


Salesforce Lightning Reporting and Dashboards电子书

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作       者:Johan Yu

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:30.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Learn how to build advanced reports and dashboards in Salesforce Lightning experience About This Book ? Visualize and create advanced reports and dashboards using Lightning Experience ? Improve overall business efficiency with advanced and effective reports and dashboards ? Understand and create custom reports and dashboards Who This Book Is For This book is targeted at Salesforce.com administrators, business analysts, and managers who use Salesforce.com for their daily job and want to learn in depth about Salesforce Reporting and Dashboard in Lightning Experience. Readers should have a basic knowledge of Salesforce, such as: Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities and custom objects. What You Will Learn ? Navigate in Salesforce.com within the Lightning Experience user interface ? Secure and share your reports and dashboards with other users ? Create, manage, and maintain reports using Report Builder ? Learn how the report type can affect the report generated ? Explore the report and dashboard folder and the sharing model ? Create reports with multiple formats and custom report types ? Explore various dashboard features in Lightning Experience ? Use Salesforce1, including accessing reports and dashboards In Detail Built on the Salesforce App Cloud, the new Lightning Experience combines the new Lightning Design System, Lightning App Builder, and Lightning Components to enable anyone to quickly and easily create modern enterprise apps. The book will start with a gentle introduction to the basics of Salesforce reports and dashboards. It will also explain how to access reports in depth. Then you will learn how to create and manage reports, to use Schedule Report, and create advanced report configurations. The next section talks about dashboards and will enable you to understand and compare various types of dashboard component and how you can benefit the most from each of them. Then we move on to advanced topics and explain tips and tricks related to reports and dashboards, including reporting snapshots, report parameters, and collaboration. Finally, we will discuss how to access dashboards and reports from the Salesforce1 mobile app. Style and approach This comprehensive guide covers the advanced features of the all new Salesforce Lightning concepts and communicates them through a practical approach to explore the underlying concepts of how, when, and why to use them.

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Salesforce Lightning Reporting and Dashboards



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Fundamentals of Salesforce Reports and Dashboards

An overview and the benefits of Salesforce

Salesforce Lightning Experience

Let's get the right term

What was before the Lightning Experience?

Let's turn the Lightning Experience on

Switch to Lightning Experience

The Salesforce object model

Standard objects

Custom objects

Object relationships

Field types

Navigating to the Setup menu

Navigating to reports and dashboards

Reports / Dashboards tab and menu

Adding to favorites


Concepts and Permissions in Reports and Dashboards

Data for reports and dashboards

Generating reports and dashboards

The report and dashboard folder

A private folder

Unfiled public folder

Public folder

Standard reports and report folders

Creating report and dashboard folders

Hands-on exercise to create a report folder

Report and dashboard folders sharing

Hands-on exercise for sharing report folders

Report permissions

Run reports

Create and customize reports

Export reports

Subscribe to reports

Dashboard permissions

Run reports permission

Creating and customizing dashboards permission

Manage dynamic dashboards permission

The View My Team's Dashboards permission

Schedule dashboards


Implementing Security in Reports and Dashboards

Securing private reports and dashboards

Using Unfiled Public Reports

Using public reports and dashboards

Sharing and securing public reports and dashboards

Report folder permissions

The Create Report Folders permission

The View Reports in Public Folders permission

The Edit My Reports permission

The Manage Reports in Public Folders permission

The Manage All Private Reports and Dashboards permission

Dashboard folder permissions

The Create Dashboard Folders permission

The Edit My Dashboards permission

The View Dashboards in Public Folders permission

The Manage Dashboards in Public Folders permission

Applying permission

Hands-on exercise for adding permission in a Profile

Hands-on exercise utilizing permission with Permission Sets


Creating and Managing Reports

Selecting the report format

Types of report format

The Tabular report format

Hands-on exercise for creating a Tabular report

The Summary report format

Hands-on exercise for creating a Summary report

The Matrix report format

Hands-on exercise for creating a Matrix report

Hands-on exercise for adding a Summary field to Matrix reports

The Joined report format

Hands-on exercise for creating a Joined report

Working with report filters

Field filter

The Filter Logic

Hands-on exercise for using the Filter Logic

The Cross Filter

Hands-on exercise for using the Cross Filter

Hands-on exercise for creating more scenarios using the Cross Filter (1)

Hands-on exercise for creating more scenarios using the Cross Filter (2)

