


Research: B2+ (Collins Academic Skills)电子书

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作       者:Anneli Williams

出  版  社:Collins


字       数:98.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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Improve your reading and referencing skills *The Collins Academic Skills Series - winner of the ELTon 2014 Innovation in Learner Resources Award.* Collins Academic Skills Series: Research will give you the skills you need for successful academic reading and referencing. Learn how to choose the right sources access information think critically when reading texts make concise notes Collins Academic Skills Series: Research will help you to make the most of your time at university. Clear information and practical exercises Information on academic expectations – understand the requirements of studying at university Helpful tips and summaries Answer key and glossary Research is part of a new six-book series to help international students achieve academic success at college or university. It is designed to support students who are studying, or preparing to study, at an English-speaking institution. Suitable for students whose level of English is Upper Intermediate / CEF level B2 / IELTS 5.5 and higher. Other titles in the Collins Academic Skills Series Group Work Lectures Numbers Presenting Writing

Title Page




Chapter 1: Getting started

understand the purpose of research

learn how your research will be marked

learn about the research process

interpret set essay questions

write an essay question of your own

Chapter 2: Accessing information

find information in the library

use databases

search effectively with key words

make the most of the library

make good use of the internet for research

Chapter 3: Choosing the right source material

choose academically credible materials

know who the experts are

recognize what makes a text academic

choose relevant materials

manage your materials

Chapter 4: Academic texts

recognize the key features of a textbook

learn how to use monographs and edited volumes

understand how journal articles and reports are organized

Chapter 5: Reading strategies

choose the right reading strategy for your purpose

read quickly for a general overview

read quickly for specific information

deal with unfamiliar vocabulary

read complex and difficult sentences

Chapter 6: Reading more efficiently

improve your concentration when reading

guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from context

improve your reading speed

Chapter 7: Reading critically

define critical thinking in your study context

distinguish fact from opinion

reflect critically on your own views

critically evaluate reading texts

Chapter 8: Making notes

use a variety of note-making styles

make concise notes

organize and store notes for easy retrieval

Chapter 9: Writing an outline

write outlines for different types of essay

devise an effective argument

structure introductions and conclusions

Chapter 10: Using sources

learn how to integrate source material into your essay

decide whether to quote, paraphrase or summarize

learn how to quote correctly

learn how to paraphrase and summarize

Chapter 11: Referencing

recognize different referencing systems

reference using an author-date system

reference with footnotes

know when a reference is and is not needed

Chapter 12: Finding your voice

use sources correctly

use sources effectively

express your opinion in your essay

Chapter 13: Writing up

get started with your first draft

stay on topic

use assessment criteria to redraft

prepare the final draft

Reference list


Appendix 1 – Critical reading checklist

Appendix 2 – Instruction words

Appendix 3 – Prefixes, suffixes and roots



About the Author

Answer key

About the Publisher

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