


Swift 3 Game Development - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Stephen Haney

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:78.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Embrace the mobile gaming revolution by creating popular iOS games with Swift 3.0 About This Book Create and design games for iPhone and iPad using SpriteKit and Swift 3.0 Learn the core fundamentals of SpriteKit game development and mix and match techniques to customize your game This step-by-step practical guide will teach you to build games from scratch using little-known tips and strategies for maximum fun Who This Book Is For If you wish to create and publish fun iOS games using Swift, then this book is for you. You should be familiar with basic programming concepts. However, no prior game development or Apple ecosystem experience is required. What You Will Learn Deliver powerful graphics, physics, and sound in your game by using SpriteKit Set up the scene using the new capabilities of the scene editor and custom classes Maximize gameplay with little-known tips and strategies for fun and repeatable action Make use of animations, graphics, and particles to polish your game Understand the current mobile monetization landscape to choose the best option for your own situation Integrate your game with Game Center so that your players can share their high scores and achievements Publish your game to the App Store and enjoy people playing your games In Detail Swift is the perfect choice for game development. Developers are intrigued by Swift 3.0 and want to make use of new features to develop their best games yet. Packed with best practices and easy-to-use examples, this book leads you step by step through the development of your first Swift game. This book starts by introducing SpriteKit and Swift's new features that can be used for game development. After setting up your first Swift project, you will build your first custom class, learn how to draw and animate your game, and add physics simulations. Then, you will add the player character, NPCs, and powerups. To make your game more fun and engaging, you will learn how to set up scenes and backgrounds, build fun menus, and integrate with Apple Game Center to add leaderboards and achievements. You will then make your game stand out by adding animations when game objects collide, and incorporate proven techniques such as the advanced particle system and graphics. Finally, you will explore the various options available to start down the path towards monetization and publish your finished games to the App Store. By the end of this book, you will be able to create your own iOS games using Swift and SpriteKit. Style and approach This project-based guide is engaging with a visually-rich approach rather than a text-heavy approach. With every chapter containing practical examples, you will understand how Swift programming works and make the most of the new features in version 3.0.

Swift 3 Game Development - Second Edition

Swift 3 Game Development - Second Edition


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1. Designing Games with Swift

Why you will love Swift


What you will learn in this book

Embracing SpriteKit

Reacting to player input

Structuring your game code

Building UI/menus/levels

Integrating with Game Center

Maximizing fun

Crossing the finish line

Monetizing your work

New in Swift 3

Setting up your development environment

Introducing and installing Xcode

Creating our first Swift game

Navigating our project

Exploring the SpriteKit demo

Examining the demo code

Cleaning up


2. Sprites, Camera, Action!

Sharpening our pencils

Checkpoint 2-A

Drawing your first sprite

Building a SKSpriteNode class

Adding animation to your toolkit

Sequencing multiple animations

Recapping your first sprite

The story on positioning

Alignment with anchor points

Adding textures and game art

Downloading the free assets

More exceptional art

Drawing your first textured sprite

Adding the bee image to your project

Loading images with SKSpriteNode

Designing for retina

The ideal asset approach

Hands-on with retina in SpriteKit

Organizing your assets

Exploring Assets.xcassets

Collecting art into texture atlases

Updating our bee node to use the texture atlas

Iterating through texture atlas frames

Putting it all together

Centering the camera on a sprite

Checkpoint 2-B


3. Mix in the Physics

Laying the foundation

Following protocol

Reinventing the bee

The icy tundra

Adding the ground texture to Assets.xcassets

Adding the Ground class

Tiling a texture

Running wire to the ground

A wild penguin appears!

Renovating the GameScene class

Exploring the physics system

Dropping like flies

Solidifying the ground

Checkpoint 3-A

Exploring physics simulation mechanics

Bee meets bee

Impulse or force?

