UI

The Android manifest file

The TodayActivity activity

Actions inside the arrays.xml file

Main activity layout file

The WearableListItemLayout component

The DayOfYearActivity class

The activity_day_of_year.xml file


5. Synchronizing Data

What is a companion app anyway?

Setting up an Android Wear virtual device

Revisiting the Today app

Scope of the new Today app

The Wearable data layer API




Cloud Node

The GoogleApiClient class

The Volley library

The JSoup library

The Build Script

Companion app's Android manifest file

The TodayMobileActivity class

Wearable app's Android manifest file

The OnThisDayActivity class

The HandheldListenerService class

Messages not coming through to your Wear app?


6. Contextual Notifications

Getting notified

Core classes of the notifications API


Action buttons in your notification

Wearable-only actions


Today app with to-do notifications


Mocking a GPS

The build.gradle file on wear and mobile apps

Handheld app's Android manifest file

The TodoMobileActivity class

To-do list view

Adding to-do items

Mock locations

Mocking locations using FakeGPS app

The GeofenceTransitionIntentService class

Handheld app notification

Wearable app notifications


7. Voice Interactions, Sensors, and Tracking

Voice capabilities

System-provided voice actions

App-provided voice actions

New feature - adding to-do items through voice commands

Add to-do Item - a new action in the wearable app

The AddTodoItem activity in the wearable app

Handling speech inputs

Handheld app

Motion sensors



New feature - tracking our steps

Add to-do item - a new action in the wearable app


8. Creating Custom UI

Android Wear UI design

Common UI patterns


Countdowns and confirmations

Card stacks

2D Pickers

Selection lists

Revisiting the OnThisDay activity

The OnThisDayActivity activity

The activity layout


9. Material Design

Approaching material design

Interacting with the world

A visual language

To-do item menus

About the navigation drawer

The TodosActivity class

The TodoItemTypeFragment class

The NavigationAdapter class

Navigation item

The WearableDrawerLayout class

Menu items

Menu listener

Switching to-do types


10. Watch Faces

Telling the time

What is a watch face?

Design considerations

Implementation considerations

The watch face service

Interactive watch faces

Performance considerations

Let's build a watch face

The Android manifest file

The TodayWatchFace service

The TodayWatchFaceService class

The onTimeTick method

Drawing the watch face

Ambient mode

Customizing the watch face

The WatchFaceConfigActivity class


11. Advanced Features and Concepts

Keeping the watch running

Making an app to stay always on

An always running step counter

The Android manifest file

The StepCounterActivity class

Debugging wearable apps

Device setup

USB debugging on the handheld app

Bluetooth debugging on the wearable app

Session setup on the handhelds apps

The way forward - reviewing Android Wear 2.0

Watch face complications

Navigation and action drawers

Expanded and messaging style notifications

The Input Method Framework

Remote input and smart reply

Wrist gestures

Bridging mode

Standalone wearables


12. Publishing Apps to Google Play


The need for testing

Types of unit test

Automating user interface tests

Test APIs


The AndroidJUnitRunner class


View and Adapter matching

Action APIs

UI Automator

Monkey and monkeyrunner

The human touch

App distribution


Publishing and opt-in


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