


Learning C# 7 By Developing Games with Unity 2017 - Third Edition电子书

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作       者:Micael DaGraça,Greg Lukosek

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:25.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Develop your first interactive 2D and 3D platformer game by learning the fundamentals of C# About This Book ? This is a step-by-step guide to learn the fundamentals of C# 7 *ing to develop GameObjects and master the basics of the new UI system in Unity ? Build and develop your 2D game right from scratch while implementing the principles of object-oriented programming and coding in C# 7 ? Get to grips with the fundamentals of optimizing your game using the latest features of Unity 2017 Who This Book Is For The book is targeted at beginner level Unity developers with no programming experience. If you are a Unity developer and you wish to learn how to write C# *s and code by creating games, then this book is for you. What You Will Learn ? Learn C# 7 using new features like tuples, variables, and non-nullable reference types while building games ? Understand the fundamentals of variables, methods, and code syntax in C# ? Use loops and collections efficiently in Unity to reduce the amount of code ? Develop a game using the object-oriented programming principles ? Implement simple enemy characters into the game to learn point to point movement and Tree behaviors ? Avoid performance mistakes by implementing different optimization techniques ? Export 3D models and 3D animations and import them inside a Unity project ? With your new knowledge of coding, you will be able to look at Unity's Scripting Reference code examples with confidence In Detail With the latest version of Unity 2017 released, are you interested in developing creative and interactive games while learning C# alongside? Then this is the book that you are looking for. Its all about offering you a fun introduction to the world of game programming with C#. You’ll start with the basics to get started with C# 7 and its latest features. Then you’ll see how to use C# 7 and its latest functional programming capabilities to create amazing games with Unity 2017. You’ll create your first C# * for Unity, add objects into it, and learn how to create game elements with them. Then you’ll work with the latest functional programming features of C# and how to leverage them for great game *ing. Throughout the book, you’ll learn to use the new Unity 2017 2D tool set and create an interactive 2D game with it. You will make enemies appear to challenge your player, and go through some optimization techniques to ensure great game performance. At the end, your 2D game will be transformed into 3D, and you’ll be able to skill up to become a pro C# programmer with Unity 2017! Style and approach The book takes a practical, step-by-step approach where you learn C# coding while developing fun and interactive games.

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Third Edition


Learning C# 7 By Developing Games with Unity 2017

Third Edition


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Discovering Your Hidden Scripting Skills and Getting Your Environment Ready

Prerequisite knowledge to use this book

Dealing with scriptphobia

Downloading Unity

Obtaining a free license

Teaching behavior to GameObjects

Using Unity's documentation

C# documentation – where to find it and do I need it at all?

The Unity community – asking others for help

Working with C# script files

Creating a C# script file

Introducing the MonoDevelop code editor

Syncing C# files between MonoDevelop and Unity

Opening LearningScript in MonoDevelop

The namespace – highlighted in blue

Watching for possible gotchas while creating script files in Unity

Fixing synchronization if it isn't working properly

Adding our script to GameObject

Lots of files can create a mess

Why does my Project tab look different?

Instance? What is this?


Introducing the Building Blocks for Unity Scripts

Understanding what a variable is and what it does

Naming a variable

A variable name is just a substitute for a value

Creating a variable and seeing how it works



Click Play!

Changing variables

Watching for a possible gotcha when using public variables

What is a method?

Using the term "method" instead of "function"

Method names are substitutes, too

Introducing the class


The Start(), Update(), and Awake() methods, and the execution order

Components that communicate using dot syntax

What's with the dots?

Making decisions in code

Using the NOT operator to change the condition

Checking many conditions in an if statement

Using else if to make complex decisions

Making decisions based on user input

Pencil and paper are powerful tools


Getting into the Details of Variables

Writing C# statements properly

Understanding component properties in Unity's Inspector

Variables become component properties

Unity changes script and variable names slightly

Changing a property's value in the Inspector panel

Displaying public variables in the Inspector panel

Private variables

Naming your variables properly

Beginning variable names with lowercase

Using multiword variable names

Declaring a variable and its type

The most common built-in variable types

Assigning values while declaring a variable

Where you declare a variable is important

Variable scope - determining where a variable can be used


Getting into the Details of Methods

Using methods in a script

Naming methods properly

Beginning method names with an uppercase letter

Using multiword names for a method

Parentheses are part of the method's name

Defining a method the right way

The minimum requirements for defining a method

Understanding parentheses - why are they there?

Specifying a method's parameters

How many parameters can a method have?

Returning a value from a method

Returning the value



Lists, Arrays, and Dictionaries

What is an array?

Declaring an array

Storing items in the List

Common operations with Lists

List <T> versus arrays

Retrieving the data from the Array or List<T>

Checking the size



Accessing values

How do I know what's inside my Hashtable?



Introduction to loops

The foreach loop

The for loop

An example

The while loop

while versus for loops

Loops in statements


Searching for data inside an array

Breaking the loop


Object, a Container with Variables and Methods

Working with objects is a class act

A few facts


Instantiating an object

Bored yet?

Using methods with objects

Custom constructors



Let&#x27;s Make a Game! – from Idea to Development

Your first game – avoiding the trap of the never–ending concept

What do I need to learn before I start creating my own game?

The concept

Game mechanics and core components

Breaking the concept into smaller parts

Testing the mechanics

Level design

An animated 2D character


Mouse and touch controls

Collectables and obstacles


UI – the user interface

Target platform and resolution

Target screen resolution


Starting Your First Game

Setting up a new Unity project for our game


Keeping your project clean

Preparing the player prefab




User input







Writing GameManager

Gameplay loops

Singleton class

Starting the game

Setting up input keys

Using triggers

Restarting the game

Setting up the player starting position

Code in this chapter


The Game Level

Designed levels versus generated levels

Creating a designed level

Creating a generated level

Planning the LevelGenerator class

Writing the script LevelGenerator

Creating a copy of the level piece



Testing LevelGenerator

Extending the level

The code used in this chapter


The User Interface

Introducting the Unity UI


Constructing the view UI – how to keep things clean

Target screen resolution

Recognizing events


Basic button

The image

The Button component


The Button action

Hiding and showing the Canvas

Reference exceptions


Game over

The code in this chapter




The coin prefab

The Collectable class

High score and persisting data

Health Points and Health bar

Magic Points and Magic bar

The code in this chapter



What makes an enemy?


Movement by animation

Trigger movement

Making it an enemy

The code in this chapter


Audio, 3D Games, and Export

How to add sound effects and music

Where to find sound effects and music

Adding music

Adding sound effects

Through animation

Through script

How to create a 3D game

3D models

3D animations


How to export and make it playable




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