Checkpoint 3-B


4. Adding Controls

Retrofitting the Player class for flight

The Beekeeper

Updating the Player class

Moving the ground

Assigning a physics body to the player

Creating a physics body shape from a texture

Polling for device movement with Core Motion

Implementing the Core Motion code

Checkpoint 4-A

Wiring up the sprite onTap events

Implementing touchesBegan in the GameScene

Larger than life

Teaching our penguin to fly

Listening for touches in GameScene

Fine-tuning gravity

Spreading your wings

Improving the camera

Pushing Pierre forward

Tracking the player's progress

Looping the ground

Checkpoint 4-B


5. Spawning Enemies, Coins, and Power-ups

Introducing the cast

Locating and adding the art assets

Adding the Power-up Star

Adding the Star class

Adding a new enemy - the Mad Fly

Adding the MadFly class

Another terror - Bats!

Adding the Bat class

Guarding the ground - adding the Blade

Adding the Blade class

Adding the coins

Creating the coin classes

Organizing the project navigator

Testing the new game objects

Checkpoint 5-A

Preparing for endless flight


6. Generating a Never-Ending World

Designing levels with the SpriteKit scene editor

Separating level data from game logic

Using custom classes in the scene editor

Encounters in endless flying

Creating our first encounter

Integrating scenes into the game

Checkpoint 6-A

Spawning endless encounters

Building more encounters

Updating the EncounterManager class

Storing metadata in SKSpriteNodeuserData property

Wiring up EncounterManager in the GameScene class

Spawning the Power-up Star at random

Turning bronze coins to gold

Checkpoint 6-B


7. Implementing Collision Events

Learning the SpriteKit collision vocabulary

Collision versus contact

Physics category masks

Using category masks in Swift

Adding contact events to our game

Setting up the physics categories

Assigning categories to game objects

The player

The ground

The Power-up Star



Preparing GameScene for contact events

Viewing console output

Testing our contact code

Checkpoint 7-A

Player health and damage

Animations for damage and game over

The damage animation

The game over animation

Collecting coins

The Power-up Star logicterrific progress in this chapter. To download my project up to this

Checkpoint 7-B


8. Polishing to a Shine - HUD, Parallax Backgrounds, Particles, and More

Adding a HUD

Implementing the HUD

Parallax background layers

Adding the background assets

Implementing a background class

Wiring up backgrounds in the GameScene class

Checkpoint 8-A

Harnessing SpriteKit's particle system

Adding the circle particle asset

Creating a SpriteKit particle file

Configuring the path particle settings

Adding the particle emitter to the game

Granting safety as the game starts

Checkpoint 8-B


9. Adding Menus and Sounds

Building the main menu

Creating the menu scene and menu nodes

Launching the main menu when the game starts

Wiring up the START GAME button

Adding the restart game menu

Extending the HUD

Wiring up GameScene for game over

Informing the GameScene class when the player dies

Implementing touch events for the restart menu

Checkpoint 9-A

Adding music and sound

Adding the sound assets to the game

Playing background music

Playing sound effects

Adding the coin sound effect to the Coin class

Adding the power-up and hurt sound effects to the Player class

Playing a sound when the game starts

Checkpoint 9-B


10. Standing Out in the Crowd with Advanced Features

Adding fun crates to smash open

Creating the Crate particle effects

Recycling emitter nodes with particle pools

Checkpoint 10-A

Wiring up crate contact events

Adding a health crate

Smashing coin crates

Checkpoint 10-B


11. Choosing a Monetization Strategy

Developing your marketing plan

When to start marketing

Marketing checklist

Leveraging crowdfunding

Pros and cons of crowdfunding

Showing display ads for revenue

The upsides to showing ads

The downsides to showing ads

Selling in-app purchases

In-app purchase strategies

A word about farming your players

Localization into foreign markets

Managing scope and completing projects


12. Integrating with Game Center

Registering an app with iTunes Connect

Creating a test user

Authenticating the player's Game Center account

Opening Game Center in our game

Checkpoint 10-A

Adding a leaderboard of high scores

Creating a new leaderboard in iTunes Connect

Updating the leaderboard from the code

Adding an achievement

Creating a new achievement in iTunes Connect

Updating achievements from the code

Checkpoint 10-B


13. Ship It! Preparing for the App Store and Publication

Finalizing assets

Adding app icons

Designing the launch screen

Taking screenshots for each supported device

Finalizing iTunes Connect information

Configuring pricing

Uploading our project from Xcode

Submitting for review in iTunes Connect


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