


Software Architecture with Python电子书

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作       者:Anand Balachandran Pillai

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:448.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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"Key Features ?Identify design issues and make the necessary adjustments to achieve improved performance ?Understand practical architectural quality attributes from the perspective of a practicing engineer and architect using Python ?Gain knowledge of architectural principles and how they can be used to provide accountability and rationale for architectural decisions Book De*ion This book starts off by explaining how Python fits into an application architecture. As you move along, you will understand the architecturally significant demands and how to determine them. Later, you'll get a complete understanding of the different architectural quality requirements that help an architect to build a product that satisfies business needs, such as maintainability/reusability, testability, scalability, performance, usability, and security. You will use various techniques such as incorporating DevOps, Continuous Integration, and more to make your application robust. You will understand when and when not to use object orientation in your applications. You will be able to think of the future and design applications that can scale proportionally to the growing business. The focus is on building the business logic based on the business process documentation and which frameworks are to be used when. We also cover some important patterns that are to be taken into account while solving design problems as well as those in relatively new domains such as the Cloud. This book will help you understand the ins and outs of Python so that you can make those critical design decisions that not just live up to but also surpass the expectations of your clients. What you will learn ?Build programs with the right architectural attributes ?Use Enterprise Architectural Patterns to solve scalable problems on the Web ?Understand design patterns from a Python perspective ?Optimize the performance testing tools in Python ?Deploy code in remote environments or on the Cloud using Python ?Secure architecture applications in Python About the Author Anand Balachandran Pillai is an Engineering and Technology professional with over 18 years of experience in the software industry in Product Engineering, Software Design & Architecture and Research. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. He has worked at companies such as Yahoo!, McAfee, and Infosys in the roles of Lead Engineer and Architect in product development teams, to build new products. His interests lie in Software Performance Engineering, High Scalability Architectures, Security and Open source communities. He often works with startups in lead technical or consulting role. He is the founder of the Bangalore Python Users Group and a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation (PSF). Anand is currently working as Senior Architect of Yegii Inc. "

Software Architecture with Python

Table of Contents

Software Architecture with Python


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1. Principles of Software Architecture

Defining Software Architecture

Software Architecture versus design

Aspects of Software Architecture

Characteristics of Software Architecture

An architecture defines a structure

An architecture picks a core set of elements

An architecture captures early design decisions

An architecture manages stakeholder requirements

An architecture influences the organizational structure

An architecture is influenced by its environment

An architecture documents the system

An architecture often conforms to a pattern

Importance of Software Architecture

System versus enterprise architecture

Architectural quality attributes









2. Writing Modifiable and Readable Code

What is modifiability?

Aspects related to Modifiability

Understanding readability

Python and readability

Readability - antipatterns

Techniques for readability

Document your code

Follow coding and style guidelines

Review and refactor code

Commenting the code

Fundamentals of Modifiability – Cohesion & Coupling

Measuring cohesion and coupling

Measuring cohesion and coupling – string and text processing

Exploring strategies for modifiability

Providing explicit interfaces

Reducing two-way dependencies

Abstract common services

Using inheritance techniques

Using late binding techniques

Metrics – tools for static analysis

What are code smells?

Cyclomatic complexity – the McCabe metric

Testing for metrics

Running Static Checkers

Refactoring Code

Refactoring code – fixing complexity

Refactoring code - fixing code smells

Refactoring code - fixing styling and coding issues


3. Testability – Writing Testable Code

Understanding testability

Software testability and related attributes

Testability – architectural aspects

Testability – strategies

Reduce system complexity

Improving predictability

Control and isolate external dependencies

White-box testing principles

Unit testing

Unit testing in action

Extending our unit test case

Nosing around with nose2

Testing with py.test

Code coverage

Measuring coverage using coverage.py

Measuring coverage using nose2

Measuring coverage using py.test

Mocking things up

Tests inline in documentation – doctests

Integration tests

Test automation

Test automation using Selenium Web Driver

Test-Driven Development

TDD with palindromes


4. Good Performance is Rewarding!

What is performance?

