


Collins Teaching Techniques for Communicative English电子书

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32人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:Jane Revell

出  版  社:Collins


字       数:14.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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  • 读书简介
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A practical teacher guide book for helping students to improve their communication skills in English How can teachers bridge the gap between the language of the classroom and the world outside? The lively activities in this book give learners a chance to experiment creatively with newly-acquired language so they can communicate in a meaningful way in real-life situations.



… for the First Edition (1979)

… for the Second and Third Editions (2011, 2013)

About the Author

Preface to the Second Edition (2011)

Preface to the First Edition (1979)

Chapter 1 Communication

1.1 Surprises

1.2 Communication

1.3 Communicative competence

1.4 Teaching communicative competence

1.5 Accuracy versus fluency

Chapter 2 Limbering up

2.1 Getting in the mood

2.2 Possible problems

2.3 Dealing with mistakes

2.4 ‘Getting to know you’ games

1 Adding on names

2 Throw and name

3 Back to back

4 Find out and report back

5 Half and half

6 Find your identical twin

7 Just the job

8 Untie the knot

9 Circle of trust

10 Three make a tree!

2.5 Activities involving gesture and mime

1 Interpreting gestures

2 Mime a message

3 What’s my job?

4 Pass the parcel

5 Guess what the guest means!

6 Mime a story

7 Charades

8 Auditions

9 Build up a character

10 Listen and act it out

2.6 Activities involving intonation and expression

1 React to the news

2 React and make a gesture

3 Mood cards

4 Three or four line dialogues

2.7 What would you say?

Using a Verbal Stimulus

1 Practising set responses

2 Practising specific structures

3 Practising specific functions

4 Practising making an appropriate response

Using a Visual Stimulus

Chapter 3 From script to spontaneity

3.1 Scripted and partially scripted dialogues

1 Using a sketch

Anything to declare?

2 Using a text in reported speech

3 Half-dialogues

3.2 Questionnaires

1 Simple fact-finding questionnaires

2 Multiple-choice questionnaires

3 Checklists

4 Using role-cards with questionnaires

3.3 Cue cards

1 Listen and choose

2 Choose an attitude

3 Picture cue cards

4 Functional cue cards

Conversation 1

Conversation 2

Conversation 3

Chapter 4 Playing a part

4.1 Newspaper articles

Article 1

Simple activity

Article 2

Activity 1

Activity 2

4.2 Cartoons

Cartoon 1

Cartoon 2

Cartoon 3

4.3 Miscellaneous Materials


Activity 1: Planning a trip

Activity 2: Getting around by tube

Activity 3: Buying a tube ticket


Building up a role-play

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6

House Plans

4.4 Role cards

Role-play 1: The New Suit

Role-play 2: Diamonds in the Briefcase

Role-play 3: Fully booked!

Role-play 4: Where to go?

Role-play 5: Renting a room

Role-play 6: Making a sale

Role-play 7: Making a sale

Role-play 8: Pop Festivals

Role-play 9: Anniversary dinner

Role-play 10: A dream house?





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