


Alone on a Wide Wide Sea电子书

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作       者:Michael Morpurgo

出  版  社:HarperCollinsChildren’sBooks


字       数:25.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Discover the beautiful stories of Michael Morpurgo, author of Warhorse and the nation’s favourite storyteller. How far would you go to find yourself? The lyrical, life-affirming new novel from the bestselling author of Private Peaceful “There were dozens of us on the ship, all up on deck for the leaving of Liverpool, gulls wheeling and crying over our heads, calling good-bye… That is all I remember of England.” When six-year-old orphan Arthur Hobhouse is shipped to Australia after WWII he loses his sister, his country and everything he knows. Overcoming enormous hardships with fellow orphan Marty, Arthur is finally saved by the extraordinary people he meets and by his talent for boat-design and sailing. Now he has built a special boat for his daughter Allie – a solo yacht designed to carry her to England in search of his long-lost sister. Will the threads of Arthur's life finally come together? “I was there on the quayside to see Allie take her out for the first time, saw her dancing through the waves, and I knew I'd never built a finer boat.”

Title Page




Part One: The Story of Arthur Hobhouse

Arthur Hobhouse is a Happening

Three Red Funnels and an Orchestra

Kookaburras, Cockatoos and Kangaroos

Cooper’s Station and Piggy Bacon and God’s Work

Suffer Little Children

Wes Snarkey’s Revenge

Saints and Sinners

Mrs Piggy to Ida

“Only One Way Out”

“Did We Have the Children Here for This?”

“Just Watch Me”

“For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow”

Wide as the Ocean

“Couple of Raggedy Little Scarecrows”

Henry’s Horrible Hat Hole

I Must Go Down to the Sea

Scrambled Eggs and Baked Beans

“You’re my Boys, Aren’t You?”

Freddie Dodds

One January Night

An Orphan Just the Same

Things Fall Apart

The Centre Will Not Hold

Oh Lucky Man!

Kitty Four

Part Two: The Voyage of the Kitty Four

What Goes Around, Comes Around

Two Send-offs, and an Albatross

Jelly Blobbers and Red Hot Chili Peppers

And Now the Storm Blast Came

Just Staying Alive

“Hey Ho Little Fish Don’t Cry, Don’t Cry”

Around the Horn, and with Dolphins Too!

Dr Marc Topolski

“One Small Step for Man”

Alone on a Wide Wide Sea

“London Bridge is Falling Down”

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