Software performance engineering

Performance testing and measurement tools

Performance complexity

Measuring performance

Measuring time using a context manager

Timing code using the timeit module

Measuring the performance of our code using timeit

Finding out time complexity – graphs

Measuring CPU time with timeit


Deterministic profiling

Profiling with cProfile and profile

Prime number iterator class – performance tweaks

Profiling – collecting and reporting statistics

Third-party profilers

Line profiler

Memory profiler

Substring (subsequence) problem

Other tools



Programming for performance – data structures

Mutable containers – lists, dictionaries, and sets




Immutable containers – tuples

High performance containers – the collections module




Dropping duplicates from a container without losing the order

Implementing a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache dictionary




Probabilistic data structures – bloom filters


5. Writing Applications That Scale

Scalability and performance


Concurrency versus parallelism

Concurrency in Python – multithreading

Thumbnail generator

Thumbnail generator – producer/consumer architecture

Thumbnail generator – resource constraint using locks

Thumbnail generator – resource constraint using semaphores

Resource constraint – semaphore versus lock

Thumbnail generator – URL rate controller using conditions

Multithreading – Python and GIL

Concurrency in Python – multiprocessing

A primality checker

Sorting disk files

Sorting disk files – using a counter

Sorting disk files – using multiprocessing

Multithreading versus multiprocessing

Concurrecy in Python - Asynchronous Execution

Pre-emptive versus cooperative multitasking

The asyncio module in Python

Waiting for a future – async and await

Concurrent futures – high-level concurrent processing

Disk thumbnail generator

Concurrency options – how to choose?

Parallel processing libraries



Fractals – the Mandelbrot set

Fractals – Scaling the Mandelbrot set implementation

Scaling for the Web

Scaling workflows – message queues and task queues

Celery – a distributed task queue

The Mandelbrot set using Celery

Serving with Python on the Web—WSGI

uWSGI – WSGI middleware on steroids

Gunicorn – unicorn for WSGI

Gunicorn versus uWSGI

Scalability architectures

Vertical scalability architectures

Horizontal scalability architectures


6. Security – Writing Secure Code

Information Security architecture

Secure coding

Common security vulnerabilities

Is Python secure?

Reading input

Evaluating arbitrary input

Overflow errors

Serializing objects

Security issues with web applications

Server Side Template Injection

Server-Side Template Injection – mitigation

Denial of Service

Cross-Site Scripting(XSS)

Mitigation – DoS and XSS

Strategies for security – Python

Secure coding strategies


7. Design Patterns in Python

Design patterns - Elements

Categories of design patterns

Pluggable hashing algorithms

Summing up pluggable hashing algorithm

Patterns in Python – Creational

The Singleton pattern

The Singleton – do we need a Singleton?

State sharing – Borg versus Singleton

The Factory pattern

The Prototype pattern

Prototype – deep versus shallow copy

Prototype using metaclasses

Combining patterns using metaclasses

The Prototype factory

The Builder pattern

Patterns in Python – Structural

The Adapter pattern

The Facade pattern

Facades in Python

The Proxy pattern

An instance-counting proxy

Patterns in Python – Behavioral

The Iterator pattern

The Observer pattern

The State pattern


8. Python – Architectural Patterns

Introducing MVC

Model Template View (MTV) – Django

Django admin – automated model-centric views

Flexible Microframework – Flask

Event-driven programming

Chat server and client using I/O multiplexing with the select module

Event-driven programming versus Concurrent programming


Twisted – a simple web client

Chat Server using Twisted


Greenlets and Gevent

Microservice architecture

Microservice frameworks in Python

Microservices example – restaurant reservation

Microservices – advantages

Pipe and Filter architectures

Pipe and Filter in Python


9. Deploying Python Applications


Factors affecting Deployability

Tiers of software deployment architecture

Software deployment in Python

Packaging Python code



Virtualenv and pip

Relocatable virtual environments


Packaging and submission of an application

The __init__.py files

The setup.py file

Installing the package

Submitting the package to PyPI


Remote deployments using Fabric

Remote deployments using Ansible

Managing remote daemons using Supervisor

Deployment – patterns and best practices


10. Techniques for Debugging

Maximum subarray problem

The power of "print"

Analysis and rewrite

Timing and optimizing the code

Simple debugging tricks and techniques

Word searcher program

Word searcher program—debugging step 1

Word searcher program—debugging step 2

Word searcher program—final code

Skipping blocks of code

Stopping execution

External dependencies—using wrappers

Replacing functions with their return value/data (Mocking)

Saving to / loading data from files as cache

Saving to / loading data from memory as cache

Returning random/mock data

Generating random patient data

Logging as a debugging technique

Simple application logging

Advanced logging—logger objects

Advanced logging—custom formatting and loggers

Advanced logging—writing to syslog

Debugging tools—using debuggers

A debugging session with pdb

Pdb—similar tools



Advanced debugging—tracing

The trace module

The lptrace program

System call tracing using strace



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