


Modular Programming in Java 9电子书

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1人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Koushik Kothagal

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:39.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Kick-start your modular programming journey and gear up for the future of Java development About This Book ? Master design patterns and best practices to build truly modular applications in Java 9 ? Upgrade your old Java code to Java 9 with ease ? Build and run a smooth functioning multi-module application. Who This Book Is For This book is written for Java developers who are interested in learning and understanding the techniques and best practices to build modular applications in Java. The book assumes some previous programming experience in Java 8 or earlier, familiarity with the basic Java types such as classes and interfaces, as well as experience in compiling and executing Java programs. What You Will Learn ? Get introduced to the concept of modules and modular programming by working on a fully modular Java application ? Build and configure your own Java 9 modules ? Work with multiple modules and establish inter-module dependencies ? Understand and use the principles of encapsulation, readability, and accessibility ? Use jlink to generate fully loaded custom runtime images like a pro ? Discover the best practices to help you write awesome modules that are a joy to use and maintain ? Upgrade your old Java code to use the new Java 9 module system In Detail The Java 9 module system is an important addition to the language that affects the way we design, write, and organize code and libraries in Java. It provides a new way to achieve maintainable code by the encapsulation of Java types, as well as a way to write better libraries that have clear interfaces. Effectively using the module system requires an understanding of how modules work and what the best practices of creating modules are. This book will give you step-by-step instructions to create new modules as well as migrate code from earlier versions of Java to the Java 9 module system. You'll be working on a fully modular sample application and add features to it as you learn about Java modules. You'll learn how to create module definitions, setup inter-module dependencies, and use the built-in modules from the modular JDK. You will also learn about module resolution and how to use jlink to generate custom runtime images. We will end our journey by taking a look at the road ahead. You will learn some powerful best practices that will help you as you start building modular applications. You will also learn how to upgrade an existing Java 8 codebase to Java 9, handle issues with libraries, and how to test Java 9 applications. Style and Approach The book is a step-by-step guide to understanding Modularity and building a complete application using a modular design.

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Modular Programming in Java 9


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Introducing Java 9 Modularity

Modularity in Java

Rethinking Java development with packages

The unfortunate tale of a library developer

The impossible task of a deployment engineer

The classpath problem

Java - the 20-year-old code base

Legacy classes

Internal APIs

Java Platform Module System

Project Jigsaw


Creating Your First Java Module

Setting up the JDK

Switching between JDKs

Setting up the NetBeans IDE

Java 9 modules

Traditional Java code structure

What is a module?

Creating a module

Creating your first Java module

Compiling your module

Executing your module

Creating a module using NetBeans

The address book viewer application

Handling possible errors


Handling Inter-Module Dependencies

Creating the second module

Compiling two modules

Configuring module dependency

Module versioning

Rethinking package structure

Understanding module path arguments

Revisiting classpath

Revisiting the classpath problems


Introducing the Modular JDK

Examining the legacy JDK

The JRE structure

Understanding rt.jar

The problem with this model

The attempted solution - Compact profiles

The state of API encapsulation

Understanding internal APIs

The problem with this model

The attempted solution - Deprecation, warnings, and documentation

Enter Project Jigsaw

Platform modularity

The impact of platform modularity

Module graph

The java.base module

Browsing modules

Module types

Examining platform file structure

Observable modules

Revisiting the two problems

Solving the monolithic runtime

Solving the API encapsulation problem


Using Platform APIs

Adding logging ability

Using an alternative compiler command

Reading contacts from an XML file

Removing the hard-coded contact list

Creating the module

Coding the XmlUtil class

Coding the ContactLoader class

Shared classes

Dependency leakage

Consuming the new module

Adding UI with Java FX

Creating the module


Module Resolution, Readability, and Accessibility



Interface and implementation accessibility

Split packages

Tweaking modularity

Implied readability

Aggregator modules

Java platform aggregator modules

Qualified exports

Applying the concepts to address book viewer

Creating a custom aggregator module

Optimizing module imports

Optimizing module exports


Introducing Services

The problem of coupling

Understanding services

The service registry

Creating and using services

Implementing sorting services

Drawing the module graph

Advanced services

Supporting singleton and factory providers

Implementing service priorities

Service interface provider lookup

Selective service instantiation

Services and the module system goals


Understanding Linking and Using jlink

Module resolution process

Module resolution steps

Examining module resolution in action

Revisiting the state of the JDK

Linking using jlink

The jlink command

Link phase optimizations and jlink plugins

Building a modular JAR file


Module Design Patterns and Strategies

Designing modules


Team structure


Modularizing by concerns

Modularizing by layers

Modularizing by change patterns

Designing API

Java modules coding patterns and strategies

Pattern 1 - Public interface, private implementation, and factory class


Pattern 2 - Services for multiple dynamic implementations


Pattern 3 - Optional dependencies


Pattern 4 - Optional dependencies using services


Pattern 6 - Bundle model classes as separate sharable modules

Pattern 7 - Open modules for reflection


Pattern 8 - Use tooling for version control

Pattern 9 - Design for changes

Pattern 10 - Protect against dependency leakage

Pattern 11 - Aggregator and facade modules



Preparing Your Code for Java 9

Beginning Java 9 migration

Introducing the sample Java 8 application

Using the Java 9 compiler and runtime

The unnamed module

Handling non-standard access

The jdeps tool

Overriding module behavior

Understanding the impact

Recommended strategy


Migrating Your Code to Java 9

Understanding the migration goal

Beginning the migration

Automatic modules

Automatic module naming

Automatic module definition

Migrating with automatic modules

Using jdeps to outline module relationships

Refactoring into smaller modules

Handling larger codebases

Migrating libraries

Reserving library names

Using jdeps to create module descriptors

Building libraries for multiple Java versions


Using Build Tools and Testing Java Modules

Integrating with Apache Maven

A Maven refresher

Using Maven with Java 9 modules

Working on a multi-module Java 9 Maven project

Building the multi-module project

Executing the multi-module project

Understanding the exec plugin's module path

Unit testing modules with Java 9

Testing a Java 9 module

Integrating with JUnit

Wrapping up


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