


Python Deep Learning Cookbook电子书

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8人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Indra den Bakker

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:32.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Solve different problems in modelling deep neural networks using Python, Tensorflow, and Keras with this practical guide About This Book ? Practical recipes on training different neural network models and tuning them for optimal performance ? Use Python frameworks like TensorFlow, Caffe, Keras, Theano for Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and more ? A hands-on guide covering the common as well as the not so common problems in deep learning using Python Who This Book Is For This book is intended for machine learning professionals who are looking to use deep learning algorithms to create real-world applications using Python. Thorough understanding of the machine learning concepts and Python libraries such as NumPy, SciPy and scikit-learn is expected. Additionally, basic knowledge in linear algebra and calculus is desired. What You Will Learn ? Implement different neural network models in Python ? Select the best Python framework for deep learning such as PyTorch, Tensorflow, MXNet and Keras ? Apply tips and tricks related to neural networks internals, to boost learning performances ? Consolidate machine learning principles and apply them in the deep learning field ? Reuse and adapt Python code snippets to everyday problems ? Evaluate the cost/benefits and performance implication of each discussed solution In Detail Deep Learning is revolutionizing a wide range of industries. For many applications, deep learning has proven to outperform humans by making faster and more accurate predictions. This book provides a top-down and bottom-up approach to demonstrate deep learning solutions to real-world problems in different areas. These applications include Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Time Series, and Robotics. The Python Deep Learning Cookbook presents technical solutions to the issues presented, along with a detailed explanation of the solutions. Furthermore, a discussion on corresponding pros and cons of implementing the proposed solution using one of the popular frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras and CNTK is provided. The book includes recipes that are related to the basic concepts of neural networks. All techniques s, as well as classical networks topologies. The main purpose of this book is to provide Python programmers a detailed list of recipes to apply deep learning to common and not-so-common scenarios. Style and approach Unique blend of independent recipes arranged in the most logical manner

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Python Deep Learning Cookbook


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Programming Environments, GPU Computing, Cloud Solutions, and Deep Learning Frameworks


Setting up a deep learning environment

How to do it...

Launching an instance on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Getting ready

How to do it...

Launching an instance on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Getting ready

How to do it...

Installing CUDA and cuDNN

Getting ready

How to do it...

Installing Anaconda and libraries

How to do it...

Connecting with Jupyter Notebooks on a server

How to do it...

Building state-of-the-art, production-ready models with TensorFlow

How to do it...

Intuitively building networks with Keras

How to do it...

Using PyTorch’s dynamic computation graphs for RNNs

How to do it...

Implementing high-performance models with CNTK

How to do it...

Building efficient models with MXNet

How to do it...

Defining networks using simple and efficient code with Gluon

How to do it...

Feed-Forward Neural Networks


Understanding the perceptron

How to do it...

Implementing a single-layer neural network

How to do it...

Building a multi-layer neural network

How to do it...

Getting started with activation functions

How to do it...

Experiment with hidden layers and hidden units

How to do it...

There's more...

Implementing an autoencoder

How to do it...

Tuning the loss function

How to do it...

Experimenting with different optimizers

How to do it...

Improving generalization with regularization

How to do it...

Adding dropout to prevent overfitting

How to do it...

Convolutional Neural Networks


Getting started with filters and parameter sharing

How to do it...

Applying pooling layers

How to do it...

Optimizing with batch normalization

How to do it...

Understanding padding and strides

How to do it...

Experimenting with different types of initialization

How to do it...

Implementing a convolutional autoencoder

How to do it...

Applying a 1D CNN to text

How to do it...

Recurrent Neural Networks


Implementing a simple RNN

How to do it...

Adding Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)

How to do it...

Using gated recurrent units (GRUs)

How to do it...

Implementing bidirectional RNNs

How to do it...

Character-level text generation

How to do it...

Reinforcement Learning


Implementing policy gradients

Getting ready

How to do it...

Implementing a deep Q-learning algorithm

Getting ready

How to do it...

Generative Adversarial Networks


Understanding GANs

How to do it...

Implementing Deep Convolutional GANs (DCGANs)

How to do it...

Upscaling the resolution of images with Super-Resolution GANs (SRGANs)

How to do it...

Computer Vision


Augmenting images with computer vision techniques

How to do it...

Classifying objects in images

How to do it...

Localizing an object in images

How to do it...

Real-time detection frameworks

Segmenting classes in images with U-net

How to do it...

Scene understanding (semantic segmentation)

How to do it...

Finding facial key points

How to do it...

Recognizing faces

How to do it...

Transferring styles to images

How to do it...

Natural Language Processing


Analyzing sentiment

How to do it...

Translating sentences

How to do it...

Summarizing text

How to do it...

Speech Recognition and Video Analysis


Implementing a speech recognition pipeline from scratch

How to do it...

Identifying speakers with voice recognition

How to do it...

Understanding videos with deep learning

How to do it...

Time Series and Structured Data


Predicting stock prices with neural networks

How to do it...

Predicting bike sharing demand

How to do it...

Using a shallow neural network for binary classification

How to do it...

Game Playing Agents and Robotics


Learning to drive a car with end-to-end learning

Getting started

How to do it...

Learning to play games with deep reinforcement learning

How to do it...

Genetic Algorithm (GA) to optimize hyperparameters

How to do it..

Hyperparameter Selection, Tuning, and Neural Network Learning


Visualizing training with TensorBoard and Keras

How to do it...

Working with batches and mini-batches

How to do it...

Using grid search for parameter tuning

How to do it...

Learning rates and learning rate schedulers

How to do it...

Comparing optimizers

How to do it...

Determining the depth of the network

Adding dropouts to prevent overfitting

How to do it...

Making a model more robust with data augmentation

How to do it...

Leveraging test-time augmentation (TTA) to boost accuracy

Network Internals


Visualizing training with TensorBoard

How to do it..

Visualizing the network architecture with TensorBoard

Analyzing network weights and more

How to do it...

Freezing layers

How to do it...

Storing the network topology and trained weights

How to do it...

Pretrained Models


Large-scale visual recognition with GoogLeNet/Inception

How to do it...

Extracting bottleneck features with ResNet

How to do it...

Leveraging pretrained VGG models for new classes

How to do it...

Fine-tuning with Xception

How to do it...

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