


The 3 Apple a Day GI Diet:The Amazing Superfood for Fast-track Weight Loss电子书

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作       者:Tammi Flynn

出  版  社:Harper Thorsons


字       数:22.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Want to lose weight with minimum effort and maximum results? You can – and it’s as simple as eating three apples a day. Apples are the magic bullet for losing those excess pounds and when you eat them in combination with this low GI eating plan the pounds will melt away. What’s the secret behind this diet? It’s down to ‘pectin power’. The pectin in apples gives you a feeling of satisfaction so you don’t feel hungry. They are also a low GI food so you don’t get that sugar high and then crash, which encourages your body to store fat. Even better, the good fibre in apples can lower your total cholesterol by as much as half. Has this diet been tried and tested? It sure has! Dietician and nutritionist Tammi Flynn first experienced incredible results with apples when one of her clients was stuck on a dieting plateau. She got her to eat an apple before every meal and, without changing anything else about her eating habits, lost 1% of her body fat in just one week. Since then, hundreds more of her clients have lost an average of 17 pounds each over three months on her 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet. Now you, too, can lose weight effortlessly with The 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet. All you need to do is eat your three apples and follow Tammi’s low GI eating guidelines with the help of some easy meal plans. She also includes some simple exercise guidelines if you want to get physical.


Title Page




Getting Started


Part I The 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet

Chapter 1 The Creation of the 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet

Chapter 2 Overweight versus Overfat

Chapter 3 Genetics and Obesity

Part II Mental Preparation

Chapter 4 You Have the Power!

Chapter 5 The Importance of Setting Goals

Part III Good Nutrition

Chapter 6 The Truth about Nutrition, Diet, and Fat Loss

Chapter 7 Carbohydrates—Good Food for Your Brain

Chapter 8 Protein—The Body’s Building Blocks

Chapter 9 Fats—Healthy versus Unhealthy

Chapter 10 Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Chapter 11 Energy, Water, and Alcohol

Chapter 12 The Metabolic Cost of Food and Meal Frequency

Chapter 13 Dining Out, Portion Control, Convenience, and Supplements

Part IV Exercise: A Key to Staying Young

Chapter 14 Physical Activity versus Exercise for Permanent Fat Loss

Chapter 15 A 12-Week Beginner’s Exercise Program

Part V Success Stories

Part VI Putting It All Together

Quick Start

The Pre-Plan Buildup

Part VII Meal Plans and Recipes

Eating and Cooking with the 3-Apple-a-Day GI Diet

Meal Plans


Apple Varieties


Your Before-and-After Photos


Recipe Index




About the Publisher

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