Creating the Summary field

The Row Limit filter

Hands-on exercise for adding Row Limit and the Dashboard Settings button

Filtering by Role Hierarchy

Filtering by Relative Date

Filtering by clicking on a chart

The Lock Filter


Understanding Report Types

Report Type introduction

Report type categories

Hands-on exercise for hiding a report type

Standard Report Type

The Lookup relationship

The Master-Detail Relationship

The Custom Report type

Hands-on exercise for creating a Custom Report type

Hands-on exercise for extending Custom Report types

Hands-on exercise for using a Custom Report type

Limitations and benefits of Custom Report types

Tips on Custom Report types


Advanced Report Configuration

Categorizing data in reports

Bucket fields

Hands-on exercise for adding a bucket field to a report

Creating a bucket field depending on the source field type

The picklist field

The Currency, Number, and Percent fields

The Text and Lookup fields

Editing a bucket field

The Custom Summary Formula

The Custom Summary Formula in Summary and Matrix reports

Hands-on exercise for adding a simple summary formula

Hands-on exercise for working with a summary formula

Using the IF() function

Using the MAX() function

Function formulas


Using the PARENTGROUPVAL() function in Summary report

Using the PARENTGROUPVAL() function in the Matrix report

The PREVGROUPVAL() function

Using the PREVGROUPVAL() function in Summary report

Using the PREVGROUPVAL() function in Matrix report


Adding Charts in Reports and Pages

Adding a chart to a report

Types of charts in reports

The Horizontal Bar chart

The Vertical Bar chart

The Stacked Horizontal Bar chart

The Stacked Vertical Bar chart

The Line chart

The Donut chart

The Funnel chart

The Scatter chart

Hands-on exercise for adding a chart to a report

Embedding a report chart in an object page

Hands-on exercise for adding a chart to a page layout


Working with Reports

Opening a report

The Reports tab

The Reports menu

The Folders menu

The favorites icon

Hands-on exercise for adding an item to favorites

The search textbox

Navigating to a report

Summarizing fields


The Collaborate field

Report settings

The action button

Subscribing reports

Hands-on exercise for subscribing to a report in Lightning Experience


Building Dashboards in Lightning Experience

Introducing dashboards in Salesforce

Built-on components

Dashboard accessibility

Running user

Dynamic dashboards

The new experience

Opening a dashboard

The Dashboards tab


The FOLDERS menu

The favorites icon

The search textbox

Navigating to a dashboard

Dragging and dropping in the Dashboard Builder

Refreshing dashboards

Scheduling a dashboard refresh

Creating your first dashboard

Hands-on exercise for creating a dashboard

Hands-on exercise for editing and maintaining a dashboard

The dashboard components

Defining the dashboard components


Funnel charts

Gauge charts

Stacked Bar charts

Scatter charts

Cumulative Line charts

Combination charts

Reports as a data source


Learning Advanced Dashboard Configuration

Implementing the dashboard filters

Getting to know the dashboard filters

Hands-on exercise for adding a filter to a dashboard

Viewing a dashboard

Using a dynamic dashboard

A normal dashboard

What is a dynamic dashboard?

Limitations of the dynamic dashboard

Hands-on exercise for creating a dynamic dashboard

Dashboards and reports drill down

Preserving filters

Getting more from AppExchange

Hands-on exercise for installing a dashboard from AppExchange

Sales Year to Date dashboard

Creating reports as a data source

Creating a sales YTD dashboard

Adding dashboard filters

Adding a dynamic dashboard


Advanced Tips and Tricks for Reports and Dashboards

Reports and dashboards collaboration with Chatter

Enabling collaboration in a report

Tracking report feed

Dashboard collaboration and feed tracking

Following dashboards

Posting a dashboard component snapshot

Filtering reports via URL parameters

Hands-on exercise for implementing a report filter via URL parameters

Setting and using field history tracking

History tracking on standard objects

History tracking on custom objects

History objects

Reading the history tracking value

The history related list

History reports

Limitations of using field history tracking

Reporting on historical data with Reporting Snapshots

Configuring a Reporting Snapshot

Hands-on exercise for creating a Reporting Snapshot

Creating a Summary report

Creating a custom object

Creating custom fields

Creating Reporting Snapshots

Mapping fields from Source Report to target object

Scheduling a Reporting Snapshot

Summary and schedule

History and monitoring a Reporting Snapshot

Reporting on historical data


Dashboards and Reports in the Salesforce1 Mobile App

Introduction to the Salesforce1 mobile app

Working with dashboards in the Salesforce1 app

Refreshing a dashboard

The dynamic dashboard

The dashboard filters

Sharing a dashboard snapshot to Chatter feed

Changing the component chart types

Chart details and reports

Working with reports in the Salesforce1 app

Report menu items

Drilling down from dashboards

Drilling down to records

Accessing offline

Limitations of the Salesforce1 app


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