


The Martian Chronicles电子书

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作       者:Ray Bradbury

出  版  社:Harper Voyager


字       数:30.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The strange and wonderful tale of man’s experiences on Mars, filled with intense images and astonishing visions. Now part of the Voyager Classics collection. The Martian Chronicles tells the story of humanity’s repeated attempts to colonize the red planet. The first men were few. Most succumbed to a disease they called the Great Loneliness when they saw their home planet dwindle to the size of a fist. They felt they had never been born. Those few that survived found no welcome on Mars. The shape-changing Martians thought they were native lunatics and duly locked them up. But more rockets arrived from Earth, and more, piercing the hallucinations projected by the Martians. People brought their old prejudices with them – and their desires and fantasies, tainted dreams. These were soon inhabited by the strange native beings, with their caged flowers and birds of flame.

Title Page





January 1999: Rocket Summer

February 1999: Ylla

August 1999: The Summer Night

August 1999: The Earth Men

March 2000: The Taxpayer

April 2000: The Third Expedition

June 2001: – and the Moon be Still as Bright

August 2001: The Settlers

December 2001: The Green Morning

February 2002: The Locusts

August 2002: Night Meeting

October 2002: The Shore

November 2002: The Fire Balloons

February 2003: Interim

April 2003: The Musicians

June 2003: Way up in the Middle of the Air

2004–05: The Naming of Names

August 2005: The Old Ones

September 2005: The Martian

November 2005: The Luggage Store

November 2005: The Off Season

November 2005: The Watchers

December 2005: The Silent Towns

April 2026: The Long Years

August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains

October 2026: The Million-Year Picnic

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