


The Node Craftsman Book电子书

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作       者:Manuel Kiessling

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:17.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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The Node Craftsman Book helps JavaScript programmers with basic Node.js knowledge to now thoroughly master Node.js and JavaScript. This book dives you deeper into the craft of software development with Node.js and JavaScript, incuding object-orientation, test-driven development, database handling, web frameworks, and much more. The Node Craftsman Book shows you how to work with Node.js and how to think deeply about how you build your Node projects. You'll master how to build a complete Node.js application across six crafting milestones, and you'll learn many specific skills to achieve that mastery. These skills include how to work with the Node Package Manager in depth, how to connect your Node applications to databases, and how to write unit tests and end-to-end tests for your code. You'll experience the full Node.js development picture, and learn how to craft and control your Node.js applications - right through to fully-fledged web applications using REST, and integration with Angular applications. What you will learn ?How to connect to databases like MongoDB and MySQL from your Node.js application ?How to unit tests and end-to-end tests for your code ?When and how to leverage migrations for setting up a continuous deployment workflow ?Detailed insight into how the Node Package Manager, NPM works ?How object-orientation actually works

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Part 1: Node.js Basics in Detail

Introduction to Part 1

Working with NPM and Packages

Test-driven Node.js Development

Object-oriented JavaScript

Blueprints versus finger-pointing

A classless society

Creating objects

Using a simple function to create plain objects

Using a constructor function to create objects

Using prototyping to efficiently share behaviour between objects

Object-orientation, prototyping, and inheritance

A classless society, revisited


Synchronous and Asynchronous Operations Explained

Visualizing the Node.js execution model

Blocking and non-blocking operations

Using and Creating Event Emitters


Creating your own event emitter object


Optimizing Code Performance and Control Flow Management Using the Async Library

Executing expensive asynchronous background tasks in parallel

Optimizing code structure with async

Node.js and MySQL

Using the mysql library

A first database application

Using the Streaming API

Making SQL queries secure against attacks


Node.js and MongoDB

Some MongoDB basics

Applying CRUD operations with the low-level mongodb driver

Retrieving specific documents using filters

More complex update operations

Working with indexes

Querying collections efficiently


Part 2: Building a Complete Web Application with Node.js and Angular


The requirements from a user's perspective

High level architecture overview

Setting up the development environment

Milestone 1 – A First Passing Test Against the Server

Milestone 2 – The API Responds with Actual Database Content

Abstracting database access

Ensuring a clean slate for test runs

Completing the first spec

Milestone 3 – Setting the Stage for a Continuous Delivery Workflow

Introducing automatic database migrations

Milestone 4 – Giving Users a Frontend

Setting up frontend dependencies through bower

Serving the frontend through the backend server

Adding the frontend code

Adding AngularJS view templates

Milestone 5 – More Work on the Backend

Adding a route for retrieving categories

Making the backend recognize different environments

Milestone 6 – Completing the Backend and Finalizing the Application

Creating the route for adding new keywords

Creating the route for updating keywords

Creating the route for deleting keywords


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