


Yoga:Fasting And Eating For Health电子书

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作       者:Denzil Darel

出  版  社:Publishdrive


字       数:2.4万

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Discover Fasting for Health & Factors That Increase Blood Sugar Level, Own Practice of the Therapeutic Effect of Fasting Today only, get this Kindle book for just $2.99. Regularly priced?at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.?What is really going on in our body during prolonged full fasting, when the body does not receive any food: no protein, no fat, no carbohydrates, only water in unlimited quantities. Thanks to Paul Bragg, now we talk about fasting in no other way as about a "miracle". "Both weight loss and cleansing and in addition health improvement of body and soul – all this can be given to you by fasting, an ancient method of self-healing of the body granted to us by nature," it follows from the flow of health improving literature on this subject. However, those who have already tried fasting for themselves, note the very ambiguous results from the use of this "miraculous" remedy. After a trustworthy weight loss, the weight very quickly returns not only to the initial value, but almost always increases, which will be discussed in details later. But the saddest syndrome the fasting persons can face at the stage of so-called ketoacidosis. When with the general blue-green color of face, a disgusting smell of acetone comes from the mouth, the head breaks of the pain, urine resembles the slop, and the other unpleasant symptoms occur that in books on fasting are seen exclusively as testimony of beginning of the process of "cleansing". "All this dirt" – the authors of books on therapeutic fasting repeat insistently – "is the residues and toxins that have accumulated in your body, bones and fat, and just "wait" when you start an "integrated" cleansing by means of starvation and other methods of healing the body". In other words, they try to convince us that these mythical endless "toxins" hid somewhere in "back streets" of our "intoxicated" body PRIOR the start of the cleansing fasting.?Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... ·On the Sources of Energy During Fasting ·Factors That Increase Blood Sugar Level ·How the Nerve Cells Can Receive Energy on the Second or Third Day of Fasting? ·Some "Anti-Miracles" of Fasting ·Diet is a Direct Way to Cellulite ·Diet or What Should Be Done to Prevent Fat Accumulation ·Much, much more! Would You Like To Know More? This book is Delivered Instantly to Your Kindle or Other Reading Device Just Scroll To The Top Of The Page And Select The "Buy" Button! Download your copy today!?? 2015 All Rights Reserved !?Tags: fasting, fasting and eating for health, nutrition education, how to eat healthy, diets, teaching yoga, how to be healthy, yoga, fasting for health, yoga for beginners, weight loss, lose weight, blood sugar


Chapter 1 - But is It Really So?

Chapter 2 - On the Sources of Energy During Fasting.

Chapter 3 - Factors That Increase Blood Sugar Level

Chapter 4 - How the Nerve Cells Can Receive Energy on the Second or Third Day of Fasting?

Chapter 5 - Some "Anti-Miracles" of Fasting.

Chapter 6 - This Mysterious Lipoprotein Lipase...

Chapter 7 - Diet is a Direct Way to Cellulite!

Chapter 8 - Anti-cellulite Diet or What Should Be Done to Prevent Fat Accumulation

Chapter 9 - And the Last Topic That I Would Like to Touch Upon is Fasting As a "Great Polluter."

Conclusion - A Few Words From the Own Practice of the Therapeutic Effect of Fasting.

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