


Implementing Azure Cloud Design Patterns电子书

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3人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Oliver Michalski,Stefano Demiliani

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:27.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A hands-on guide to mastering Azure cloud design patterns and best practices. About This Book ? Master architectural design patterns in Azure. ? Get hands-on with implementing design patterns. ? Implement best practices for improving efficiency and security Who This Book Is For This book is targeted at cloud architects and cloud solution providers who are looking for an extensive guide to implementing different patterns for the deployment and maintenance of services in Microsoft Azure. Prior experience with Azure is required as the book is completely focused on design patterns. What You Will Learn ? Learn to organize Azure access ? Design the core areas of the Azure Execution Model ? Work with storage and data management ? Create a health endpoint monitoring pattern ? Automate early detection of anomalies ? Identify and secure Azure features In Detail A well designed cloud infrastructure covers factors such as consistency, maintenance, simplified administration and development, and reusability. Hence it is important to choose the right architectural pattern as it has a huge impact on the quality of cloud-hosted services. This book covers all Azure design patterns and functionalities to help you build your cloud infrastructure so it fits your system requirements. This book initially covers design patterns that are focused on factors such as availability and data management/monitoring. Then the focus shifts to complex design patterns such as multitasking, improving scalability, valet keys, and so on, with practical use cases. The book also supplies best practices to improve the security and performance of your cloud. By the end of this book, you will thoroughly be familiar with the different design and architectural patterns available with Windows Azure and capable of choosing the best pattern for your system. Style and approach This step-by-step guide will help you master Azure design patterns and functionalities and also supplies best practices towards the end of the book.

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Implementing Azure Cloud Design Patterns


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An Introduction to the Microsoft Azure Platform

Cloud service models and cloud deployment models

Cloud service models

Cloud deployment models

Azure execution models

Azure application building blocks

Azure data services

Azure platform services

How is access to Azure organized?

How is work with Azure organized?


Compute Design and Management

IaaS I (Azure VMs)

What is an Azure series?

Single VMs

Multiple VMs

Azure availability sets

N-tier deployment

N-tier (multi-regions) deployment

IaaS II (Azure Container Services)

What is an Azure Container Service?

Understanding containers



Which Orchestrator should I choose?

Mesosphere DC/OS

Docker Swarm


PaaS I (Azure App Services)

PaaS II (Azure Service Fabric, also known as Azure microservices)


Data Storing and Processing

Choosing the right data solution

What is variety?

What is volume?

Concurrency and consistency

Replication and redundancy

Other factors

Which Azure data services are available?


Azure Data Catalog


Azure Data Factory

Azure Stream Analytics

Azure Time Series Insights


Azure Storage Blob service

Azure Storage Blob service premium

Azure Storage Queue service

Azure Storage Table service

Azure Files

SQL as a service

Azure SQL Database

SQL Server Stretch Database

Azure PostgreSQL

Azure MySQL

Other offers

NoSQL as a service

Azure CosmosDB

Big data

Azure HDInsight

Azure Data Lake Store

Azure Data Lake Analytics


Cortana Intelligence Suite


Azure Machine Learning

Cognitive Services

Bot Framework



PowerBI Embedded

Azure Time Series Insights


Networking Design and Management

Anatomy of a VNet infrastructure


Internet connectivity

Connectivity between Azure resources (internal connectivity)

Azure VNet peering

Azure global VNet peering

Azure VNet-to-VNet (VPN gateway)

On-premises connectivity

Azure Site-to-Site

Azure Point-to-Site

Azure ExpressRoute

Azure VNet service endpoints

Important note

Routing, load balancing, or more general traffic directions


User-defined routes

Routing using the BGP

Azure Load Balancer

Azure Traffic Manager

Azure Application Gateway



Application security groups

Security infrastructure


Management and monitoring



What is availability?

First approach

Second approach

Uptime and downtime


Planned maintenance

What are the effects?

Azure autoscaling


Performance and Scalability

What is performance?

What is a DTU?

Service level objectives

Analyzing and interpreting performance data

What are our business workloads?

Why is knowledge about existing business workloads important to us?

What are we still missing?


What can you see?

What is different here?

Where can I use autoscaling?


Monitoring and Telemetry

About telemetry data

What is a metric?

Client metrics

How do I collect the data from client metrics?

What data is collected?

Business metrics

How do I collect the data from business metrics?

What is a profiler?

What data is collected?

Application metrics

How do I collect the data from application metrics?

What data is collected?

System metrics

How do I collect the data from system metrics?

What data is collected?

Service metrics

How do I collect the data from service metrics?

What data is collected?

An overview of monitoring

Azure management portal

System specific tools

Microsoft SC

Microsoft OMS

How do I start my work with the OMS?

Azure Monitor

Which capabilities can be seen here?

Which data (metric) is available?

Azure Application Insights

What data is captured by Azure Application Insights?


How do I start my work with Grafana?

Azure Log Analytics

If Azure Log Analytics is part of OMS, why do I need to talk about it again?

Azure Network Watcher



What is Resiliency?

Architecture design patterns for Resiliency

Retry pattern with transient failures

Load balancing

Data replication

Circuit Breaker pattern

Throttling pattern

Queue-Based Load Leveling pattern

Compensating Transaction pattern


Identity and Security

Security in the cloud

Azure network security


Azure MFA setup

Federation and the Federated Identity Pattern

Gatekeeper pattern

Valet Key pattern


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